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Lounge around

  • On weekends, I like to lounge around and relax at home.

  • They spent the entire afternoon lounging around the pool.

  • After a long week, he just wanted to lounge around and do nothing.

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Lounge around

  • On weekends, I like to lounge around and relax at home.

  • They spent the entire afternoon lounging around the pool.

  • After a long week, he just wanted to lounge around and do nothing.

бездельничать, валяться, расслабляться

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Ease up

  • You should ease up on your work schedule and take a break.

  • The coach told the players to ease up during practice to avoid injuries.

  • She decided to ease up on her strict diet and enjoy some treats.

ослабить, успокоиться, расслабиться

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Chill out

  • After a stressful day, I like to chill out with a good book.

  • He told his friend to chill out and not worry so much about the exam.

  • They went to the beach to chill out and enjoy the sun.

успокоиться, расслабиться, отдохнуть

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Wind down

  • I like to wind down with some music after a long day at work.

  • The party started to wind down as people began to leave.

  • She took a warm bath to wind down before bed.

расслабиться, успокоиться, завершить

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Idle away

  • They idled away the afternoon watching movies and eating snacks.

  • He often idles away his weekends playing video games.

  • We idled away the hours chatting and enjoying each other's company.

проводить время бездельничая, тратить время впустую, бездельничать

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Squeeze in

  • I’ll try to squeeze in a workout before dinner.

  • Can we squeeze in a quick meeting before the presentation?

  • She managed to squeeze in a visit to her friend during her busy schedule.

втиснуть, найти время, уместить

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Be snowed under

  • I’m completely snowed under with work this week.

  • She felt snowed under by all the tasks she had to complete.

  • He was snowed under with emails and couldn’t find time to respond.

быть заваленным, быть под завалом, быть перегруженным

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Slave away

  • He had to slave away at his job to pay off his debts.

  • They slave away in the kitchen to prepare the feast for the guests.

  • She felt like she was slaving away for little recognition at work.

работать без усталости, трудиться, вкалывать

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Rush around

  • I had to rush around all morning to get everything done.

  • They were rushing around trying to catch their flight.

  • She always seems to rush around without taking a moment to relax

суетиться, носиться, торопиться

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Be up to one's ears

  • I’m up to my ears in work and can’t take on any more projects.

  • He was up to his ears in debt after buying the new car.

  • She is up to her ears in responsibilities at home and at work.

быть по уши, быть заваленным, быть в трудной ситуации

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