Wilhelm Wundt
Father of psych
created the 1st lab dedicated to psych
studied the senses, reaction time, attention span and emotion
William James
created functionalism
wrote the 1st psych textbook
taught 1st psych class
Proposed Intrinsic theory
G Stanley Hall
1st American to get a PHD in psych
Opened 1st psych lab in the USA
1st APA president
Mary Whiton Calkins
joined William James course
1st female president of APA
worked on memory research
Margaret Floy Washburn
animal research
1st women w psych degree
2nd APA president
Dorothea Dix
highlighted unfair treatment of mentally ill
reformed insane asylums
Charles Darwin
natural selection
reinforced evolutionary psych
Sigmund Freud
psychodynamic approach
studied the unconscious mind
Use free association to unearth an individual's unconscious mind.
Ivan Pavlov
classical conditioning
experiment with dogs and digestion
Jean Piaget
1st psychologist to conduct cognitive development research
theory of cognitive development
Carol Rogers
humanistic approach
researched people's personalities
John B Watson
founder of behaviorism
believed psych should be focused on things your can physically observe
was one of the first people to state that behavior see the result of learning
BF Skinner
expanded behaviorism
operant conditioning
his work was based off of Edward L Thorndike
Phineas Gage
He was a railroad worker
got impaled with a big rod
his prefrontal cortex was damaged
He suffered severe personality changes
(led the way for different parts of the brain to be researched)
Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga
they were famous for their work in split brain research
split brain procedures are common for people with epilepsy
it cuts the corpus callosum dividing the left and right brain so that the hemisphere could no longer communicate
John Garcia
Researched association
hypothesized that some associations are more readily available than others
known for research with taste aversion
Albert Bandura
Observational learning
famous boo boo doll experiment
looked at violence, aggression and modeling
Edward Tolman
Latent Learning
Rats complete mazes that rats who had previously been exposed to a certain maze did better than rats with no experience
Edward Thorndike
Trial and error learning
Robert Rescorla
focused on cognition and learning
showed how animals can be taught to expect the outcome of an event
BF Skinner Box Experiment
skinner put a rat in a box that has a food dispenser, speaker, light and a lever.
He started by giving the rat a food pellet when the rat moved towards the lever
Eventually he only gave the rat a pellet once the rat pushed the lever
lever was a discriminative stimulus (stimulus elicits a response)
Robert Rescorla and Allan Wagner
they found that animals can be taught to expect the outcome of an event, showing the importance of cognition in learning
Noam Chomsky
believed that individuals were born with universal grammar and people naturally learn to speak
He called the process of learning “language acquisition device”
Hermann Ebbinghaus
conducted experiment where he took random syllables and spent time trying to memorise them
he expanded understanding of how memory and relearning work
Wolfgang Kohler
helped create gestalt approach and was one of the first individuals to explore insight learning
Elizabeth Loftus
focused on understanding memory
researched the idea that memories were not alway accurate and looked into how the brain could create false memories
George A Miller
proceed that people can store about 1 to 7 pieces of information in their short-term memory
Charles Spearman
believed people have one general intelligence.
Which can be measured with a single score: ACT STAT IQ
Howard Gardener
indeed the eight types of intelligence
believed that there are different types of intelligence
Robert Sternberg
agreed with gardner about there being multiple intelligences, but thought that there was more than just traditional intelligences.
Broke intelligences into three categories
Alfred Binet
expanded our understanding of intelligence and laid the groundwork for the education system
invented the IQ test
Francis Galton
believed that people were naturally born with high ability.
He is credited when being the first person to believe that we can qualify education
Lewis Terman
modified the work of Binet to determine the level of intelligence people had
Created the stanford-Binet intelligence scale
David Wechsler
created the ______ Adult Intelligence Scale His test would provide an individual with an overall intelligence score and also an individual score
Noam Chomsky (perspective on language)
he believed that there was universal grammar and that people naturally learn to speak
Skinner (Perspective on Language)
he believed that languages are learned through association, imitation and reinforcement and is not something we are born with
Edward Sapir (Perspective on Language)
whatever language we are raised with will determine how we think and process information
Diana Baumrind
Sought to understand how different parenting styles impact a children's development
(identify 4 different parenting styles)
Konrad Lorenz
Expanded our understanding of how children and animals develop an attachment.
Researched imprinting with duckling (identification of parents)
Harry Harlow
Sought to better understand emotional connections
Conducted an experiment with monkey to look at the connection between a baby money and a caring mother and a mother who only provides nourishment
Mary Ainsworth
Conducted the strange situation test, where children were put in unfamiliar environments to see how they would react with and without their mother
Mary Ainsworth (Strange Situation)
When the mother left the child alone in a strange location the child world becomes stressed and sad but when the mother returned they would be comforted and return to a happy state
Carol Gilligan
Critique of kohlberg's theory because it was based on a longitudinal study where they population was all men
She found that kohlberg's original results did not apply strongly to women.
She found that boys traditionally tend to opt for justice when looking at morality, while women focus on interpersonal relationships
Alfred Kinsey
researched sexual behavior and motivation.
His research was controversial, but became influential in future research on human sexual behavior and motivation
Abraham Maslow
developed maslow's hierarchy of needs to explain motivation
Inidvisuals are motivated based on theur current state in life
Stanley Schachter
researched how inividuslas interpret their experiences and how that impacts a person emotions.
Helped develop the scahecter two-factor theory, which believes emotions occur from both a physical and cognitive awareness to a stimulus
Hans Selye
looked at how individuals reacted to stress and how thet manage stress.
He believed individuals go through different stages when dealing with stress, which is known as General Adaptipn Syndrome
Paul Ekman
believed that certain emotions are innate and can be understood by different cultures.
Emotions such as happiness, fear, sadness, surprise and anger can be identified by people around the world
Alfred Adler
Believed individuals strive to conquer their inferiority complex.
A person's drive is to feel a sense of belonging and feel significant.
Paul Costa and Robert McCrae
developed a test ath focuses on five different personality factors
this helped people understand their personality
Carl Jung
Believed in the power of the unconscious mind, but believed that the unconscious mind was more than just thoughts and feelings.
He believed in the collective unconscious, which is shred inherited memories from past generations.
Adler thought about Freud's ideas
believed that it was not a child sexual tensions that significantly shaped a child's personality, but rather social tension.
He believed that children strived to conquer their inferiority complex, children want to feel a sense of belonging
Carl Jung and a unconscious mind
he believed that the unconscious mind has lots of influence over a person, just like freud.
But he believed that people have a collective unconscious which is shred inherited memories from past generations.
Julian Rotter
he believed that our personality developed over time and that we learned from each situation we presented with
expectancy theory: our behavior is determined based on our expectations and our investment in the outcome of an action
Hands Eysenck and Sybil Eysenck
An individuals can look at personality in two ways…
extraversion vs introversion
emotional stability vs instability
Factor analysis: a way of isolating different variables in a persons personality
Albert Ellis
Created rational-emotive behavior therapy.
This is a type of cognitive therapy that works on changing a person's internal thought process about situations
Mary Cover Jones
A behavioral psychologist who used counterconditioning.
Her research was mostly dismissed until Joseph Wolpe refined her techniques into what is known today as exposure therapy
Joseph Wolpe
Took Mary Cover Jones research and refined it into exposure therapy.
This treatment involves repeatedly exposing the person to the stimulus that frightens them in a controlled setting.
over time they individuals will become used to the stimuli and the person anxieties will decrease.