NC Drivers ED Learner's Permit

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sitting in the drivers seat of a car while the engine is running and steering a car while it is being pushed or towed by another vehicle.

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sitting in the drivers seat of a car while the engine is running and steering a car while it is being pushed or towed by another vehicle.

A drivers license is required for the following?

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if a law enforcement officer swears that a driver refused a legal chemical test, the division of motor vehicles must:

revoke the drivers license for at least 12 months

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which of the following happened under the point system?

a driver who gets 12 points within three years will lose his/her license

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conviction for which of the following carries the highest number of points?

passing a stopped school bus unloading children

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when a driver has a total of seven points which of the following may happen?

the driver can have three points deducted if he/she satisfactorily completes a drivers improvement clinic

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a driver will lose his/her license is he/she is convicted of:

speeding more than 75mph in a 55mph zone

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to get a revoked license restored, a person must do the following:

obtain permission from the drivers license section in raleigh to reapply for a license. And go to a drivers license office pay a restoration fee, and re apply for a license

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roughly half of all traffic fatalities involve the following:

a drunken person

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the percentage of highway deaths caused by a drunken person is about:


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which of the following statements about pedestrian death is correct?

in cities 2 out of 5 people killed in motor vehicle accidents are pedestrians

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when you are walking at night along a road without sidewalks you should do which of the following:

walk on the left facing traffic

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if you approach an intersection where there are no traffic lights/signs and a pedestrian is attempting to cross your path, who has the right of way?

the pedestrian

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if you are walking along a road at night what should you do?

wear of carry something white

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a safe driver does which of the following

frequently checks the rear and side view mirrors.

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as you approach an intersection to make a right turn, you should turn on your right signal and do which of the following:

neither a nor d

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if you begin to feel sleepy while driving on a long trip you should do which of the following:

open a window or vent to let in fresh air

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when driving on a long trip you should

avoid looking at any one thing for more than a few seconds

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in order to avoid being hit in the rear by another vehicle you should do the following

check your rear view mirrors often

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studies have shown which of the following to be a serious traffic hazard?

slow drivers

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very slow driving is especially dangerous in which of the following situations?

just after passing the crest of a hill and just after rounding a curve

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which statement(s) concerning speed limit on the open road in North Carolina is correct?

neither a nor b

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which of the following statement(s) about speed limit for cars in NC is correct

the speed limit outside a city is 55mph unless otherwise posted.

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which of the following statements about speed in NC is correct?

unless otherwise posted the speed limit inside a city is 35mph

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when rounding a curve a car tends to

move to the outside of the curve

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when rounding a sharp curve you should do which of the following?

neither a nor b

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the driver of a touch going downhill with a curve should do which of the following?

use a lower gear

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to reduce speed while going down a steep hill you should do which of the following

use a lower gear

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if you wish to pass a car ahead on a two lane road, you should do which of the following:

sound the horn to signal your intention to the driver ahead, and give a left turn signal to let the driver behind you know your intention

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passing on the right is legal in which of the following?

on a four lane highway with two lanes going in each direction and on a one way street

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when backing your car you should do which of the following

move at no more than 10mph

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accidents occur most frequently at which of the following


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four vehicles approach an intersection with a four way stop at the same time. Car B is ahead of car A both are in the same lane and want to proceed straight across. Car C is across intersections from car B and wants to proceed straight as well. car d is to the right of car b and wants to make a right turn. Which car must yield?

car d

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highway accidents occur most frequently:

at intersections

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three vehicles approach an uncontrolled intersection. Car A is on the right of car B. car c is on the left of car b in hitch order should the cars pass through the intersection?

car a car b car c

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two vehicles approach an intersection going in opposite directions with no signs or lights there is also a pedestrian wanting to cross the street and os walking in the same direction as car one car one wants to proceed straight through the intersection, car two wants to make a left turn. in this situation the right of way belongs to,

driver of car one and the pedestrian

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three vehicles approach an uncontrolled intersection car A wants to make a left turn and is across the intersection from car b car b is ahead of car c and both are in the same lane traveling in the same direction and want to proceed straight across the intersection. the law gives the right of way:

to car b

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if you come to an unmarked intersection where it is hard to see in all directions because of trees or buildings, you should:

Stop at the intersection and move forward slowly

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when driving a city street you should watch out for which of the following:

traffic coming from side streets and animals or small children darting from between parked cars.

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when driving in heavy traffic you should do which of the following

watch out for drivers who make quick stops

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if you are in the wrong lane for making a left turn at an intersection you should

go to the next intersection and turn there

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the most frequent type of accident on an interstate highway is

rear end collision

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when taking a long trip on the interstate highway you should plan on doing which of the following

stopping every 100 miles at a rest area

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you are driving on the interstate highway when a breakdown forces you to shoulder you should:

raise the hood and tie a white hankie to the left door handle

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studies have shown that under normal conditions the chances of a car being involved in an accident on an interstate highway is greater if the driver:

travels considerably below the posted speed limit

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If you miss your exit on an interstate highway you can do which of the following

go on to the next exit

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a driver may be temporarily blinded at night by which of the following?

glare from the headlights of other cars and flame from a match he strikes to light a cigarette

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in which of the following situations should you use your low beams

at night in the city or in foggy or misty weather

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if the driver approaching fails to dim his/her lights you should do which of the following

watch the road ahead to avoid looking at the lights of the other car and flick your headlight beams high and low once or twice

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when driving on a highway at night you should never use your high beam headlights if you are

following another car

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if it starts to drizzle while you are driving you should do which of the following

slow down, and allow for twice the normal following distance

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roads are likely to be especially slick;

just after it has begun to rain or drizzle

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when driving through heavy fog you should

slow down

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when driving in a heavy snowstorm during the day you should

use low beam headlights

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the best way to get traction on hard packed snow is to

put chains on your tires

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when trying to pull away from a slick surface in a manual car you should do which of the following

start in second or a higher gear

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when pulling a trailer down a steep hill you should do which of the following

drive in a low gear and keep to the right lane

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if your brakes fail you should do which of the following

shift into a lower gear and use the emergency brake

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wet brakes can be dried out by doing which of the following

slow down and then press the gas pedal as you keep a light pressure on the brake pedal

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if you have a blowout while driving at a high speed you should do which of the following

grip the wheel firmly to keep the car from swerving

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when changing a flat tire you should do which of the following

block the wheels

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if your car breaks down on the highway at night what should you do?

park your car completely off the road

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if your car breaks down on a highway at night you should do which of the following

raise the hood and tie a white hankie to the left door handle and switch on the parking lights

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if your vehicle has run off the road onto a shoulder you should

take your foot off the gas pedal gradually

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skids are likely to occur on which of the following roads?

one on which snow had become packed

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if you have come to a stop on an icy road and your car is not equipped with abs brakes then you should

pump the brake pedal lightly

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what should you do when you begin to skid

turn the steering while in the direction that the tail of the car is skidding reduce preussur on the gad pedal

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a driver who is involved in an accident should do which of the following

make an imidiet report to the nearest law enforcement agency and notify his insurance company

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a flashing red traffic signal at an intersection means which of the following

neither a nor b

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a flashing yellow traffic signal at an intersection means

slow down and proceed with caution

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a dimond shaped sigh would be used to warn drivers of which of the following hazards

a deer crossing

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a dimond shaped traffic sign means

slow down and drive with care

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when can you disregard a signal given by a police officer directing traffic

neither a nor

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what is the main color for signs in highway work zones


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when does the law gives blind pedestrian special considerations at intersections where there are no traffic lights?

if he holds out a white cane or has a guide dog alongside him

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which of the following statements about cyclists is correct

they are likely to be seriously injured in almost any collision with a car

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in NC which of the following is required for all cars?

license plates lights

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Your brakes need checking

there is a squeaking noise when you step on the brake pedal

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which of the following statements about horns or sirens if correct

every liscenced motor vehicle must have a horn and only law enforcement and emergency vehicles can have sirens

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every motor vehicle must be equipped with

a muffler

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the system that carries harmful fumes from the engine to the rear of the car and releases them is called the

exaust system

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a leaky exhaust system should be repaired because it

may allow dangerous fumes to enter the car

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a car that pitches and tosses in normal driving and leans heavily to the side in turns in likely to have trouble in which of the following systems?


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which traffic is required to stop if a school bus makes a passenger stop in the far right lane in a five lane street?

lanes going in the same direction as the school bus

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the max speed limit for a full sized public school bus in nc is:


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which of the following statements is false?

a heavier person can eliminate alcohol faster than a lighter person

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a person has been drinking but has not reached .08 can we assume that this person can drive safely?

no because even small amounts can effect judgement

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what happened of you drink and take meds at the same time?

they may combine and have unpredictable events

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what should you do if a doc prescribes you with meds but you must drive?

ask the doc weather its safe or not.

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can you be prosecuted in a criminal court of law if you are intercepted while you are driving under the influence of a prescribed med?

yes the law requires you to be in full control of yourself when you drive.

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is it true that coffee can neutralize the effects of alcohol?

no only the liver can eliminate alcohol

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what is one of the effects of alcohol on a drivers eyes?

the eyes tend to stare at one point

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which one contains more alcohol?

all options have the same amount

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what is the effect of food when you drink alcohol?

if you eat before drinking alcohol enters the bloodstream at a lower pace

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where does alcohol tend to concentrate more?

in the brain

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If a law enforcement officer swears that a driver has refused a legal chemical test, the Division of Motor Vehicles must

revoke the license for at least 12 months

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a 20 year old is convicted of driving after consuming alcohol

he she gets one year revocation

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what happens of a driver refuses to take a legal chemical test?

He or She gets an immediate 30 day revocation.The DMV adds an extra 12 months revocation.

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what happenes if a driver is convicted of a dpi while his license has already been revoked for a prior dwi?

the persons car will be seized and sold and they will be imprisoned

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a driver was convicted of a second dpi three years ago and gets convicted again

he gets a permanent revocation and is imprisoned for fourteen days to 24 months

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A person has been convicted of DWI for the 4th time in 7 years.

This person may be imprisoned from 1 to 3 years.

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