5.8 APES video
Fishery collapse
populations may not recover
when overfishing causes 90% population decline in a fishery
Low genetic diversity
lost income for fisherman
Bottom Trawling
Dragging a net in the bottom of the ocean
catch bycatch (dolphins, whales, turtles)
increases turbidity (hard for photosynthesis organisms)
destroy coral reef structures
decrease biodiversity (destroy habitats and kill bycatch)
a commercially valuable deposits of a specific raw material like metals
elements that conduct electricity, heat and heave structural properties for building
The known amount go resources left that can be mined
soil, vegetation, and rocks that aer moved to bet to the ore deposit
Tailing and slags
Leftover waste material (contaminate body of waters near by) \
Open pit mining
digging a pit into the ground then piling the overturn on the side
Place mining
done in a smaller scale
a sieve and shaking of out settlements
Strip mining
peeling back or digging back overburden layer
Mountain top removal
mos destructive
explode the top on the mountain (erosion, deforestation, biodiversity lost, increase stream turbidity)
Subsurface mining
more expensive (work more to workers for health insurance)
Poorly ventilates leading to toxic gases
mining collapse
lung cancer
acid mine drainage
rain will leak into the mine and mix with an elements that the rock has exposed
When wateriness with pyrite
water + pyrite = acidic acid
lead to dead aquatic life
Mathane realese
coal has Methane that needs to be released in order to not explode
climate change
mine reclamation
process of restoring mine to original state
filling of empty mine
restoring original contours of land
return top soil but remove the toxic metals
replant with native plants to return native species
aquaculture benefits
small amount of water, space, and furl used
reduce risk of fishery collapse
doesn’t take space on land
aquaculture negative
high density of waste concentration
high disease outbreak risk that can be spread to wild population
GMO fishes may escape and bread with wild populations
antibiotics use —> contaminate the water