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plunder (verb)
to steal; to rob of goods by force
valor (noun) (or= person, thing that)
formidable (adj.) (for= intensify); (mid= middle); (able= capable of being)
capable of arousing intense feelings of fear inside
guile (noun)
trickery; dishonesty; craftiness
irked (verb)
troubled; tormented; plagued
rouse (verb)
to awaken from sleep; to stir up; to excite
lout (noun)
an awkward, stupid person
mandate (noun) (man= to order, command); (ate= to become associated with)
a command; to associate with an order
entreat (verb) (en, em= in among, within; intensify)
to ask or beg intensely
bliss (noun)
extreme happiness
appalled (verb)
to be filled with disgust or horror
ponderous (adj.) (pond, pend, pens= to weigh, pay, consider); (ous- having the quality of)
having the quality of weighing a lot; huge; massive
din (noun)
loud, confused prolonged noise
ponder (verb) (pond= to weigh, pay, consider)
to consider carefully; to reflect
profusion (noun) (pro=before, forward, forth); (fus= pour); (ion= being, the result of)
a large amount; an overabundance; the result of pouring forth too much
cordial (adj.) (cord= heart); (ial= function of)
hearty; warm; sincere; friendly; functioning from the heart
reel (verb)
to be thrown off balance or fall back
sage (noun)
wise; judicious; noun- a wise person
convey (verb) (con= with)
to carry with; to transport
meditations (noun) (med= middle); (tions- being, the result of)
thoughts (resulting from the middle of your head)
prodigious (adj.) (pro= before, forth, forward); (ous= having the quality of)
having the quality of bringing forward an impressively great size; large
adversary (noun) (ad= to, toward, at, to, near); (vers, vert= turn); (ary= relating to, like)
enemy; turns toward the opposite of you
disdain (noun) (dis- apart, away, not)
hatred; apart from the norm
assuage (verb) (age= belongs to)
to calm; to soothe; belongs to comfort
compel (verb) (com= together, common); (pel= drive, force)
to force together
implacable (adj.) (im= not, without); (able= capable of being)
not capable of being satisfied
rancor (noun) (or= person or thing that)
hatred or ill will
insolent (adj.) (in= in, into); (sol= alone); (ent= to form)
disrespectfully arrogant; inside one is alone and into oneself only
atone (verb) (a= on, away, from, off)
to make amends for; to ask for forgiveness from others
stealth (noun)
the act of moving in a sneaky, hidden, undetectable way
perils (noun)
shun (verb)
to shut out; to avoid; to keep away
ardor (noun) (or= person or thing that)
person or thing that has intensity of emotion, passion, or desire
dwindle (verb)
to gradually make or become less
tumult (noun)
the din or commotion of a great crowd
flounder (verb)
to sink
dire (adj.)
warning of disaster; dreadful; urgent
provisions (noun) (pro- positive, for); (vis= see); (ion= being, the result of)
a stock of food; being / having a lot of food
appease (verb)
to calm; to satisfy, especially by meeting demands
insidious (adj.) (in= within, in); (sid= to sit, to settle), (ous= having the quality of)
having the quality to entrap; to be tricky within; seductive
restitution (noun)
repayment; the act of making good for loss, damage, or injury
dissemble (verb) (dis- apart, away, not); (ble= capable of being)
to hide away with a false appearance; tcapable of being disguised
lithe (adj.)
readily bent; graceful
incredulity (noun) (in= within, in); (cred= believe); (ty= condition, quality of)
quality of being in disbelief; shock
wrath (noun)
violent rage; hatred
glowering (adj.)
full of anger and hatred
impudence (noun) (im=in, on, upon, into, toward); (ence= state, fact, quality of)
disrespect; rudeness; quality of being in disrespect
rebuke (verb) (re= again)
to scold; to reprimand repeatedly
renowned (adj.) (re= again)
widely known; famous often
folly (noun)
evade (verb) (e= out, away)
to escape away
smote (verb)
to kill (past tense of smite)
keen (adj.)
physically sharp; intellectually smart
contempt (noun) (con= with)
with open disrespect or willful disobedience
hone (verb)
to sharpen
aloof (adj.) (a= away)
distant, away; not friendly; unapproachable
pact (noun)
an agreement; a contract
tremulous (adj.) (ous= having the quality of)
vibrating or quivering; having the quality of trembling
abyss (noun) (a= away)
a deep pit; away from the norm
prevail (verb) (pre= before)
to win; to overcome first