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Body Mass Index (BMI)
A measure of weight in relation to height
failure to thrive
a condition, usually due to inadequate nutrition, in which a childâs growth falters and weight gain is not as rapid as would be expected at that age
psycho-social short stature
a type of failure to thrive in which a child is both underweight and extremely short, often as a result of neglect and psychological trauma
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
a noninvasive tool that uses a magnetic field to create detailed images of soft tissues in the body, including the brain.
functional MRI
a form of MRI that shows brain activity through changes in blood flow and oxygen levels
spaces between neurons in which biochemical messages are released and absorbed
branchlike structures that convey electrical messages outward from a neuronâs cell body and towards a synapse
branch-like structrures that convey electrical messages from the synapse and towards the neuronâs cell body
biochemical substances that transmit information between neurons through release and uptake at synapses
neurotransmitter storage spaces at the end of the axon
formation of synapses in a network of neurons
a fatty covering that insulates axons and increases the efficiency of neural functioning
aspects of brain development that âexpectâ to have certain kinds of stimulation as a result of common experience of humans and are ready to develop once they receieve those stimuli
aspects of brain development that develop solely as a result of peopleâs experiences
neglect, medical neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse or psychological abuse
abusive head trauma
a type of maltreatment in which an angry or frustrated adult shakes an infant violently, leading to brain injury or deat
adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
potentially tramatic experiences before the age of 18, such as maltreatment, violence, housing instability, or living in a household whose members have substance abuse problems, etc
sudden unexplained infant death (SUID)
the term for an infant under the age of 1 year who dies unexpectedly, with no immediately obvious cause
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
the diagnosis given when an infant younger than 1 year dies and a complete investigation is unable to determine the cause
accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed (ASSB)
the diagnosis given for suffocation by soft bedding, wedging, or entrapement between two object, strangulation, or overlay by another person while sleeping
a thick, yellowish fluid, richer in protein and protective antibodies than the breast milk that is produced a few days after birth
complementary feeding
the transition from exclusive breastfeeding to the inclusion of solid food in an infantâs diet
protein-energy malnutrition (PEM)
a form of malnutrition that occurs when insufficent amounsts of protein and calories are consumed in the diet
micronutrient deficiency
a form of malnutrition that occurs when insufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins are consumed in the diet
How do early traumatic experiences affect a childâs development?
early traumatic experiences can cause PTSD in maltreated children, along with smaller brain size and developmental delays to the prefrontal cortex
newborn screening
usually done within 24 hours of the infants birth via a blood sample to determine an infantâs likelyhood of having several genetically inherited conditions, some of which are âtime-criticalâ and early treatment is important
oto-acoustic emissions (OAE)
assessment for infants that involves placing a mini microphone in an infantâs ear and measuring soundwaves produced in the cochlea in response to clicks and tones
auditory brain stem response
assessment for infants that involves placing electrodes on an infantâs scalp to measure brain waves in response to clicks and other sounds
lead poisioning
a condition caused by exposure to lead through exposure in toys, paint, or food that can cause brain damage, behavioral problems, learning disabilities, seizures, and even death
Infant Mortality Rate in 2019
clinically jaudiced
infantâs immature liver is unable to contribute to the breakdown of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, causing the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow
pathologic jaudice
a rare but serious condition that develops with 24 hours after birth and may lead to brain damage or death if not treated
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
common illness that causes infections in the lungs and respiratory tract
leading cause of death among children between 1-4
unintentional injury