Montreal Protocol
International treaty to gradually replace CFCs with HFCS
replaced CFCs with HCFCs (CFCs with hydrogen added)
replaced HCFCs with HFCs (which still deplete O3 and act as GHGs, but to a lesser degree)
want to replace HFCs wit HFOs (HFCs with C-C double bonds that shorten atm. lifespan and global warming potential)
Why were CFCs replaced by HFCs?
They have no chlorine to catalyze transformation of ozone into atmospheric oxygen
BUT HFCs are a powerful greenhouse gas (so they're not perfect and are only a temporary solution)
Why is it important to know that CFCs are persistent?
It will take decades for CFCs currently in atmosphere to completely dissipate, allowing ozone layer to fu
Why is stratospheric ozone important?
It absorbs UV-C and much of UV-B radiation
without it, life wouldn’t be possible because UV-B/C radiation causes tissue damage and mutates DNA
helps prevent skin cancer and cataracts
Tropospheric ozone =
= Respiratory irritant, damaging to plant tissue and photochemical smog
How does the formation/combination of O in the stratosphere absorb all UV-C and much UV-B? (protecting org. on Earth)
UV-C breaks O2 into two free oxygen atoms (2O)
when a free oxygen atom from this rxn combines with an O2 molecule, ozone (O3) is formed
UV-C also reverses the rxn by breaking ozone into O2 and O, which can then bond with another free O to form O2
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Primary anthropogenic cause of O3 breakdown
used as refrigerant chemicals and propellants in aerosol containers
How do CFCs deplete/destroy ozone?
UV radiation causes free chlorine atom to sperate from CFCs
highly electronegative chlorine bonds to one of the oxygen atoms of ozone, converting it into oxygen
free O atom then bonds to O from chlorine monoxide to form O2 and free Cl atom to go break down more O3
Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC)
Clouds made of water and nitric acid (HNO3) that can only form in consistent -100F temperature range found above Antartica
in presence of PSCs, chlorine nitrate (ClONO2) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) react and give off Cl2
Cl2 is photosynthesized (broken by sun) into 2 free Cl atoms
26% of solar radiation…
Is reflected back into space by clouds and the atmosphere
19% of solar radiation…
Is absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds and is radiated out into space and down to Earth
55% of solar radiation…
Reaches Earth’s surface where it can be absorbed or reflected (depending on the albedo of the surface it strikes)
low albedo: darker, lower albedo surfaces absorb sunlight and release infared radiation (which we feel as warmth)
high albedo: lighter, higher albedo surfaces reflect sunlight directly back out into space, or into clouds/GHGs that absorb it
Greenhouse effect
Gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap heat from the sun and radiate it back down to earth
without it, Earth would be too cold to support life
how it works:
solar radiation strikes Earth’s surface, heating it
Earth’s surface releases infared radiation
GHGs absorb infared radiation and radiate it both out into space and back toward Earth
portion coming back to Earth is the “greenhouse effect“
occurs in the troposphere
CO2 GWP and RT (residence time)
FF comb, decomposition, deforestation
GWP: 1 (baseline)
RT: 300-1000 years
high atmospheric concentration
so even though it has a low GWP, it still has the biggest impact because of its atmospheric concentration
CH4 (methane) GWP and RT (residence time)
Natural gas extraction and combustion, animal agriculture, anaerobic decomposition (especially permafrost thaw)
GWP: 28
RT: 12 years
N2O (nitrous oxide) GWP and RT (residence time)
Agricultural soils (denitrification of nitrate, especially in overwatered, overfertilized soils)
GWP: >270
RT: 115 years
CFCs/HCFCs/HFCs GWP and RT (residence time)
Refrigerants, blowing agents in aerosol products
GWP: >4750
RT: 50-500 years
low atmospheric concentration
so even though they have a high GWP, their impact is not the largest because of the low atmospheric concentration
H2O (water vapor)
Evaporation and transportation from plants
doesn’t drive atmospheric temperature change (temperature controls atmospheric H2O vapor level)
doesn’t have a huge impact on atmosphere because of its short RT
GWP (global warming potential)
Measure of how much a given molecule of gas can contribute to the warming of the atmosphere over a 100 year period
relative to CO2
based on residence time and infared absorption
Residence time
How long a molecule stays in the atmosphere
Infared absorption
How well the gas absorbs and radiates infared radiation (IR)
Thermal expansion
Water molecules move slightly further apart when they’re heated
all the water molecules of ocean moving slightly apart leads to sea level rise
How does an increase in GHGs lead to increased sea level?
Warmer climate and more melting of ice sheets (at poles and glaciers) from thermal expansion
this melted water flows into ocean and leads to sea level rise
Environmental impact of sea level rise
Flooding of coastal ecosystems like estuaries, mangroves, salt marshes, etc…
loss of species that depend on arctic and tundra ecosystems (polar bears, penguins, reindeer, etc…)
loss of thaw-freeze cycle that glaciers go through, depriving surrounding ecosystems and human communities of water source
Human impacts of sea level rise
Relocation of human populations
increase in flood frequency = higher insurance and repair costs, lost property
saltwater intrusion (saltwater pushing into ground water and contaminating wells)
refugees forced to move inland
Disease vectors
Living organisms that can transmit diseases from human to human/animal to human
usually mosquitoes, ticks, fleas
ex. malaria, Zika, west Nile, dengue fever, cholera, etc…
Expanded range for disease vectors
Warmer temperatures allow insect-transmitted diseases to spread to parts of the world previously too cold
as the insect vectors expand their range further from equators toward poles, new human populations are at risk
Why has Earth’s climate varied over geological time?
Variations in Earth’s orbit around the sun— variations in eccentricity and obliquity
Variations in eccentricity
Bringing the Earth closer to and further form the sun at different times
more eccentric = further from the sun
Variations in obliquity
Exposing northern latitudes to higher insolation at different times
Milankovitch Cycles
Predictable variations in Earth’s climate
What main pieces of evidence have scientists used to measure and estimate Earth’s historical temperature and CO2 levels?
Foraminifera shells in ocean sediments— different species have different temperature tolerances
Air bubbles in in ice cores that contain ancient atmospheric gas (CO2)
16O vs. 18O (oxygen isotopes) concentrations in ancient ice (more 18O = higher temp)
Effects of historic climate change
Rising temperatures
habitat/species loss, drought, soil destruction, heat waves, increased precipitation in some regions
Rising sea level
due to glacial, polar ice melt and thermal expansion
Melting of the permafrost
permanently frozen tundra soils that begin to thaw and release methane and CO2 from anaerobic decomposition
Impacts of historic climate change on coastal communities
Property loss
seawalls can be built higher, but this just delays eventual flooding
Potential relocation
Loss of barrier islands → islands that buffer coastal communities/ecosystems from wind and waves may be lost as sea level rises
Widening and weakening of Hadley cell (impact of historic climate change on atmospheric currents)
As temperature difference between equator and poles decreases, air ascending and expanding from equator travels further before sinking
this shifts subtropical zones (dry, desert biomes) toward poles and expands the tropics
regions between 30 degrees and 60 degrees may experience drier climate as cool, dry, descending air from Hadley cell shifts north and south
Weakened, destabilized jet stream (impact of historic climate change on atmospheric currents)
As arctic warms faster than other areas of earth, temperature difference between equator and poles weakens
because temperature and pressure difference between polar and subtropical regions is what drives the poler jet stream, less difference between them means weaker, wobblier jet stream
stronger temp contrast = faster jet stream
more stable jet stream and consistent weather
weaker temp contrast = slower jet stream
less stable jet stream and more erratic weather
Impact of climate change on marine ecosystems
Altered range of marine ecosystems
some areas of ocean will become too deep to receive sunlight and photic zone will shift up, further from ocean floor
Altered ranges for organisms: warm water holds less O2, so many fish populations have declined, or migrated to cooler waters
Suppression of thermohaline circulation
Normally, redistributes heat from the equator, salt, and nutrients by mixing ocean waters
now, ice melt from Greenland → especially cold, freshwater buildup in north Atlantic… freshwater is less dense than salt, preventing it from sinking
expected impacts: slowing warmer Gulf Stream waters, cooling Europe and slowing global thermohaline circulation
Polar amplification
Polar regions of Earth are warming faster than other regions
especially in the arctic (N pole) because there is more land and less water to absorb heat
Albedo of sea ice vs albedo of ocean water
Open ocean absorbs more heat (as ice melts, more open ocean/water is exposed, which absorbs more heat) (positive feedback loop)
Effect of thermohaline circulation (on polar amplification)
Distribution of tropical heat to poles by thermohaline circulation also warms poles
Effect of melting of permafrost on unequal global warming
Thaws and releases methane and CO2 from anaerobic decomposition
** air pollution adds soot and other PM to atmosphere, distributed to poles by atmospheric circulation
darker soot/PM covered in ice absorbs more heat due to lower albedo
Permanently frozen tundra soils in N hemisphere
Impacts of climate change on polar ecosystems
Arctic sea ice loss = habitat loss
seals use it for resting and find holes for breathing
algae grow on ice, forming base of arctic food web
polar bears use ice for hunting seals at breathing holes
Cimate change and soil
Warmer temperatures dry out soil, making plant growth more difficult and decreasing primary productivity
What happens to ocean heat as the atmosphere warms?
Heat is transferred to the ocean
ocean absorbs heat radiated back to earth by GHGs
it is estimated that 90% of earth’s warming from the past 50 years occurred in oceans
thermohaline circulation distributes heat absorbed at surface to depths and other areas of earth
heat absorbed by ocean can transfer back to atmosphere for decades
Effects of atmospheric warming on marine species
Warmer water holds less O2, causing respiration stress or suffocation
migratory routes and mating seasons altered
reproductive timing disrupted
habitat loss
toxic algae blooms (can also be Harmful Algae Blooms (HAB))
blue-green algae release
Climate change impacts on coral bleaching
Coral reef = mutualistic relationship between coral and photosynthetic algae (zooxanthellae); algae sugar and coral supply CO2 and detritus (nutrient containing organic matter)
algae have narrow temperature tolerance and leave the reef when temperature rises
pollutants from runoff (sediment, pesticides, sunscreen) can also force algae from reef
coral lose color and become stressed and venerable to disease without algae (main food source)
Increased CO2 in atmosphere =
= Increased ocean CO2
CO2 combines with ocean water to form carbonic acid (H2CO2), which dissociates into Bicarbonate (HCO3-) ion and H+ ion
Calcification (importance)
Marine organisms that make shells use calcium (Ca+) and carbonate (CO32-) ions to build their calcium carbonate shells
Increased ocean acidification and calcification
Increased CO2 + ocean acidification make carbonate ions less available (carbonate ions bond with excessive hydrogen, leaving fewer carbonate ions available for calcification)
carbonic acid → increased H+ ions which bond with carbonate to form Bicarbonate (HCO3-)
marine shells breakdown as pH decreases and carbonate ions are less soluble in ocean water
less calcification because fewer carbonate ions; weaker shells of coral mollusks, and urchins
Anthropogenic causes for ocean acidification
Fossil fuel combustion (CO2), deforestation (CO2), and coal/gas combustion (NOx/SOx → acid precipitation)
Relationship between CO2 and ocean acidification
more CO2 = more ocean acidification
Relationship between atmospheric CO2 and pH
lower pH = more acidic
In the past 150 years, ocean pH has decreased from 8.2 to
*pH = log scale, so 8.2 to 8.1 = 30% decrease
by 2100, ocean pH could decrease to 7.8
Ocean acidification
Decrease in pH of ocean waters