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indeterminate growth
grow throughout lives
root system properties
anchors the plant and takes in water and nutrients from soil
shoot system properties
reproduction (flowers & fruits) and photosynthesis
undifferentiated cells that continuously divide
apical meristems
located at the tip of each root and shoot, when they divide, the root and shoot tips extend plant body outward, cells derived from them for primary plant body
primary growth
process of apical meristem dividing at the ends of the shoot and root to extend the plant outward, allowing it to explore new space
3 distinct cells types from apical meristem
protoderm, ground meristem, procambium
group of cells that functions as a unit
plants 3 tissue systems
dermal tissue, ground tissue, vascular tissue
vascular bundles
groups of vascular tissue, contain sugar & water
ground tissue inside vascular bundles
ground tissue outside vascular bundles
vascular bundles scattered thorughout ground tissue
vascular bundles arranged in ring around stem’s perimeter
root hairs
hairs that give more surface to volume ratio, conduct water & ions to shoot
xylem cells
cells that transport water: vessel elements & tracheids
phloem cells
cells that transport sugars : sieve tube members & companion cells
sieve tube members
provide necessary sugars to stay alive, need companion cells, long thin cells that lack nuclei, chloroplasts and major organelles
companion cells
provide sieve tube members with proteins for signaling and ATP for the transfer of molecules between different parts of the plant
dermal tissue
protects plant from water loss & infection
dermal tissue cell types
epidermal, stomata, trichomes
epidermal cells
secrete the cuticle, protecting plant & reducing water loss, first line of defense agianst pathogens
stomata cells
two guard cells that change shape to open or close pore, allows CO2 to enter
hairlike appendages made of epidermal cells, found in shoot system, ide variets in shape size & abundance
ground tissue functions
photosynthesis & stores carbohydrates in roots
parenchyma cells
large cell w thin cell wall of cellulose, has chloroplast, primary site of photosynthesis in leaves, found in roots, stems, and leaves
sclerenchyma cells
specialized support cells, forms secondary wall of lignin, contains long fibers for support and sclereids for protection
sclerenchyma cell, short & provides protection
vascular tissue
made up of phloem & xylem, transports water & nutrients across long distances in plant
parts where only primary cell wall is present, allows water to move between tracheids
openings in vessel elements that lack both primary and secondary cell wall, conduct water more efficiently
primary growth
increase in height and depth, increases proximity to sunlight for more photosynthesis
secondary growth
growth in increase and width, increases conducting tissue, produces wood
protective covering on plant
secondary/lateral meristem, made up of thick layers of meristematic cells, cells divide to increase width of roots and shoots
vascular cambium and cork cambium
2 types of cambium that undergo secondary growth
vascular cambium
forms between secondary growth of vascular tissues, inside stem, generates new layer of cells to both inside and outside
cork cambium
located near perimeter of stem, produces new cells to outside
secondary phloem
what new cells produced to outside of meristem differentiate into, functions in sugar transport
secondary xylem
what new cells produced to the inside differentiate into, functions in water transplant and structural support, forms wood
cork cells
cells produce by cork cambium that protect woody stem as it increases in girth, part of bark, impermeable to gases and waters
phloem & cork cambium tissues make it up, protect stem as it widens, takes over role of epidermal tissue
spongy bark segments for gas exchange
darker-color inner xylem region
lighter colored outer xylem region
slow growth, xylem cells small & thick walled
rapid growth
secondary xylem cells are large and thin-walled
vertical section of root
lateral roots
horizontal roots
herbaceous plants
seed plant without woody tissue
perennial plant
roots are preserved even if fire destroy the above ground plant
phenotypic plasticity
form phenotypic changes in response to environmental conditions
adventitious roots
roots that develop from the shoot system
prop roots
roots that help brace/prop up plants
lateral roots that function in gas exchange, transport oxygen to main plant living in anoxic conditions
where leaves and branches are produced
axillary bud
noes whre leaves attach to stem
apical bud
where growth occurs to lengthen stem & branch
lateral extension of the shoot system
modified shoots
modified stems
succulent stems of cactus, stolons, rhizomes, tubers, thorns
modified stems examples
stems that run over the soil surface
stem underground that grows horizontally
modified rhizomes for potatos, store carbohydrates
circle of leaves on each node
rosette growth form
shortened internode distance of whorl plants
sun leaves
smaller leaves that reduce water loss
shade leaves
larger leaves with more surface area to absorb light
cactus spines, onion bulbs, succulent leaves,tendrils, red pointsettia leaves, venus fly trap
modified leaves
enable garden pea and vines to climb
pointsettia leaves
bright red to attract pollinators
venus fly trap
carnivorous plants to make up for lack of N and P in their environment
perfect flowers
flowers that contain both stamens and carpels
imperfect flowers
flowers that contain either stamen or carpels
plants have separate stamen and carpel on the same sporophyte
plants have either stamen or carpel producing flowers, not on same individual
transfer of pollen grains from an anther to a stigma
when sperm and egg unite to form a diploid zygote
when sperm and egg from some plant combine to produce offspring, high pollination success, low genetic diversity
when sperm and egg form different individuals combine, low pollination success, high genetic diversity
cross pollination
when pollen is carried from the anther of one individual to the stigma of different individual
temporal avoidance
occurs when male and female gametophytes in a perfect flower mature at different times
spatial avoidance
some species with perfect flower have the anthers and stigma far apart so self pollination is less likely
molecular matching
when pollination is blocked, proteins on pollen grain surface match proteins on stigma, prevents pollination since they are from the same individual
seed leaves
seed stem
embryonic root
monophyletic, opisthokonta & ameobozoa, one flagella
descended from 2 flagella organism (other 5 supergroups)
fungi & animals, one flagella
lack cell wall, engulfment feeding, pseudopods, fresh water & soil environments,
Ameobozoa major groups
tubulinids, cellular slime mold, plasmodial mold
Gymnameoba & Entameoba
parasites of invertebrates & vertebrates, brain eating ameoba (nagleria fowleria), amebic dysentery
soil & fresh water or marine habitat, heterotrophs (feed on bacteria, detritus, protists)
Slime Mold
fruiting bodies that disperse spores, plasmodial & cellular
Plasmodial Slime Mold
forms plasmodial, single supercell w many diploid nuclei, disperse spores when food is scarce, decomposer, brightly colored, cytoplasmic streaming, phagocytosis
cytoplasmic streaming
process of distributing nutrients and O2 through cytoplasm in plasmodial slime molds
cellular slime mold
aggregate mass of separate ameobas, migrate as unified whole, no flagellate stages
feeding plasmodium, web-like form
when runs out of food, produces fruit bodies from diploid nuclei,
sporangia produces flagellate & ameboid cells through meiosis
haploid cells unite to go back to diploid
plasmodial slime mold life cycle