In what year was the last emperor of China deposed in favor of a republican form of government?
a. 1912 b. 1901 c. 1908 d. 1914 e. 1895
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Which of the following reforms was NOT introduced in Egypt after 1801?
a. Restoration of the Mamluk armies b. Introduction of Western-style military conscription c. Rebuilt the irrigation systems d. Hiring of French military advisors e. Importation of Western arms
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What was the outcome of the Opium War?
a. Despite technological advantages, the British forces were overwhelmed by the Chinese numerical superiority and were unable to penetrate China's isolation. b. British victory in the Opium War allowed European powers to force China to open trade and diplomatic exchanges. c. The British victory was so overwhelming that the Manchu dynasty was overthrown by 1850 and replaced by a republic. d. The British soon swept the seas of opposition, but were prevented from entering China by opposition from other European powers who feared Britain's overthrow of the Manchus. e. The Opium War led directly to the Sino-Japanese War and China lost Korea to Japan.
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In the later 1700s what power became the main threat to the Ottomans' survival?
a. Austria-Hungary b. Russia c. Britain d. Germany e. France
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What was the result of the reforms of Sultan Selim III (1789-1807)?
a. The sultan was toppled from the throne by a Janissary revolt. b. Western-style education was introduced throughout the empire. c. The empire was taken over by Muhammad Ali. d. Railways were constructed connecting the empire with Europe. e. The Janissary corps was eliminated as a political and military force.
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In what year was the revised constitution introduced as part of the Tanzimat reforms?
a. 1839 b. 1848 c. 1898 d. 1904 e. 1876
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What was the center of Egyptian administration in the Sudan?
a. Khartoum b. Cairo c. Omdurman d. Aboukir e. Fashoda
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What was the result of the rebellion by Egyptian army officers in 1882?
a. A new constitution was instituted, modeled on the Ottoman constitution of 1876. b. The rebellion was crushed by the Turkish elements within the Egyptian army. c. British influence in Egypt was ended and the Ottomans reasserted control. d. The Khedival government was overthrown by an indigenous Egyptian government. e. The Khedive called on the British to crush the rebellion, resulting in British overlordship of Egypt.
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Which of the following reforms resulted from the coup in the Ottoman Empire of 1908?
a. Removal of the political influence of the officer corps b. Restrictions against women in Muslim society were removed. c. Janissaries were removed as a political and military force. d. The sultanate was abolished. e. The constitution of 1876 was restored.
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By 1801 what ruler had succeeded in establishing his
a. Sultan Ahmet, Egyptian nationalist b. Muhammad Ali, an Albanian officer in the Ottoman army c. Nurhaci, Almoravid military commander d. Murad, commander of the Mamluks e. Napoleon, French emperor
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On what basis did Muhammad Ahmed claim leadership of the Sudanic resistance to Egyptian rule?
a. He claimed direct descent from Muhammad. b. He claimed to be a direct descendant of Murad, the last ruler of the Mamluks. c. He was the head of the Sunni ulama in the Sudan. d. He claimed to be a direct descendant of the kings of Ghana. e. He had substantial Western support.
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Which of the following was NOT a weakness associated with the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century?
a. Weak rulers b. Conversion of much of the population to Christianity c. Competition within factions of the elite d. Deteriorating conditions for artisans as a result of competition with the West e. Weak and obsolete military force
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Which of the following European powers seized territories of the Ottoman Empire in the early decades of the 18th century?
a. Britain b. Russia c. Italy d. France e. Austria-Hungary
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The dynastic name taken by the Manchu dynasty was
a. Song. b. Tang. c. Sui. d. Qing. e. Chou.
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The semi-Christian rebellion that broke out in southern China in the 1850s and early 1860s was the
a. Kwangxi rebellion. b. Taiping rebellion. c. Boxer rebellion. d. Shandong rebellion. e. Manchu rebellion.
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Which of the following was an Islamic moderate in 19th-century Egypt who urged the adoption of Western scientific knowledge and technology?
a. Ibn Rochd b. Al-Afghani c. Al-Mansur d. Ibn Sina e. Ismail Pasha
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The Chinese official charged with eliminating the opium trade in the 1830s was
a. Zeng Guofan. b. Cixi. c. Hong Liuquan. d. Lin Zexu. e. Kanxi.
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By the 1870s, the Ottoman Empire
a. had been driven from virtually all of the Balkans. b. had ceased to rule any portion of Asia Minor. c. had driven the Russian armies back to the steppes. d. had recovered most of its territorial losses to European powers. e. was the largest multiethnic empire in Eurasia.
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What European nation supported the Ottoman Empire in order to prevent other European powers from gaining access to the Mediterranean?
a. France b. Belgium c. Britain d. Russia e. Austria-Hungary
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What Islamic group ruled Egypt in 1798?
a. Shi'a b. Almoravids c. Mamluks d. Umayyads e. Fatimids
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What was the impact of the British opium trade on China?
a. Its use was restricted to the peasantry of northern China, where production of food rapidly decreased. b. Due to the addiction of the imperial court, the British were welcomed as a valuable trade partner of China. c. The opium trade had little economic effect on China in the long run. d. Within years China's favorable balance of trade was reversed and silver began to flow out of the country. e. The government was quickly able to halt the importation of opium, so that it did not have the disastrous impact on the Chinese population that was expected.
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Which of the following statements concerning the Manchu government is most accurate?
a. They destroyed the scholar-gentry in order to consolidate their grip on the government. b. They welcomed modernization and Western influence after the Boxer rebellion in 1898. c. Chinese officials were eliminated at the local administrative levels in order to prevent the extreme regionalization that had led to the downfall of previous dynasties. d. Though Manchus occupied a disproportionate number of the highest political positions, there were few limits on Chinese promotions within the imperial bureaucracy. e. The civil service examination system was eliminated as a means of entering the government.
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What accounts for the general failure of Manchu attempts at reform?
a. Strong resistance from the scholar-gentry b. Resistance on the part of the peasantry c. Loss of territory to nomads from the Asian steppes d. Enormous population growth and the disappearance of open lands e. Buddhist resistance
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What prevented Muhammad Ali from overthrowing the Ottoman Empire?
a. His defeat by the Ottomans at Omdurman b. Completion of the Suez Canal c. His failure to develop a modern army d. Opposition of European powers e. Lack of a navy
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In which of the following areas did Sultan Abdul Hamid continue to press for increased westernization?
a. Constitutional reform b. Freedom of the press c. Military reform d. Religious reform e. Civil liberties
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Which of the following was NOT part of the Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman Empire?
a. Elimination of religious protection for minority religious groups b. Creation of a constitution based on European prototypes c. Addition of state-run postal and telegraph systems d. Extensive legal reforms e. Introduction of Western-style education in the universities
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What nation's invasion of Egypt in 1798 signaled the beginning of European penetration of the Islamic heartland?
a. France b. Britain c. Austria-Hungary d. Prussia e. Russia
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Which of the following statements concerning the relationships between the Young Turks and the Arabs of the Ottoman Empire after the 1908 coup is most accurate?
a. The 1908 coup resulted in the immediate independence of the Arab portions of the Ottoman Empire. b. The close alliance between the Young Turks and the Arab leaders of the Ottoman Empire continued after the 1908 coup. c. The Young Turks harbored resentment against the Arabs of the empire for failing to support the 1908 coup. d. The Young Turks supported the idea of autonomy for the Arab portion of the empire. e. Arab support of the 1908 coup waned when they discovered that the Young Turks had no intentions of abandoning the concept of empire.
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What Ottoman sultan attempted to roll back the Tanzimat reforms and reinstitute an absolute monarchy in 1878?
a. Muhammad Ali b. Selim III c. Yazid II d. Abdul Hamid e. Mahmud II
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The successor to the Mahdi, Khalifa Abdallahi,
a. relieved the restrictive social regulations imposed by the Mahdi. b. fell in the Mahdist defeat at the battle of Omdurman in 1898. c. ended slavery in the Sudan. d. immediately lost the military advantage gained by the Mahdi. e. overthrew the Ottoman sultan and captured Istanbul.
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The first region to rebel successfully and achieve independence from the Ottoman Empire was
a. Turkey. b. Serbia. c. the Crimea. d. Greece. e. Palestine.
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What group within the Ottoman Empire actually suffered as a result of the Tanzimat reforms?
a. Merchants b. Ayan c. Sufis d. Ulama e. Artisans
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What was the political and social position of the Manchu rulers at the end of the 19th century?
a. The last decades of the dynasty were dominated by Cixi, a woman who proposed radical reforms of the social order. b. The Manchu rulers adopted a wait-and-see attitude with regard to Western-style reforms. c. The Chinese scholar-gentry and the provincial elite allied with the emperors to introduce significant reform of landholding practices and regional administration. d. The dynasty wholeheartedly embraced the ongoing Westernization of the Chinese government and economy. e. The Manchu rulers stubbornly resisted the far reaching reforms that were the only hope of saving the regime and Chinese civilization.
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Which of the following statements concerning the improvement of women's status as a result of the Tanzimat reforms is most accurate?
a. Muslim restrictions against the social equality of women were swept away as part of the Tanzimat reforms. b. The inclusion of reforms for women was not even considered in Ottoman society during the period of the Tanzimat reforms. c. While not all women benefited, elite women were freed from the restrictive aspects of Muslim society during the period of the Tanzimat reforms. d. Women in the Ottoman Empire became as free as those in western Europe and the United States. e. Despite widespread discussion of the practices of seclusion, polygamy, and veiling, few improvements in women's social status were won in the 19th century.
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Muhammad Ali's successors as rulers of Egypt were referred to as
a. kings. b. sultans. c. khedives. d. caliphs. e. emperors.
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European financiers lent money to the profligate successors of Muhammad Ali because they desired access to Egypt's cheap cotton and, by the 1850s, a share in the
a. Suez Canal. b. Orient Express. c. Silk Road. d. Panama Canal. e. Cairo Railway.
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Unhappy about the unfavorable terms of trade in China, British merchants hit on a possible solution to reverse the flow of bullion in the form of
a. cotton textiles. b. opium from India. c. teas. d. industrial machinery. e. gold and salt.
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Who was responsible for the unification of the Manchu tribesmen prior to the invasion of China in the 17th century?
a. KangXi b. Lin Zexu c. Hong Liaquan d. Nurhaci e. Cixi
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All of the following signs of dynastic decline were apparent in the Qing regime by the beginning of the 19th century EXCEPT
a. explosive growth of the bureaucracy. b. food shortages, mass migrations, and banditry. c. failure of foreign commerce. d. diversion of revenue from state projects to private fortunes. e. corruption of the examination system.
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With what European power did the Ottomans contest the control of Libya just prior to World War I?
a. Britain b. Germany c. Russia d. Austria-Hungary e. Italy
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Which of the following groups was responsible for the overthrow of the Ottoman sultanate in 1908?
a. Black September b. Ottoman Society for Union and Progress c. Young Arabs d. Mamluks e. Black Hand
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Which of the following reforms undertaken by Muhammad Ali failed?
a. Improvements of Egyptian harbors and irrigation works along the Nile b. Modernization of the army c. Education reform d. Production of raw materials in demand in Europe (cotton, hemp, indigo) e. Build-up of an Egyptian industrial sector
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Which of the following statements concerning the reforms of Mahmud II is most accurate?
a. Mahmud patterned his reform program on Western precedents, including the creation of a diplomatic corps. b. The reforms were a blend of Islamic and east Asian economic influences with Enlightenment ideas. c. Despite subtle military and administrative reforms, Mahmud was unable to shake off the influence of the Janissaries. d. Mahmud, with the consent of the ulama and the ayan returned to a traditional Islamic form of government. e. Mahmud's program of reform was actually less ambitious than that of his predecessor, Selim III.
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What Ottoman sultan successfully eliminated the Janissary corps as a military and political influence?
a. Ali b. Selim II c. Selim III d. Abdul Hamid e. Mahmud II
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Which of the following statements concerning the Muslim economy at the beginning of the 18th century is most accurate?
a. The prosperity of the industrial base of the Muslim empires led to a close alliance between the artisans and the government. b. By holding the Europeans at bay, the Muslims were able to capitalize an indigenous industry based on the production of cotton textiles. c. Merchants within the empire, especially those who were Jews or Christians, grew more dependent on commercial dealings with European counterparts. d. The discovery of new resources caused a resurgence of Ottoman economic power. e. The Muslim economy remained dependent on Arab merchants who traded predominantly with Africa.
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The new groups of merchants that developed in China under the more relaxed commercial system of the Manchus were called
a. pescadors. b. Mandarins. c. compradors. d. Boxers. e. waiqin.
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The Khedival government of Egypt was threatened in 1882 by a rebellion of Egyptian military officers under
a. Muhammad Ali. b. Ahmad Arabi. c. Muhammed Abduh. d. Khalifa Abdallahi. e. Muhammad Achmad.
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In what area did the Manchus attempt to take strong measures of reform?
a. Eliminating the influence of religion b. Elimination of the scholar-gentry c. Overturning the Confucian social hierarchy of age and sex d. Removal of social restrictions on women e. Alleviating rural distress and unrest
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What was the political and social position of the Manchu rulers at the end of the 19th century?
a. The Manchu rulers stubbornly resisted the far reaching reforms that were the only hope of saving the regime and Chinese civilization. b. The last decades of the dynasty were dominated by Cixi, a woman who proposed radical reforms of the social order. c. The Manchu rulers adopted a wait-and-see attitude with regard to Western-style reforms. d. The dynasty wholeheartedly embraced the ongoing Westernization of the Chinese government and economy. e. The Chinese scholar-gentry and the provincial elite allied with the emperors to introduce significant reform of landholding practices and regional administration.
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Who was responsible for the unification of the Manchu tribesmen prior to the invasion of China in the 17th century?
a. Lin Zexu b. KangXi c. Hong Liaquan d. Cixi e. Nurhaci