BIO12 - TOTAL Dna and Protein Synth Unit Test

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Amino Acid

Building blocks of protein

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A sequence of three nucleotides forming a unit of genetic code in a transfer RNA molecule, corresponding to a complementary codon in messenger RNA.

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a sequence of three nucleotides that together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

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complimentary base pairing

hydrogen bonding between particular bases; in DNA, thymine (T) pairs with adenine (A), and guanine (G) pairs with cytosine (C); in RNA, uracil (U) pairs with A, and G pairs with C

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dna helicase

An enzyme that unwinds the DNA double helix during DNA replication

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dna polymerase

Enzyme involved in DNA replication that joins individual nucleotides to produce a DNA molecule

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dna sequence

order of nucleotides in a strand of DNA

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dna triplet

Sequence of 3 DNA nucleotides. Represented by 3 bases which set the code for one amino acid. Genetic code is a triplet code. 64 possible DNA triplets.

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addition of amino acids to the polypeptide chain; continues until it reaches a stop codon

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environmental mutagen

either physical or chemical element that can cause mutations, e.g. radioactive elements (uv rays, x-rays) cigarette smoke, pesticides

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A segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait

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gene cloning

The production of multiple copies of a gene.

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genetic disorder

An abnormal condition that a person inherits through genes or chromosomes

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genetic engineering

Process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms

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genetically modified organism

An organism whose genetic material has been altered through some genetic engineering technology or technique.

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the complete instructions for making an organism, consisting of all the genetic material in that organism's chromosomes

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study of whole genomes, including genes and their functions

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gene therapy

The insertion of working copies of a gene into the cells of a person with a genetic disorder in an attempt to correct the disorder

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human genome project

An international collaborative effort to map and sequence the DNA of the entire human genome.

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mRNA binds to the small ribosome subunit then the 2 ribosome subunits bind together

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(genetics) the organic process whereby the DNA sequence in a gene is copied into mRNA

start the first stage of protein synth

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messenger RNA

RNA molecule that carries copies of instructions for the assembly of amino acids into proteins from DNA to the rest of the cell

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a random error in gene replication that leads to a change

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personalized medicine

use of a person's genetic profile to guide decisions about prevention and treatment of disease and mental disorders

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polymerase chain reaction

A method of producing thousands of copies of DNA segment using the enzyme DNA polymerase

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polypeptide chain

long chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds

about 20 aa

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recombinant DNA

DNA produced by combining DNA from different sources

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Copying process by which a cell duplicates its DNA

  • occurs prior to cell division

  • Semi conservative

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stages of dna replication

unwind and unzip, complimentary base pairing, joining of adjacent nucleotides

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restriction enzyme

Enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific sequence of nucleotides

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Makes proteins

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the elongation cycle continues until mRNA "reads" stop codon

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stop codon

3 letter word that doesn't belong to a matching tRNA

no new amino acid can be added

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transgenic organism

Organisms that contain functional recombinant DNA from a different organism

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translation stages




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transfer rna

type of RNA molecule that transfers amino acids to ribosomes during protein synthesis

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dna vs protein synth

The main difference between protein synthesis and DNA replication is that the protein synthesis is the production of a functional protein molecule based on the information in the genes

whereas DNA replication is the production of an exact replica of an existing DNA molecule

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Draw a diagram to illustrate how the carbonic acid / bicarbonate ion buffer system works when acid is added to the blood (where this buffer system works).

When an acid is introduced to a buffer system, the H2CO3_ reacts with the extra Hydrogen ions to balance the pH. This reaction keeps happening until the pH balances out.

H2CO3 <-> HCO3- + H+
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Draw a diagram to illustrate how the acetic acid / acetate ion buffer system works when acid is added to the solution.

When an acid is introduced to a buffer system, the CH3COO- reacts with the extra H+ ions to balance the pH. This reaction keeps happening until the pH balances out and the concentration of the acid reduces.

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unwinding (dna rep)

helicase enzyme unwinds the double helix and breaks the H bonds between the complimentary base pairs along the chains

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complimentary base pairing (dna rep)

the a,t,c,g enzymes dna polymerase seperate from eachother and the polymerase are responsible for H-bonding the new nucleotides to the template strand. only reads DNA in one direction. 3' to 5'

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joining (dna rep)

dna ligase glues together the fragments that the lagging strand did not fill.

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the process that ensures daughter DNA is identical to parent dna

meiosis - process where a single cell divides twice to produce four cells containing half the original amount of genetic information

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Explain the primary structure of protein. Include relevant bonds and molecule shape.

sequence of amino acids in a chain

peptide bonding between amino acids

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Explain the secondary structure of protein. Include relevant bonds and molecule shape.

sequence of amino acids from p structure folds

hydrogen bonds involving the backbone of the amino acid structure causes folding into secondary structure

  • Within the same strand --> alpha helix

  • Between neighbouring strands --> beta pleated sheet

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Explain the tertiary structure of protein. Include relevant bonds and molecule shape.

  • Bonds form between the amino acid-groups causing the protein to fold into a tertiary structure

  • bonds present : covalent, disulfide, hydrogen, Van der Waals interaction

  • This 3D shape allows the protein to properly perform its function

  • Directly caused by primary structure

  • Some proteins are functional at this point

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Explain the quaternary structure of protein. Include relevant bonds and associations.

  • 2 or more tertiary structures join together to form a functional protein

i.e. hemoglobin --> 2 α strands & 2 β strands

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Describe the 6 major functions of protein in the body.

Provide structural support (i.e. collagen, elastin)

Enable movement (i.e. actin, myosin)

Facilitate chemical reactions (enzymes - i.e. carbonic anhydrase, pepsin)

Facilitate communication (hormones - i.e. insulin)

Immune response (antibodies)


  • Around body (i.e. hemoglobin)

  • Across cell membranes (i.e. sodium/potassium pump)

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Differentiate between monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.

Monosaccharides are monomers of sugars

disaccharides are composed of two monomers

polysaccharides are composed of a large number of monomers.

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What are the major differences in structure and function for these polysaccharides: glycogen

Glycogen Stores glucose in liver and muscle cells of animals

Chains of glucose that have many branches

When blood sugar is high, glucose is added to glycogen

When blood sugar is low, glucose is removed from glycogen

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What are the major differences in structure and function for these polysaccharides: starch

Starch Stores glucose in plant cells

Chains of glucose with very little branching

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What are the major differences in structure and function for these polysaccharides: cellulose

Cellulose Primary building material for plant cell walls

Unbranched chains of glucose

  • β-bond between glucose molecules

Humans can't digest cellulose (no enzyme for β-bond)

  • Passes through digestive tract (aka fibre)

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Describe the 4 major functions of carbohydrates in living things.

  1. Short term energy supply i. Glucose is the main fuel used by cells to produce the energy molecule ATP

  2. Energy storage i. Liver & muscle cells store glucose as glycogen ii. Plants store glucose as starch

  3. Markers on cell membranes i. Carbohydrates are involved in cell identification ii. Carbohydrates are receptors

  4. Structural support i. Cellulose fibers in plant cell walls

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chain of 2 amino acids

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how do amino acids join togethr

dehydration synthesis which produces a peptide bond between the c and n

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  • Formed by dehydration synthesis between 2 monosaccharides

  • Chain of 2 simple sugars ○ Maltose = 2 glucose ○ Sucrose = 1 glucose + 1 fructose ○ Lactose = 1 glucose + 1 galactose

  • Water soluble (will dissolve)

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Describe the 5 main functions of lipids in living things.

  • Long-term energy storage

  • Insulation (Blubber)

  • Padding of internal organs from impact

  • Structural material -> phospholipids in cell membrane

  • Chemical messenger (hormones)

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Describe the 3 functions of nucleic acids in living things.

  • Control cell activities

  • Protein synthesis

  • Energy currency of the cell

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steps of dna replication

at origin, helicase begins unzipping and unwinding the dna. ssb proteins stop the dna from joining back together.

primase comes in and makes RNA primers on both strands. dna polymerase starts from these points.

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building instructions spelled out by DNA is transferred to mRNA

rna polymerase connects complimentary rna bases to the dna this forms mRNA

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functions of DNA

store info

  • replicate faithfully (preserve info)

  • ability to mutate (add variability to info)

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What is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)? What is it used for?

A laboratory method used to make many copies of a specific piece of DNA from a sample that contains very tiny amounts of that DNA.

Polymerase chain reaction allows these pieces of DNA to be amplified so they can be detected.

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mRNA binds to small ribosome subunit, then 2 ribosome

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What is RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism)? What is it used for?

RFLPs can be used as genetic markers, which are often used to follow the inheritance of DNA through families.

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ribosome holds mRNA and allows complimentary tRNA to attach to binding sites.

tRNA binds to "p" site, another tRNA binds to "a" site binding causes change -> amino acid lets go of tRNA and binds to neighbouring amino acids.

"empty" tRNA leaves ribosome

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Identify & define 6 properties of water that allow it to support life.

  • Water has a high heat capacity which means that it takes a lot of energy to raise its temperature by 1 degree Celsius. Environmental temperatures are lower when close to bodies of water.

  • Water has a high heat of vaporization; it boils at a high temperature, which is 100 degrees Celsius. Water can be found in liquid and solid form in the Earth’s environmental conditions.

  • Water is a solvent, which means that it dissolves objects (ionic, polar covalent). Water allows chemical reactions to take place in cell and bodily fluids. It can also transport materials throughout the body and cells by using water solutions.

  • Water molecules are cohesive and adhesive which means that water molecules stick to each other and stick to other molecules. Water can pull other water molecules and dissolved materials around.

  • Water has a high surface tension which means it exhibits a significant resistance to penetration compared to the resistance experienced in the bulk of the liquid.

  • Frozen water is less dense than liquid water. The glaciers created from frozen water make habitats and insulate and protect aquatic life in ponds and lakes.

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Water’s unique properties allow water to perform several important functions in the human body. Identify 4 of water’s function.

  • Water helps living things maintain stable body temperature due to the high specific heat capacity.

  • Water also helps cool down the body through sweat because of its high heat of vaporization.

  • It aids chemical reactions because it is the universal solvent.

  • Water also helps transport material through the body because it is the universal solvent and because it is cohesive and adhesive.

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gene mutation vs chromosome mutation

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gene mutations




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base is matched to the wrong complimentary base

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extra base added in

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base is removed

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frameshift mutation

due to insertion or deletion, everything after the affected base could be affected negatively when reading codons

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chromosomal mutation





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multiple copies of genes are made

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some genetic material on chromosomes break off

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broken chromosome segment gets inversed

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fragment from one chromosome breaks off and attatches to another

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