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Civics Study guide

“Necessary and Proper” Clause :: Allows Congress to have the “implied power” (suggested, not written) to make all laws that it thinks are “necessary and proper” for carrying out the powers listed in the Constitution

Court Decisions :: The U.S. Supreme Court is the final authority on what the Constitution means and how it’s applied.

Legislative and Presidential Actions :: Ex:  President Harrison died in office.  His VP, John Tyler took over and interpreted the Constitution to mean he should become “president”, not just assume the duties of president (the “Tyler Precedent”); Also – Woodrow Wilson suggesting laws to Congress and a budget became a precedent, a model followed by future presidents. The Constitution does not direct the president to take these actions.

Customs :: Ex: having political parties competing in elections, which the Constitution does not even mention (but doesn’t forbid either).

loose interpretation :: Congress should be allowed to make any laws the Constitution does not forbid and that fit its purposes.

strict interpretation :: Congress should make only the kinds of laws mentioned in the Constitution, such as those that align with the powers specifically given to them.

Legislative Branch :: lawmaking; congress; bicameral → two-house

Executive Branch :: the Presidency; enforce, or execute, the laws

Judicial Branch (the U.S. Supreme Court/federal courts) -- appointed -- not voted for but chosen by the president (with Senate approval); interpret & apply the law

States’ relationships with each other and the Federal goverextradition -- the return of fleeing criminals (fugitives) to the state of the crime.

Civics Study guide

“Necessary and Proper” Clause :: Allows Congress to have the “implied power” (suggested, not written) to make all laws that it thinks are “necessary and proper” for carrying out the powers listed in the Constitution

Court Decisions :: The U.S. Supreme Court is the final authority on what the Constitution means and how it’s applied.

Legislative and Presidential Actions :: Ex:  President Harrison died in office.  His VP, John Tyler took over and interpreted the Constitution to mean he should become “president”, not just assume the duties of president (the “Tyler Precedent”); Also – Woodrow Wilson suggesting laws to Congress and a budget became a precedent, a model followed by future presidents. The Constitution does not direct the president to take these actions.

Customs :: Ex: having political parties competing in elections, which the Constitution does not even mention (but doesn’t forbid either).

loose interpretation :: Congress should be allowed to make any laws the Constitution does not forbid and that fit its purposes.

strict interpretation :: Congress should make only the kinds of laws mentioned in the Constitution, such as those that align with the powers specifically given to them.

Legislative Branch :: lawmaking; congress; bicameral → two-house

Executive Branch :: the Presidency; enforce, or execute, the laws

Judicial Branch (the U.S. Supreme Court/federal courts) -- appointed -- not voted for but chosen by the president (with Senate approval); interpret & apply the law

States’ relationships with each other and the Federal goverextradition -- the return of fleeing criminals (fugitives) to the state of the crime.
