Civics Study guide
“Necessary and Proper” Clause :: Allows Congress to have the **“implied power” (suggested, not written)** to make all laws that it thinks are “necessary and proper” for carrying out the powers listed in the Constitution
Court Decisions :: The U.S. Supreme Court is the final authority on what the Constitution means and how it’s applied.
Legislative and Presidential Actions :: Ex: President Harrison died in office. His VP, John Tyler took over and interpreted the Constitution to mean he should *become* “president”, not just assume the duties of president (the “Tyler Precedent”); Also – Woodrow Wilson suggesting laws to Congress and a budget became a precedent, a model followed by future presidents. The Constitution does not direct the president to take these actions.
Customs :: Ex: having political parties competing in elections, which the Constitution does not even mention (but doesn’t forbid either).
loose interpretation :: Congress should be allowed to make any laws the Constitution does not forbid and that fit its purposes.
strict interpretation :: Congress should make only the kinds of laws mentioned in the Constitution, such as those that align with the powers specifically given to them.
Legislative Branch :: lawmaking; congress; bicameral → two-house
Executive Branch :: the Presidency; enforce, or execute, the laws
Judicial Branch (the U.S. Supreme Court/federal courts) -- *appointed --* not voted for but chosen by the president (with Senate approval); interpret & apply the law
***States’ relationships with each other and the Federal goverextradition --*** **the return of fleeing criminals (fugitives) to the state of the crime.**