________ uses graphic imagery to represent terror and the representation of how possible power has moved him form a loyal subject to a traitor.
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Gender roles
________ are depicted in an unusual or non- traditional manner in the play as the prominent leading male character, Macbeth, is the one who is psychologically distressed, when in most cases the female is usually the one portrayed as deranged.
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‘ Fair
________ is foul and foul is fair hover through the fog and filthy air literal meaning of the smell of the gunpowder to make the fog, also the idea of Macbeth's Scotland, associates witches with the sights and smells of the fireworks.
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________ associated with ________ plot, associated it with evil, the smell associated with disease makes it about evil.
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________ is indeed a character for whom we can feel sympathy as he feels guilty and impacts other characters and their actions.