

\- Macbeth is indeed a character for whom we can feel sympathy as he feels guilty and impacts other characters and their actions.

\- Shakespeare wants us to feel sympathy for him as he succeeds in evoking our sympathies and portrays the pain Macbeth feels.


\- According to the text of “Macbeth,” it states, “Methought I heard a voice cry 'Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep', the innocent sleep, Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care, The death of each day's life, sore labor’s bath” (II.II. 46-49).

\- This demonstrates that Macbeth is haunted by his actions and wishes he could undo his actions and feels tremendous guilt as he has realized his sins.

\- He is tormented by his crime and acknowledges that his immoral actions can not be undone as his part in the murder of Banquo cant be brought back.


\- The theme of gender roles as it applies to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth expresses their guilt and repression.

\- Gender roles are depicted in an unusual or non-traditional manner in the play as the prominent leading male character, Macbeth, is the one who is psychologically distressed, when in most cases the female is usually the one portrayed as deranged.


\- According to the text of “Macbeth,” it states, “Bring me more reports. Let them fly all! Till Birnam Wood remove Dunsinane, I cannot taint with fear” (V.III. 1-3).

\- This shows that Macbeth is paranoid and is alert at all times, as he is affected by his own actions. Each character is influenced by their actions as their subconscious is affected by the actions of other characters.

\- often women are portrayed to have a deranged mental state, but Lady Macbeth is not paranoid but rather is illustrated to have a firm upper hand as her mental state is calm.


\- Lady Macbeth is more evil compared to Macbeth as Macbeth vocalizes his actions and his pain, whereas Lady Macbeth does neither, making her a more dangerous character.

\- She constantly judges and contradicts his masculinity


\- According to the text of “Macbeth,” it states, “No son of mine succeeding. If ’t be so, For Banquo’s issue have I filed my mind; For them the gracious Duncan have I murdered; Put rancors in the vessel of my peace Only for them; and my eternal jewel Given to the common enemy of man, To make them kings, the seed of Banquo kings!” (III.1. 69-75).

\- This demonstrates that Macbeth voices that he has doubts that Banquo knows he committed the murder of Duncan, and that his children will not be in the throne for Kings.

\- He is furious and he demands a war because he has worked so hard to be King, but he also worries that Banquo knows he murdered Duncan. - However, Lady Macbeth is more evil as she silently plans her next actions to influence other characters, in which the characters and the reader is left oblivious to her possible dangerous mission.


\- Witches are specifically associated with outside weather , Opposite of what women were supposed to do in the renaissance era

\- Witches associated with thunder, rain, lightning

\- ‘Fair is foul and foul is fair hover through the fog and filthy air’ literal meaning of the smell of the gunpowder to make the fog, also the idea of Macbeth's Scotland, associates witches with the sights and smells of the fireworks.

\- Gunpowder associated with gunpowder plot, associated it with evil, the smell associated with disease makes it about evil

\- The home is to keep evil out, so make it comfortable to ‘preserve a man's body of health’

\- People who brought diseases into the home, you could take to court, over the perfect home

\- Witches ‘infect’ the kings castle

\- Witches are to have control of the winds, start of the curses on women’s husbands

\- The prophecy starts a chain of events to make it a __Tragedy__


**“ For brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name)”** - Macbeth is praised by Duncan for his brave actions in battle, the brackets emphasises how Macbeth deserves to be called brave and that his bravery stands out.

**“We will proceed no further in this business”**- Macbeth is having thoughts and does not want to kill Duncan. Macbeth does not want to disown his loyalty to his king or God (kings were thought of messengers from God at the time and therefore it was a sin to kill one).Lady Macbeth uses persuasive language (such as calling him a coward, implies that he is less man) to manipulate Macbeth into killing Duncan.

**“Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair/and make my seated heart knock at my ribs”.** Shakespeare uses graphic imagery to represent terror and the representation of how possible power has moved him form a loyal subject to a traitor.

**“Stars, hide your fires,/Let not light light see my dark and deep desires”**. Macbeth is ashamed of his desire to become king.

**‘Fair is foul and foul is fair hover through the fog and filthy air’** (Literal meaning) the smell of the gunpowder to make the fog, also the idea of Macbeth's Scotland was smelly, associates witches with the sights and bad smells of the fireworks.