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receive signals via ligand gated receptors
axon hillock
site of action potential initiation
dense voltage gated channels
myelin sheath
insulates axon for faster signal transmission
made out of lipid bilayer
node of ranvier
gaps in myelin sheath
dense in voltage grated channels
forms and wraps myelin sheath
can wrap multiple cells at once
schwann cells
forms and wraps myelin sheath
only wraps one cell at a time
scaffolding for axons
forms blood brain barrier
wraps end feet around vessels
buffer extracellular fluid
cleans up cell
neuro filaments and micro filaments
make up cytoskeleton
a motor protein, anterograde - away from soma, walks along micro tubules in axons
a motor protein, retrograde - to soma, walks along micro tubules in axons
K+/Na+ pump
2 K+ in, 3 Na+ out
nernst potential
the voltage of equilibrium between chemical and electrical forces, the voltage the cell wants to be at, usually a constant
relativity in the nernst equation
higher concentration of positive ions outside the cell, higher nernst
difference between nernst and ghk
nernst is for a single ion, ghk is for the whole cell
ghk equation
factors in all ions, includes relative conductance and concentration so takes into account relative permeability, calculates resting potential of a cell
Driving force =
membrane potential (Vm) - nernst of Ion (Eion)
Typical resting potential of neuron
-65 mV
process of action potential
slight depolarizations add up to pass the threshold
V-gated na channels open, Na rushes in, further depolarizes the cell as Na tries to get membrane potential to Ena
Na channels inactivate (ball and chain), K channels open
K rushes out to bring membrane potential back down,
Na channels deinactivate, K channels close
Is active potential binary or spectrum
Binary (all or nothing)
How does initial depolarization occur to trigger action potential
receptor activation allowing na and/or k into cell
How does action potential get down axon
jumps from node to node esentially being regenerated at each node, decays in between the nodes
The flow of information between neurons via chemical transmission.
NT binds to receptors on dendrites
ligand gated channels open, influx of an travels to hillock
Vm reaches threshold and generates action potential that travels down axon
influx of an at axon terminal open Ca2+ v-gated channels
Ca2+ influx triggers release of NT into synaptic cleft
NT binds to receptor proteins on post synaptic cell
differnce between elctrical and chemical transmission
electrical is faster, rarer and doesnt include NTs or Ca2+, movement is bidirectional
temporal vs spatial summation
temporal - summation of multiple EPSPs potentials from a single axon
spatial - summation of single EPSPs from multiple axons
Process of electrical transmission at synapse
NTs are synthesized and packaged into vesicles in terminal or soma (if in soma, transferred by kinesin)
AP reaches terminal
depolarization of presynaptic terminal opens Ca2+ channels
influx of Ca2+ causes synaptobrevin and synaptotagmin to dock vesicle
SNARE and syntaxin fuse membranes
NT released into cleft
NT binds to postsynaptic receptors
receptors open or close causing epsp or ipsp
Peptide NTs
made of amino chains
synthesized in ER
activated in Golgi
packaged into vesicles and then transported down axon to terminal
ex: oxytocin, insulin
small molecule NTs we should know
Glutamate - primary excitatory NT
GABA - primary inhibitory NT
GABA-A receptors
allow Cl- in
NT for AMPA and NMDA receptors
Reversal potential
voltage when net flow = 0 (Na= and K+ are going in and out equally)
Ionotropic vs metabotropic receptors
ligand gated
receptor and effector are the same
receptor and effector are different
extra steps
ex: protein kinases that open or close ion channels by phosphorylating them
G-proteins subunits activate downstream effectors for slower, larger, longer lasting changes
Agonist vs. antagonist
Agonist activates receptor, antagonist block receptor
Different ways to clear NTs
reuptake - taken back into presynaptoc cell by transporter proteins
diffusions - NTs diffuse away or are taken up by astrocytes at the far ends of he cleft
destructions - enzymes breakdown NT molecules
Dura Mater
hard outer layer
subarachnoid space
pia mater
Telencephalon (adult brain derivatives and associated ventricular space)
cerebral cortex and Basal ganglia, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, basal forebrain
lateral ventricles
Diencephalon (adult brain derivatives and associated ventricular space)
Thalamus and hypothalamus
third ventricle
Mesencephalon (adult brain derivatives and associated ventricular space)
Midbrain (superior and inferior colliculi)
cerebral acueduct
Mentencephalon (adult brain derivatives and associated ventricular space)
Cerebellum and Pons
Fourth ventricle
myelencephalon (adult brain derivatives and associated ventricular space)
fourth ventricle
Spinal Cord (adult brain derivatives and associated ventricular space)
Spinal cord
central canal
Taste (stimuli, receptor cell, ganglia, nerve, brainstem relay, thalamic nuclei, Primary cortical region)
molecules from food
Type II or III cells
Central nerves 7,9,10
Gustatory nucleus of medulla
Primary gustatory cortex
Smell (stimuli, receptor cell, ganglia, nerve, brainstem relay, thalamic nuclei, Primary cortical region)
chemicals in air
olfactory epithelial cells
glomeruli in olfactory bulb
Olfactory nerve (CN 1)
Medial Dorsal (MD)
Primary olfactory cortex
Vision (stimuli, receptor cell, ganglia, nerve, brainstem relay, thalamic nuclei, Primary cortical region)
Retinal ganglia
Optic nerve (CN 2)
Primary visual cortex (striate cortex)
Hearing (stimuli, receptor cell, ganglia, nerve, brainstem relay, thalamic nuclei, Primary cortical region)
Spiral ganglia
Vestibulochlear (CN 8)
Dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei, inferior colliculus
Primary auditory cortex
Vestibular (stimuli, receptor cell, ganglia, nerve, brainstem relay, thalamic nuclei, Primary cortical region)
Movement of fluid
Scarpa’s ganglia
Vestibulochlear (CN 8)
Medial and lateral vestibular nuclei
projects to cerebellum and motor neurons but doesn’t map anywhere
Taste type II vs type III cells
type II
receptors are GPCRS
ATP acts as NT
sweet, bitter, umami
type III
receptors are ion channels
detect high Na+ (salty) or protons/H+ ions (sour)
form a typical synapse
can respond to multiple tastants
transcription for taste
one afferent axon from each cell on a taste bud, population coding
olfactory receptors process
dendrites stick out into olfactory epethilium
GPCR metabotropic receptor,
GPCR activates channels to allow Ca2+ and Na+ in, Ca2+ activates channel to let Cl- out
olfcatory transcription
1:1 Glomeruli to receptor
each smell is a specific combo of glomeruli
Vision receptors
rods and cones with disks of rhodopsin
rhodopsin detects light, GPCR opens Na+ channels
parvocellular cells
see detail
small, few receptor cells
Magnocellular cells
see large objects and movement
large, many receptors
not color selective
nonM nonP type cells
Discriminate between blue and yellow (red and green)
large objects and movement
small, few cells
visual pathway
optic nerve - all axons from each eye
optic chiasm - nasal nerves cross over
optic tract - left visual field goes to right hemisphere and vice versa
higher order visual processing pathway
goes through MT cortex and ends in parietal cortex
spacial awareness and movement
“where”, ”action”
goes through V4 and ends in temporal lobe
object identity, facial awareness
“what”, “who”
structure of the ear (out—>in)
Pinna —> auditory canal —> tympanic membrane —> ossicles —> labyrinth and cochlea —> auditory vestibular nerve
structure of cochlea
spaces (top —> bottom)
scala vestibuli
scala media
tectorial membrane
organ of corti
basilar membrane
scala tympani
conch shell shape
Auditory receptors
mechanically gated hair cells
when depolarized (towards tallest hair) all mechanoreceptors pulled open by tip link and lets K+ in, when hyperpolarized, all closed, when resting some open
depolarization opens ca2+ channels, ca2+ helps vesicles with excitatory NT dock and secrete
Auditory transcription
tonotopy by pitch on cochlear nucleus
sound wave structure
low frequency - phase locked and on every cycle
medium frequency - phase locked but not on every cycle
high frequency - not phase locked, not on every cycle
location of sound (low pitches)
interaural timing difference
the bigger the time difference, the more lateral the sound
if the sound is right in front of you, no time difference
location of sound high pitches
interaural intensity difference
strong excitation and week inhibition from the side the sound came from
equal and opposite intensity from the other side
detection of head tilt and acceleration
otoliths drag on gelatinous layer which open or close mechanoreceptors on the hair cells
detection of head rotation
turning head moves extracellular fluid in ampula that pushes against hair bundle in cupula
three planes of movement, three ampula
touch receptors
mechanoreceptors open when you push against skin or when extracellular proteins pull on them, allow in ca2+ and na+
touch: location and intensity detection
receptive fields
smaller receptive fields have more dense receptors and take up more (relatively) of the cortex
high intensity, high firing rate
structure of spinal cord
dorsal = sensory
ventral = motor
gray matter
dorsal horn
intermediate grey
ventral horn