Definition of origin
(Or head) A muscle end attached to more stationary of two bones
Definition of insertion
Muscle end attached to bone with greatest movement
Definition of agonist
Muscle that, when it contracts, causes an action
Definition of antagonist
A muscle working in opposition to agonist
Definition of synergist
Muscles that work together to cause a movement
Definition of fixator
Stabilize joint/s crossed by the prime mover; prevent movement of the origin of the prime mover
Definition of prime mover
Plays major role in accomplishing movement
Explain how fasciculus orientation determines muscle shape and list examples of muscles that demonstrate each shape
Recognize muscle names based on specific nomenclature rules
•Location: pectoralis gluteus, brachial.
•Size: maximus, minimus, longus, brevis.
•Shape: deltoid, quadratus, teres.
•Orientation of fascicles: rectus, oblique.
•Origin and insertion: sternocleidomastoid, brachioradialis.
•Number of heads: biceps, triceps.
•Function: extensor, abductor, adductor, masseter
Three classes of levers in the body
—Class I: “Seesaw”
•Fulcrum between force and weight.
•Head movement at the atlantooccipital joint.
—Class II: “Wheelbarrow”
•Weight is between fulcrum and pull.
•Standing on toes; metatarsophalangeal joint.
—Class III: “Shoveling”
•Pull located between fulcrum and weight.
•Most common: biceps brachii with elbow as fulcrum
Example of