if patient is producing too much testosterone or to treat prostatic carcinoma
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MOA of GnRH analogs
idea is that GnRH release from the hypothalamus is pulsatile, but using the drug, there is continuous stimulation of gonadotropes in the pituitary. This leads to less LH and FSH release which leads to less testosterone production
inhibits steroid synthesis enzymes (P450C17, P450C11); can lead to gynecomastia by changing ratio; Levoketoconazole can be used for Cushing’s
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spironolactone facts
inhibits 17a-hydroxylase and competes with testosterone at the androgen receptors; can treat hirsutism in women
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Abiraterone facts
reduces androgen production in testes, adrenals, and tumor; given in combination with prednisone; ADR of adrenal insufficiency; mineralocorticoid excess, hepatic dysfunction, musculoskeletal symptoms
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5a-reductase inhibitor drugs
finasteride, dutasteride
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MOA of finasteride
inhibit 5a-R and reduces DHT within 8 hours; mainly inhibits type 2
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inhibits both type 1 and type 2
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ADR of 5a-R inhibitors
sexual dysfunction (erection, ejaculation, orgasm); gynecomastia; rash, oligospermia (number and quality of sperm production)
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uses of 5a-R inhibitors
treatment in prostatic carcinoma; mixed results in preventing prostate cancer (might promote); use with caution in oligospermia and when fertility is wanted (evidence is that there is a sharp increase in sperm count when D/C)
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androgen receptor antagonist drugs
flutamide, bicalutamide, nilutamide, enzalutamide
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competitive antagonist for androgen receptors; used in prostate cancer with GnRH agonists; ADR of gynacomastia and reversible liver damage; interaction with low dose ASA