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the variety of life in an ecosystem, and includes genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity
environmental stressor
a factor that negatively affects an organism
Generalist species
species that can survive in a variety of environmental conditions and tend to not be affected by changing habitats
genetic diversity
the variety of genes present in a single species within an ecosystem
habitat diversity
the variety and availability of habitats
population bottleneck
a significant reduction in a species population size and genetic diversity due to an environmental disruption
specialist species
species that require specific environmental conditions to survive and tend to primarily thrive in stable, unchanging habitats
species diversity
the variety of species within an ecosystem, measured by species richness and species evenness
species richness
the number of different species in an ecosystem
cultural services
non-material benefits produced by ecosystems that contribute to ideas, customs, and social behavior of human society
ecosystem services
natural processes provided by ecosystems that benefit human society and economies
provisioning services
any material good produced by ecosystems that can be used by people
regulating services
processes in ecosystems that maintain environmental conditions favorable for life
supporting services
processes in ecosystems that enable all other ecosystem services
island biogeography
the study of how factors, such as island size and distance from the mainland, affect the distribution of species on islands and their community structures
ecological tolerance
the range of abiotic conditions that an organism or species can tolerate and survive
optimum range of tolerance
the zone within the tolerance range where environmental conditions are ideal for most organisms to survive, grow, and reproduce
zone of intolerance
the zone within the tolerance range where environmental conditions are extreme with few organisms surviving and most are unable to reproduce
zone of physiological stress
the zone within the tolerance range where environmental conditions are outside the optimum range. the increased stress alters an organism’s homeostasis, which decreases its ability to survive and reproduce
earth system processes
chemical, physical, and biological processes that connect Earth’s land, atmosphere, oceans, and living organisms
episodic Earth system processes
natural events that occur at irregular but predictable intervals
periodic Earth system processes
natural events that occur regularly at predictable intervals
random Earth system processes
natural events that occur at unpredictable intervals
thermal expansion
increase in water volume due to an increase in temperature
biological traits that improve a species’ ability to survive and reproduce in a given environment
the change in genetic traits of a population over many generations
ability of an organism to survive and reproduce
natural selection
the selection by environmental factors or selective pressures for traits the increase an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce
selective pressures
also known as environmental pressures, these are factors, such as predation or disease, that impact a species ability to survive and reproduce
climax community
a stable community structure formed in the final stage or ecological succession
ecological succession
the process in which an ecosystem’s biotic and abiotic factors gradually change over time
indicator species
organisms whose presence, abundance, or scarcity provides information on the health of an ecosystem
keystone species
organisms whose activities impact other organisms and play significant roles in community structure
pioneer species
organisms that first colonize an ecosystem and alter the conditions for the establishment of new species
primary succession
ecological succession that begins in a lifeless area without soil or sediment
secondary succession
ecological succession that occurs after a disruption causes a previously established ecosystem to be destroyed and leaves only soil