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olfactory nerve
cranial nerve I (1)
optic nerve
cranial nerve II (2)
oculomotor nerve
cranial nerve III (3)
trochlear nerve
cranial nerve IV (4)
trigeminal nerve
cranial nerve V (5)
abducens nerve
cranial nerve VI (6)
facial nerve
cranial nerve VII (7)
vestibulocochlear nerve
cranial nerve VIII (8)
glossopharyngeal nerve
cranial nerve IX (9)
vagus nerve
cranial nerve X (10)
spinal accessory nerve
cranial nerve XI (11)
hypoglossal nerve
cranial nerve XII (12)
olfactory (I), optic (II), vestibulocochlear (VIII)
list the sensory cranial nerves
nasal cavity
the origin of the olfactory n.
the origin of the optic n.
lateral pons (lateral pontomedullary juction)
the origin of the vestibulocochlear n.
the main function of the olfactory n.
the main function of the optic n.
vestibular system: balance, cochlea: hearing
the main function of the vestibulocochlear n.
oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV), abducens (VI), spinal accessory (XI), hypoglossal (XII)
list the motor cranial nerves
midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus
the origin of the occulomotor n.
midbrain at the level of the inferior colliculus
the origin of the trochlear n.
medial pons (medial pontomedullary junction)
the origin of the abducens n.
ventral gray horn of C1-C5
the origin of the spinal accessory n.
preolivary sulcus in medulla
the origin of the hypoglossal n.
motor: majority of extraocular eye muscles, levator palpebrae
autonomic: lens accommodation, pupillary constriction
the main functions (2) of the oculomotor n.
oculomotor n.
this nerve innervates the majority of extraocular eye muscles and levator palpabrae
oculomotor n.
this nerve has an autonomic function that includes lens accommodation and pupillary constriction
innervates superior oblique muscles
the main function of the trochlear n.
innervates lateral rectus muscles
the main function of the abducens n.
innervates trapezius and SCM
the main functions of the spinal accessory n.
innervates tongue muscles
the main function of the hypoglossal n.
trigeminal (V), facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X)
list the mixed cranial nerves
the origin of the trigeminal n.
sensory: general sensation of face, external ear, cornea, nasal and oral cavities, and anterior 2/3 of tongue
proprioception info from muscles of mastication
motor: muscles of mastication (masseter, temporalis, medial/lateral pterygoid)
the main functions (3) of the trigeminal n.
trigeminal n.
the motor functions of this nerve include muscles of mastication (masseter, temporalis, medial/lateral pterygoid)
trigeminal n.
the sensory functions of this nerve include general sensation of face, external ear, cornea, nasal and oral cavities, and anterior 2/3 of tongue
trigeminal n.
this nerve receives proprioception information from muscles of mastication
pons (at the pontomedullary juction b/t abducens and vestibulocochlear)
the origin of the facial n.
motor: muscles of facial expression, stapedius
lacrimal glands (tear glands), sublingual glands, submandibular salivary glands
sensory: general sensation of ear canal
taste: anterior 2/3 of tongue
the main functions (4) of the facial n.
facial n.
the motor functions of this nerve includes muscles of facial expression and stapedius
facial n.
this nerve innervates the lacrimal glands, sublingual glands, and submandibular salivary glands
facial n.
the sensory function of this nerve includes general sensation of the ear canal
facial n.
this nerve is responsible for taste on the anterior 2/3 of tongue
postolivary sulcus in the medulla
the origin of the glossopharyngeal n.
sensory: general sensation of posterior 1/3 of tongue, nasal and oropharynx, middle ear
motor: stylopharyngeal muscle
taste: posterior 1/3 of tongue
parotid salivary glands
carotid body
the main functions (5) of the glossopharyngeal n.
glossopharyngeal n.
the sensory functions of this nerve includes general sensation of posterior 1/3 of tongue, nasal and oropharynx, and the middle ear
glossopharyngeal n.
this nerve innervates the stylopharyngeal muscle
glossopharyngeal n.
this nerve is responsible for taste from the posterior 1/3 of tongue
glossopharyngeal n.
this nerve innervates the parotid salivary glands
postolivary sulcus in the medulla
the origin of the vagus n.
motor: muscles of pharynx and larynx, soft palate
PSNS: heart, lungs, and GI tract
sensory: general sensation of larynx and epiglottis
taste: base of tongue, epiglottis
visceral sensation: heart, lungs, GI tract
the main functions (5) of the vagus n.
vagus n.
this nerve innervates the muscles of the pharynx, larynx, and soft palate
vagus n.
this nerve has a PSNS function of the heart, lungs, and GI tract
vagus n.
the sensory functions of this nerve includes general sensation of larynx and epiglottis
vagus n.
this nerve is responsible for taste from the base of the tongue and epiglottis
vagus n.
this nerve is responsible for visceral sensation from the heart, lungs, and GI tract
loss of hearing on the ipsilateral side and disturbances in balance, nystagmus, nausea, vomiting
these are the s/s of a vestibulocochlear n. lesion
diplopia in ipsilateral eye; affected eye is abducted and elevated (head often tilts away from side of lesion to compensate)
these are the s/s of a trochlear n. lesion
diplopia in contralateral eye
these are the s/s of a lesion to the trochlear nucleus
produces diplopia since eyes will not move in synchrony
these are the s/s of a lesion to the abducens n.
ipsilesional weakness of trapezius and SCM
these are the s/s of a lesion to the spinal accessory n.
inability to protrude tongue or tongue protrudes to ipsilesional side
these are the s/s of a lesion to the hypoglossal n.
decrease in ipsilateral salivary production, loss of sensory sensation from ipsilateral middle ear and pharynx
these are the s/s of a lesion to the glossopharyngeal n.
unilateral lesion: typically difficulty speaking (hoarse whisper) due to dysfunction of recurrent laryngeal n., marked effects on respiration rate, HR, and GI function
these are the s/s of a lesion to the vagus n.
subject sniffs two distinct odors with each nostril (occlude 1 nostril at a time)
cranial nerve test for olfactory n. (CN I)
visual acuity, visual field, pupillary light reflex
cranial nerve test for optic n. (CN II)
oculomotor (CN III), trochlear (IV), abducens (VI)
which cranial nerves are tested during the cranial nerve test that requires the subject to follow a pen with their eyes
sensory testing (touch several locations in each of the 3 divisions bilaterally with cotton swab/safety pin/ hot or cold objects), corneal reflex testing (sensory), motor (jaw reflex is tested)
cranial nerve tests for trigeminal n. (CN V)
sensory testing (place different tastes on anterior 2/3 of tongue), motor testing (raise eyebrows, close eyes tight, puff out cheeks, show teeth), corneal reflex testing (motor)
cranial nerve tests for facial n. (CN VII)
cochlear: hearing screen, Rinne test, Weber test; vestibular: VoR test
cranial nerve tests for vestibulocochlear n. (CN VIII)
glossopharyngeal n. (CN IX) and vagus n. (X)
which nerves are tested with the cranial nerve test that checks for the palate to rise symmetrically
shrug shoulders
cranial nerve test for spinal accessory n. (CN XI)
stick out tongue (tongue deviates toward affected side)
cranial nerve test for hypoglossal n. (CN XII)