Period 1, c.1200 to c.1450

The Global Tapestry & Networks of Exchange

This period is mainly defined by what comes out of the collapse of classical civilizations and interactions such as the roman empire. This period is a time in which growth among long distance trade sparked exponentially.

World’s Major Religions in 1200


  • Founded by a Hindu prince named Siddhartha Gautama, who was born and lived in Nepal from 563 to 483 BCE. He was born rich and never was exposed to the horrors of the outside world. Decided to leave his wealth and prestige behind in search for enlightenment.
  • Buddhism had to supreme leader rather followers follow the Four Noble Truths:
    • all life is suffering
    • suffering is caused by desire
    • one can be freed of this desire
    • one is freed of this desire by following a prescribed path
  • After the death of Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), the religion split into two different movements
    • Theravada Buddhism emphasizes meditation, simplicity, and an interpretation of nirvana
    • Mahayana Buddhism involves greater rituals than Buddha specified and it appealed to people who believed that the original Buddhism did not offer enough spritual comfort.


  • Came into existence with Jesus of Nazareth who claimed to be the Messiah, a religious figure the Jews have long awaited for.
  • People were attracted to his teachings of devotions to God and his love for Humans
  • Followers believed that he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven
  • Christians believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and forgiveness of Sins is only achievable through divinity, death, and resurrection
    • The view was that the world is made by a God and the world has fallen with God’s will
  • By the 3rd Century, Christianity had become the most influential religion in the Mediterranean basin. The religion continued to branch northward and westward into regions beyond the boundaries of the Roman Empire.


  • Confucius was an educator and a political advisor. And in this world, he had a tremendous influence on China.
  • He attracted many followers whom helped share his teachings and others to collected his thoughts and sayings.
  • Because Confusionism wasn't ethical social and political belief. It was compatible with other regions and religions.
  • Confucianism did not have a similar impact on the wrestler rd, because it evolved only within the context of Chinese future.


  • Hindus believed in one Supreme Force called Brahma, the creator who was in all things. Hindu gods are manifestations of Bramma, notably Vishnu, the preserver and Shiva the destroyer.
  • The lifeguard of Hindu, is to merge with Bruma because their task is considered impossible to accomplish in one lifetime. And there's also believe that who you are in this life was determined who you were in a past life and what you will be in a future life.
  • Hinduism religion, as well as social system, the caste system.
  • Hinduism's curse identification with the caste system and the Indian social structure and customs have prevented its acceptance in other parts of the world.
  • There is no central sacred text in Hinduism, though the Vedas and the Upishanads sources prayer versus and descriptions of the origin of the universe guide Hindus.


  • Followers of Islam, Muslims were initially those living under caliphates in the Middle East, though the religion quickly spread to North Africa's natural Asia and parts of Europe.
  • Islam rapidly spread out to the city of Mecca into other parts of the Middle East, under the beyond under Umanand Dynasty.
  • Muslims believe that salvation is one through the submission of will of God, and that this can be accomplished by following the five pillars of Islam.
  • Early on, Israel split into two groups. Shia and Sunni, the split over a curt over a disagreement about how. Should and how the leader of faith succeed.


  • Judaism holds that God selected a group of people and made himself known to them if they followed his laws worship them and were faithful they would preserve them for all of time.
  • The Hebrews are tried from the Middle East, where the original practitioners of Judaism Is not sanit on many of the concepts, typically associated with the religion, although a belief in afterlife, a set of traditions and doctrines and philosophy are a central part of it
  • The Hebrew Bible contained a counted miracles law, historical chronicles, sacred property and prophecies.
  • Today was the first monotheistic faith, such as it spawned as the two other major monotheistic religions, Christianity and Islam.

Developments in the Middle East

  • The Abyssite Dynasty reigned from 750 to 1258 CE. That is until the Islamic Empire was defeated by the mongols. The abyss had many ups and downs, but they oversaw a golden age beginning. Beginning in the early to mid 9th century, during which arts and scientists flourished, the opposite to build a magnificent capital at Baghdad, which became one of the great cultural centres of the world, highlighted by Grand Library known as the House of Wisdom
  • The Islamic Empire endured internal struggles often arising from San Francisco between Sunni and Shia sects. Numerous rival factions and powers developed. And although none of these threatened Islam, they did deestablish essential authority at Baghdad and cut tax revenues. Like the Robins are for them, weakened by internal problems, the abyssid had also external foes. The Persians, Europeans, and Byzantines.

Developments in Europe

  • Development in Europe and Pointe East became quite complicated during the Middle Ages because of the. Because of the fall of Rome and before the resonance. Development in the Middle East or Roman Empire, and eventually Christianity was divided into 2 factions that split reconnected and split again.
  • The important point to remember about all this is that, even though both segments of the Empire followed Christianity, they practiced reforms of religion. Moreover, their populations competed for supremacy. Ultimately, the Eastern Roman Empire centered in constituency had the highly centralized government known as the Byzantine Empire, which came after the Romans and followed their ideas. In the West, the empire collapsed entirely, although the Christian religion remained common.

Developments in Asia

  • Two powerful Chinese dynasties during this time developed golden ages. The Ming Dynasty came to power after a brief period of domination by Mongol invaders. And the song dynasty adherence to a new confusion justified the subordination of woman and foot binding became a widespread practice.
  • Because Japan consists of four main islands off the coast of mainland Asia. It was relatively isolated for thousands of years. Ideas, religions and material goods traveled between Japan and the rest of Asia, especially China. But the rate of exchange was relatively limited, only in a recent countries as Japan allowed Western influences.
  • India was the birthplace of two major religions, Hinduism and Buddhism in the 10th century. Another major, major religion was made its way to the Indus Valley civilization. Islam. Show me Hindus in northern India continue to retain their identity despite the Islamic influence. Although the rods puts name come from the term son of the king, those who are referred as Raj put to actually descended from a variety of social and ethnic backgrounds.

Developments in Africa

  • When Islamic spread across North Africa in the 7th and 8th centuries, African kingdoms began traveling with larger Mediterranean economy. Islamic traders penetrated the unforgiving desert and reached the fertile wealthy interior of Africa and the Kings.
  • Increasing the over traders were willing to do what they had to get the riches on the other side of sand. When they encountered Islamic traders on the salt rd, they struck trading for a lot more than just salt. The consequences of this was an explosion of trade in Africa.

Developments in Americas

  • The Aztecs also known as the Mexico arrived in central Mexico in the mid 1200s and built their own capital at Tenochititlan. The Aztecs were known for their policy and professional army, which allowed them to dominate nearby areas and civilizations.
  • The Inca Empire set in the Andes Mountains in Peru, South America was an expansionist nature. It is thought to have control more than 2000 miles of South America coastline. And it controlled its territory using an army established bureaucracy, unified language and a system of roads and tunnels.
