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How many positions were there in Elizabeths court?
What was the court used to reinforce?
The Gloriana myth
How many royal progresses did Elizabeth go on?
How much did parli grant Elizabeth as an annual allowance in 1563?
Why was Elizabeth never satisfied by revenue?
Never enough due to inflation
Who was Elizabeth compared to?
Virgin Mary
What was the role of the Elizabethan court?
incorporated both government offices and the Queens personal household.
How many residences did Elizabeth inherit?
How had Elizabeth mitigated the threat posed by the Rebellion of Northern Earls?
Had used patronage to gain and retain loyalty
What was Eliz careful not to give away too much?
land and monopolies
Who controlled by of Elizabeths patronage and policy?
By the 1560's, who were Cecils rivals?
Leicester and Norfolk (the only Duke to survive into her reign)
What led to the Northern Rebellion?
Leicester and his supporters encouraged Norfolk to marry Mary Queen of Scots in 1569
When was Norfolk executed?
When was there more cooperation between factions in Elizabeth's court?
Who had huge influence at court and was Elizabeths principle sec. b/w 1573 and 1590?
What did Walsingham want the church to do?
adopt more protestant views
What did Elizabeth reduce the size of the privy council to?
20 members
What were the three functions of the privy council?
offer advice, administer public policy and coordinate the work go government.
When did the Privy council issue instructions to Newcastle after the arrival of German miners?
July 1565
IN which areas of policy was the Privy Council able to exert pressure on Elizabeth?
Succession and Netherlands
When did Cecil threaten to resign and what over?
1560 - military actions against Scotland
Who led the peace party? how did they have power?
Led by Cecil and monopolised key posts
When was the Essex rebellion?
When did Elizabeth post Essex to Ireland?
Who did Essex intend to place on the throne?
James IV of Scotland
When did Cecil die?
When was Cecil made Lord Burghley and Lord Treasurer?
1571 and 1572
What religious group did Cecil want Elizabeth to support?
Lords of the Congregation
Who led the Presbyterian Lords of the Congregation?
John Knox
How does Sloane describe Elizabethan government?
'pragmatic and effective'
What did ministers use to put pressure on Elizabeth, give an example?
parliament - in 1571 to execute Mary
Who was Elizabeths favourite but not effective?
Leicester (Dudley)
Which councillors dominated in the 1590s?
Robert Cecil and Earl of Essex (Devereux)
How does Hague describe the Privy Council?
'dangerously narrow and weak'
How did Elizabeth exploit faction?
to divide and rule, so no one minister could rise above another and prevent them from uniting.
How did Cecil stop the marriage to Dudley?
Publicised the Amy Robbard scandal
For how long was the council divided on whether to go to war in the Netherlands?
7 years
When was the one time that the PC united against Elizabeth?
in 1587 over the execution of Mary
When did Elizabeth lose control of faction?
Under Elizabeth, what did ordinary rev struggle to keep up with?
How does Haigh describe the role of the Cecils?
'Cecilian manipulation'
How does Guy say Elizabeth controlled policy?
'more than any other Tudor'
What were the divisions between Cecil and Leicester?
Cecil favoured more moderate and pragmatic policies, whilst Leicester was more protestant.
When was the Council split over proposed marriage to Archduke of Austria?
1567 - Leicester against, Norfolk in favour
When was there a proposed marriage to Anjou?
What did Elizabeth threaten to do when council opposed marriage to Anjou?
Appoint 4 new catholic ministers
Why could council not give a decision on Anjou?
Small minority of Sussex and Cecil refused to give their support
How does Elton describe parli under Elizabeth?
'mostly a tame and co-operative junior partner'
Between 1593 and 1601, how many subsidies was Elizabeth granted?
How many times was parliament called under Elizabeth? what % over her regin did they sit for?
10, 5.5%
What do infrequent parliaments under Elizabeth show?
Either it wasnt needed or Elizabeths weakness
How could Elizabeth rule without parliament?
Which historian argues the Lords were important under Elizabeth?
Jones (revisionist)
In truth, what was the nature of the House of Lords under Elizabeth?
malleable - replaced catholic Bishops with Protestants
Under Elizabeth, who chose the Speaker?
members of the privy council
Which of Elizabeth's courtiers was good at managing parliament?
Robert Dudley
Why was parliament limited in terms of political activism under Elizabeth?
Poor attendance of MPs
Why did the commons become less malleable under Elizabeth?
Membership grew in size and MPs were increasingly educated
Which Puritan was allowed to return to parliament after MPs debated freedom of Speech?
William Strickland in 1571
Which parliaments under Elizabeth were the most troublesome?
Final two parliaments (1598-1601)
How does Graves describe parliament under Elizabeth?
'willing and able to challenge both the Queen and each other'
What did the Lords to to religious settlement?
stoutly resisted it
When did HOC and HOL work together to get a declaration on the succession?
When did parliament condemn monopolies?
What did Grindle see vestments as?
Adiasphora - things of little importance
By the end of elizabeths reign what % of MPs had been to uni?
When was Peter Wentworth imprisoned for debating greater freedom of speech?
When did HOC assert its right to settle election disputes?
Norfolk election case in 1586 but did concede to Lord Chancellor
How did AB Whitgift anger Puritans in 1584?
He attacked godly preachers who wanted to purify the church.
What took up much of the Commons; work?
non-contentious issues such as land disputes.
What proportion of MPs were in effect nominated by a Lord?
a third
who suggests Elizabeth had protestant beliefs?
What best describes Elizabeth's religious beliefs?
Committed but no zealot
What illustrates Elizabeth's protestant beliefs?
refused to elevate the host in Royal Chapel and furious when Dean of St. Pauls gave her a prayer book with pictures of saints
Which protestant thinker was Elizabeth influenced by?
Melanchton - 1549 protestant, as opposed to 1552 protestants who were more Calvinist
Who taught Elizabeth?
Robert Ascham
When was the Device for the alteration of religion? What did it do?
1558-1559, considered the question of altering religion from that under Mary
When did Elizabeth introduce the Act of Supremacy and Uniformity?
February 1559
What enabled Settlement to pass Lords? by what votes?
Accepted Supreme Governor of Supreme Head, by 21 to 18 votes.
Why did Elizabeth not attempt further reforms?
She knew there were not enough protestants to enforce it.
When did the Pope excommunicate Elizabeth?
What did the Elizabeth prayer book do?
Banned relics and miracles but did not clearly deny communion
how does Haigh describe the settlement?
'A compromise settlement'
How does Guy view the settlement?
'Stepping stone to greater protestantism'
What traditional beliefs did Elizabeth have?
believed in the hierarchy of the church and liked catholic music by beyrd.
Who wrote the device for the alteration of religion?
Why did Elizabeth base the settlement more on attitudes than beliefs?
Foreign policy situation and underlying support for Catholicism
Why were few religious fines under Elizabeth actually collected?
failure to collect rather than not being issued.
What religious laws weren't fully implemented under Elizabeths instructions?
1563 stricter laws against office holders such as lawyers who refused oath of supremacy.
Between what dates was there a change in policies towards Catholics?
How long did Elizabeth delay the 39 Article for?
8 years, due to foreign policy
What did Recusancy laws do?
Forced attendance at church; applied cautiously in the first decade of her reign.
Why did Elizabeth avoid harsh treatment of Catholics?
Didn't want to create martyrs
When did the Pope instruct Catholics not to attend Anglican services?
When were the seminary/ Douai priests founded by William Allen?
When was the Ridolfi Plot discovered?
What did the 1571 Treason Act do?
made the denial of Elizabeths supremacy punishable by death.
When did Elizabeth block?
Presbyterian attempts to increase the punishments for recusancy and attendance at mass
How did the Pope effectively bring about a decline in Catholicism?
Forebode Catholics to attend church, exposing them to fines only the wealthy could afford.