Three layers of the ear
External, middle, inner
External acoustic meatus
Ear canal
Tympanic Membrane
Splits the external and middle ear
Tympanic cavity
Narrow air filled cavity in the temporal bone
Contents of the middle ear
Auditory ossicles, stapedius (CNVII) and tensor tympani muscles (CNV)
Pharyngotympanic tube
Connects middle ear to upper throat (pharynx)
Attached to tympanic membrane
Parts of auditory ossicles (middle ear)
Malleus, incus, stapes
Connector between malleus and stapes
Attached to oval window
parts of the inner ear
Bony labyrinth, membranous labyrinth
Bony labyrinth
Consists of cochlea, utricle, saccule, semicircular canals
Membranous labyrinth
k+ rich endolymph
Inner and outer hair cells
Inner hair cells
Tilts to cause opening of cation channels (+)
Outer hair cells
Efferent fibers, either help protect or increase responsiveness
Vestibular system
Saccule and utricle, ampulla
Saccule and utricle
Responds to the pull of gravity and changes in head position
Rotational movements of the head
Hearing transmission path
Tympanic membrane, ossicles, Scalia vestibuli (oval window), basilar membrane
Vestibular, visual, sensory systems, and VOR (vestibular-ocular reflex)