ionization energy
the energy required to remove an electron from the ground state in a neutral atom in the gas phase. (higher the Zeff, the higher the IE1) a negative and endothermic reaction
electron removal is a _____ process
decreases moving down, increases moving right
decreases, positive
whenever moving from 1A-3A to become isoelectric w 8A the radius _____ with a ____ charge
increases, negative
whenever moving from 4A-7A to become isoelectric w 8A, the radius ___ and has a ____ charge
Alkali metals have the ____ IE1
Noble Gases have the ___ IE1
2 and 3
Periods _ and _ have differences in IE1
Be/B, Mg/Al; N/O, P/S
Between what elements do these exceptions occur? Between 2A/3A, 5A/6A
first core
There is a giant increase in ionization energy when comparing removing the last valence electron to removing the ___ ___ electron
electron affinity
the energy released when a neutral atom in the gas phase gains an electron. positive and exothermic reaction. measure of the ability of an atom to accept an electron, more stable for more negative EA.
adding an electron is an ___ process
negative, greater
The more ____ the EA, the _____ the electron affinity
alkali earth metals/noble gases
For which columns is EA positive?
H(g) = H+(g) + e-
IE is energy required to remove an electron, is it is positive and endothermic.
H(g) + e- = H(g)
EA is the energy required to add an electron, it is negative and exothermic. (except for 2A and 8A)
EA generally ___ going down a group (less negative)
EA generally _____ going left to right across a period (more negative)
IE generally ____ going down a group (less positive)
IE generally _____ going across a row (more positive)
IE, EA, Zeff
decreases going down, increases going across
increases going down, decreases going across