Baruch Spinoza
God and nature are one
humans did stuff due to outside circumstances
John Locke
human ideas come from experience
natural rights - life, liberty, property
balance of power
divide power among classes
humans need a monarch to govern
religious tolerance
Denis Diderot
Encyclopedia- Enlightenment thought
individual freedoms
monarch must uphold general will
Immanuel Kant
private lives must obey laws
absolutist and monarchist
David Hume
blank slate
experience shapes us and stories
Adam Smith
Wealth of Nations
supply and demand
free market
Public sphere
where the sharing of ideas took place
salons, coffee houses, libraries
taxonomy was applied to humans
scientific racism
Europeans started as nonwhites
men and women are different and should play different roles
women are essential to population growth
Role of Kings
rule for the people
people can remove the king
tolerate religion