Landry and Bartling 2011- ADD UR PPTS NOTES this is quizlet

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This study can be used for

1. Evaluation of the Working Memory Model

Landry and Bartling (2011) conducted an experiment using articulatory suppression to test the Working Memory Model.

The Phonological Loop holds the amount of information that you can say in 1.5 - 2 seconds. This makes it hard to remember a list of long words. Word length effect disappears if a person is given an articulatory suppression task (e.g. saying "the, the, the" while reading the words). The repetitive task ties up the articulatory process and means you can't rehearse the shorter words more quickly than the longer ones, so the word length disappears.

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The aim was to investigate if articulatory suppression would influence recall of a written list of phonologically dissimilar letters in serial recall.

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Research Method

True experiment; independent groups design - this reduces variables increases internal validity

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The participants consisted of thirty-four undergraduate psychology students.

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In one group participants had to recite the numbers "1" and "2" while trying to memorize a list of 7 letters. The control group saw the letters but did not carry out the articulatory suppression task.

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The results showed that the control group recalled an average of 76% of the list accurately and the articulatory suppression condition only 45%.

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In line with the WMM, articulatory suppression is preventing rehearsal in the Phonological Loop because of overload. The data supports the prediction of the WMM that disruption of the Phonological Loop results in less accurate working memory as it has a limited capacity.

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Evaluation: Strengths

Well controlled study
High level of internal validity
Cause and effect relationship can be determines
Supports WMM

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Evaluation: Weaknesses

nature of the study is rather artificial/ true experiment conditions not reflective of real work thus lacks ecological validity.
Small sample size reduces generalisability of results

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