South Africa 1960—1994: The People and the State

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A system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination enforced by the National Party government from 1948 until the early 1990s.

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Population Registration Act (1950)

Law that classified South Africans by race.

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Group Areas Act (1950)

Legislation that designated specific areas for different racial groups.

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Pass Laws

Laws that required black South Africans to carry passbooks to enter white areas.

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Bantu Education Act (1953)

Law that created a segregated education system with inferior resources for black students.

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Separate Amenities Act (1953)

Law that enforced segregation of public facilities.

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Separate Development

Policy enforcing racial segregation through legislation.

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Designated areas for black South Africans, intended to be self-governing but controlled by the South African government.

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ANC (African National Congress)

The main opposition group against apartheid, advocating for racial equality.

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Freedom Charter (1955)

Document calling for a non-racial, democratic South Africa.

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Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK)

The armed wing of the ANC, launched sabotage campaigns.

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Armed wing of the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), known for its militant and radical approach.

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Rivonia Trial (1963–1964)

Trial where key leaders of the ANC, including Nelson Mandela, were sentenced to life imprisonment for sabotage.

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Black Consciousness Movement

Led by Steve Biko, this movement emphasized psychological liberation and black pride.

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SASO (South African Students' Organization)

Promoted Black Consciousness among students.

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Soweto Uprising (1976)

Student protests against the imposition of Afrikaans as the medium of instruction, met with police violence.

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United Democratic Front (UDF)

Coalition of anti-apartheid groups that organized mass protests and strikes.

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Tricameral Parliament (1983)

Created separate legislative bodies for whites, coloreds, and Indians, excluding black South Africans.

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State of Emergency (1985–1990)

Period marked by increased military presence, curfews, detention without trial, and censorship.

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FW de Klerk

Last apartheid-era president who initiated reforms and negotiations leading to the end of apartheid.

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Nelson Mandela

Key leader of the ANC, released from prison in 1990, and pivotal in the negotiations to end apartheid.

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Cyril Ramaphosa

Key negotiator for the ANC during the transition period.

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First Free Elections (1994)

Elections where the ANC won the majority, and Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa.

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Sharpeville Massacre (1960)

Police opened fire on a peaceful protest against pass laws, killing 69 people and injuring 180.

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Durban Workers' Strike (1973)

Significant labor strike that mobilized workers and increased resistance to apartheid.

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CODESA (Convention for a Democratic South Africa)

Negotiations between the government, ANC, and other political groups that laid the groundwork for a new democratic constitution.

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Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Body established to address past human rights violations.

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Economic Sanctions

International measures that targeted South Africa's economy to pressure the government to end apartheid.

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Inkatha Freedom Party

Zulu nationalist movement led by Mangosuthu Buthelezi, involved in significant violence and conflict with ANC supporters.

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Black Economic Empowerment (BEE)

Policies implemented post-1994 to address economic inequality created by apartheid.

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