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Aset of math procedure for organizing, summarizing, and interpreting an iformatin
Condensing large quantities of informatin into few simple figures
Procedure of statistics
Importance and use of research
It rovides objective and systematic methods for rsearch
And developement of test and scales that are valid anf reliable
Decision making
Statistics add credibility toi the arguments and statistical claims that has been analyzed interpreted and displayed as its basis
A characteristics or conditions that has different values for different individuals that allows it to be measured, it hanges
A measurement obtained from an individual
Participant variable
A type of variable that provides the age, gender, and idividual that differ per individual
Environmental variable
A type of variable scha s the time of the day weaher condions
Independent variable
Variable that is being manipulated and causes influence to thth dependent variable the one that recieves treatment
Dependent variable
Experiences cahnge caused by the independent variable
Discrete variable
Variable that is countable or whole
Continous variable
Variable that is not exact or in decimal
Set of all individual of interest
Saller set from the population to represent the entire population
Characteristics of the population
Characteistic of the sample
Problems with sample
Provides limited info about the populatin and may have minor discrepancy
Basic techniques o control other variable
Random assignment
Holdin them cosntant
Non-equivalent group
Comapring two groups that are different
Pre-post study
Comapring scores obtained by measuring the same variable twice for each participant
Internal attributes that can be directly observes but are useful in describing and expalining behaviors
Operational definition
Identifies a measurement procedure to measre an external behavior
Real limits
Boundaries of interval for scores that are represented on a continous number line and separating two adjacent scores located exactly halfway between the scores
Upper and lower real limit
Used in continous variable showin the top and the bottom of the interval