a. __Job Components Inventory (JCI)__
- list of KSAOs to tell whether a person is suited for a job and/or if they need additional training
- __five components__ → use of tools and equipment, perceptual and physical requirements, mathematics, communication, decision making and responsibility
b. __Occupational Information Network (O*NET)__
- computer-based, lists KSAOs needed to perform the job and characteristics of job tasks
- __six domains__ → experience requirements, worker requirements, worker characteristics, occupation requirements, occupation specific information, and occupation characteristics
c. __Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)__
- used to analyse and compare different jobs on common set of dimensions/KSAOs
- six main domains further divided into subdomains
d. __Task Inventory__
- questionnaire listing specific tasks relating to a job w/one or more rating scales for each task
e. __Combination Job Analysis Method (C-JAM)__
- makes use of questionnaires and interviews to get a detailed picture of the KSAOs of the job/tasks performed