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If you _______ my advice, you’ll have nothing more to do with him.

What did you ______ his comments to mean?

She should ______ a break because she looks really spent.

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If you _______ my advice, you’ll have nothing more to do with him.

What did you ______ his comments to mean?

She should ______ a break because she looks really spent.


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There is a(n) ______ on sterling following its rise in value against the dollar.

We enjoyed an exceptional ______ of good weather this year.

When the robbers saw the police they broke into a ________.


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He made his children’s lives a misery with all his petty ________.

The aim is to get each member coutry to adhere to a single set of _______.

Follow these few simple _______, and you won’t go far wrong.


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The announcement brought cries of ________ from the crowd.

The party boycotted the election in ________ at alleged rigging.

The strikers returned to work, but under _________-


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He _______ away his late arrival by blaming it on crowded roads.

The general principles behind the method used are _______ clearly and concisely.

When I visited the factory, an expert ________ the entire process to me.


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Cities have always acted as the principal _________ of political life.

At this stage of the trial the defence lawyer often shifts the _______ onto the victim.

This case has brought the problem of drug abuse in schools into sharp ________.


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The jeweller was stabbed as he tried to ________ the robbers off.

We need a good manager who is prepared to ________ for a fair share of profits.

He did not believe that the enemy was ready to ___________.


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The rise in crime is often cited as ________ of general breakdown of authority.

The scandal is damning ________ of the government’s contempt for democracy.

On present _________ the team will be happy to make the final.


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After the meeting with his boss he burned with ________ for everyone and everything.

When she admitted to being involved in the scandal, she became a(n) ________ figure for politicians on the left.

Ever since I was a child, jazz has been a pet ______ of mine.


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The safest cheques are those ______ directly by the bank - known as banker’s draughts.

This document was _______ jointly by the Treasury and the Home Office.

During the last riots, some of the police were ________ with the rifles.


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It was comforting ________ that at least her father hadn’t suffered.

The job is so repetitive, it does not require much conscious __________.

Spare a(n) _________ for us - we’ll be working through the night to finish the report.


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We will keep you informed to the best of our ________.

Both players demonstrated their _________ to hit the ball hard.

I seem to have lost my _________ to attract clients.


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The politicia called for a(n) _________ of mood in Scottish politics.

The television has undergone a drastic __________ in the last two years.

He needs to show a(n) _________ in attitude if he is to succeed.


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Pupils should be encouraged to _________ critically the information they are given.

A decision has been made to convene a conference to _________ the country’s political future.

We will ________ this matter at the meeting next week.


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Strong dislikes of various foods are another of the early _______ of pregnancy.

We detected _________ that they were less than enthusiastic about the holiday.

The wizard drew some strange ________ in the air with his hand.


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Last year’s champion is in with a _______ chance of repeating his success in the grand prix.

Some of the home owners are hoping to get compensation for the poor building work and I think they have a very _______ case.

There’s no point in trying to put the tent up, the wind is far too _______-


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At the end of the holiday, ________ on to any unused foreign currency because it may come in handy on another occasion.

If your call is not answered within two minutes, you’re advised to ________ up and try again.

The company decided to ________ a portrait of the retiring managing director in the boardroom.


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After a long series of meetings, with the management, the workers _________ for a 3% pay increase.

Before leaving for Australia, Ray sold his car and _________ his account at the local garage.

The contents ot he jar ________ during the long car journey and it no longer looked so full.


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It is necessary to wash clothes made from _______ fibres at a low temperature.

Negotiations between the rival fractions have reached a very ___________ stage, with neither side willing to give an inch.

Although it is made from various root vegetables, the dish has a very _________ taste.


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When the commanding officer entered the room, the young cadets all ________ to attention.

They were moving steadily through the seemingly impenetrable jungle when suddendly a large animal __________ at them from out of the undergrowth.

With the arrival of the ebullient young actor, the party really _________ to life.


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Because he failed to ________ up for the job interview, Mr Garrard has been crossed off the shortlist of applicants.

In terms of recognition, Tamsin had little to _________ for all the effort she’d put into reorganising the office.

Despite her poor reception in New York, the artist is still keen to _________ her work across the rest of the USA.


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Many people fail to recognize that the mind needs regular __________ just like any other part of the body.

Trying to get every member of staff to take their holiday at a different time was a very frustrating ___________.

Every __________ in the book is designed to build up your reasoning skills.


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People say that Frank is a nasty individual but whenever Iv’ve met him, I’ve always _______ him very pleasant.

You’ve ______ fault with absolutely everything at the hotel - I’ve never known anyone complain so much!

Despite all the evidence against him, he was ________ not guilty when the case came to court.


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The team showed no improvement on their previous terrible performances and so it was inevitable that they would lose __________ again.

A change in the law has been agreed but the government have _________ to announce exactly when it will come into force.

I expect John will contact me with the details but as _______ I haven’t heard from him.


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Suddendly becoming very famous went to his _______ and he became extremely arrogant.

There had been a lot of discontent among the staff and matters came to a ________ at the monthly meeting, when an argument broke out.

The groups’ most loyal fans were at the ________ of the queue, having waited overnight for the concert tickets to go on sale.


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I was sitting at the next table to them so I couldn’t ________ overhearing their conversation.

My financial situation is pretty bad anyway, so this unexpected bill doesn’t exactly _________.

I wish you wouldn’t ________ yourself to my CDs without asking me first.


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He used to be one of the top players in the world but he has now had a __________ of 15 consecutive matches without a single victory.

Leaving college without completing the course may seem like a good idea now, but I think you may come to regret it in the long _______.

The film is about someone who escapes from prison and goes on the _______.


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There was a very _________ contrast between the scenes of wealth I saw in some parts of the country and the scenes of poverty I witnessed in others.

Trudy is a very _________ businesswoman and that is what has enabled her to make all the right decisions for her company.

There was a very _________ bend in the road and for a moment I nearly lost control of the car.


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From her description of events, it was hard to get a clear mental ________ of what exactly happened.

As regards the economic situation, the overall ________ looks much the same as it did six months ago.

For some reason, we never get a very good ________ on this channel on our TV.


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I was feeling a bit __________ because I’d had a late night and I was beginning to get the flu.

I know you can’t give me the exact figure but could you give me a ______ idea of what it might cost?

The sea was very _________ and I began to feel ill halfway accross.


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I know you’re very upset now but I’m sure the feeling will ______ soon.

His comment was so rude that I couldn’t let it ________ without telling him that I thought he shouldn’t have said it.

It was so hot in that room that I felt I might _________ out at any moment.


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When all the facts came to ________, there was such a scandal that he was forced to resign.

We built a huge bonfire in the garden out of all the rubbish and set ________ to it.

It has been decided that, in the _________ of all the criticism it has recieved, the scheme will be abandoned.


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The situation was already bad but your interference has made it worse _________.

I feel a bit guilty about what happened; __________, there’s nothing I could have done to prevent it so I know I shouldn’t feel bad.

I haven’t officially signed any agreement so I can __________ change my mind if I want to.


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After the concert, all the equipment was _________ away and transported in a convoy of lorries to the next venue.

George _________ in his job and went travelling around the world for a year.

The club was absolutely _______ and there was no room at all on the dance floor.


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The workers were up in ________ about the proposed pay cuts.

I was welcomed back wit open ________.

They obviously aren’t used to having their _________ twisted like that.


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The ________ are against winning the jackpot twice.

I’ve just got a few ________ and ends to pick up from my old flat.

What he said yesterday was at ________ with all his previous statements.


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Which are the _______ the tourist simply mustn’t miss?

You should always set your _______ as high as you possibly can.

They may have to lower their ________ somewhat in the light of the competition.


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So much for all our good _______!

What are your _______ concerning my daughter, young man?

I’m sure he intervened with the best _________.


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They bought the preoperties with an _______ to making a quick profit.

Keep a careful _______ on your bag in crowded places.

The police decided to turn a blind _______.


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The biggest union is calling for strike ________.

Nearly 50000 people were killed in _________.

Your prompt ________ probably saved my life.


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It was an excellent plan but I don’t think it really _______ off in the end.

The students ________ up with a number of interesting questions after the lecture.

When the truth about the scandal eventually _______ out, nobody could believe it.


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I wonder who it was who ________ the story about that John was resigning.

Their constant chatter about their medical histories rather ________ me off my lunch.

Don’t forget to _______ back by an hour this evening.


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The teacher _________ back the work to her students.

It was a large family and clothes were ________ down from one child to the next.

At the end of his final week, he ________ over his responsibilities to his successor.


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They often have blazing rows but they soon _______ over.

These photographs are too small: why don’t you _______ them up a bit?

We’ll just have to stay inside and wait for the storm to _______ itself out.


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They argued for hours about the exact _______ of the agreement.

I find summer ______ the longest because of all the exams.

It took him a long time to come to _______ with the fact that he didn’t get the job.


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You know what they say: stilll ______ run deep.

The boat ran aground in the shallow ______ of the day.

My father says he _______ his vegetable garden twice a day in the summer.


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A _______ of sunshine came through the stained glass window.

The escape plan gave the prisoners some ______ of hope.

There was a dim _______ of light coming from the open door.


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A _________ of armoured cars was occupying the inside lane of the motorway.

On the horizon I could see a __________ of smoke rising into the air.

He added up a long ________ of figures rapidly in his head.


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He’s a dull person: not exactly a _______ of fire I’m afraid.

A _______ of flames burst out of the burning roof.

Would you mind passing me that ______ of wool?


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The police found a _______ of blood in his jacket.

He spoke without a ________ of bitterness in his voice.

The ghost then vanished without _______, or so they claimed.


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He handed her a an enourmous ______ of flowers as a thank-you present.

I wish you’d all stop standing like a ______ of idiots.

The caretaker carried a large ________ of keys wherever he went.


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I seem to be having a ________ of bother with my car at the moment.

I think I felt a ________ of rain.

How about a _______ of lunch?


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Jo felt a sudden ________ of nausea.

A ________ of anger swept over the crowd.

With a ______ of his hand, he was gone.


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Enthusiasm for the project was sadly ________.

The champion is ________ in any kind of humility.

The team are still _______ a good central defender.


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Tourists inevitably ________ to the main square in the Old Town.

A _______ of geese suddendly flew over.

Most of the farmer’s ________ have been infected by a mysterious virus.


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A ______ of flame shot towards us.

I’ve got an enormous blister on the _______ of my left foot.

In the old days kids would play for hours with a ______ of string and a pair of scissors.


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The crime _____ very rarely seems to go down.

Most writers _____ her as the most promising playwright around.

At this _______ we’ll have spent all our money by the end of week one.


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I will try with all the _______ at my disposal.

The situation is by no _______ hopeless.

The llama is the main _______ of transport in that part of the world.


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Considering the ________ of his injuries, he’s remaining remarkably cheerful.

It’s the parents who, to a lesser or greater _______, are normally to blame.

The full ________ of disaster was not immediatly obvious.


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There’s _______ chance you’ll get some kind of grant for your studies,

________ so often he completely loses his composure.

She had _______ reason to feel cheated.


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Earthquakes sometimes seem to come so soon one after _________.

_________ few years and she’lll be a world champion.

Shoplifting’s one thing: robbery with violence is quite _________.


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The politician insisted that she was addressing the audience in her _________ as a mother and not as a Member of Parliament.

The pop group were delighted to discover that they were playing in a hall that was filled to ________.

Since animals lack the _________ for reproach, our relationships with them tend to cause us less concern than those with our fellow human beings.


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Helen rubbed her carpet as hard as she could but the stain wouldn’t ________ out.

I’m afraid people don’t _______ much meaner than my neighbour, she even re-uses her old tea bags!

Matt has gone out this evening to try and forget how badly his presentation went, but in the cold light of day it’ll _______ back to haunt him.


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Everyon was surprised to discover that the young man was eligible to _______ for president.

The factory closure became such a contentious issue that even the national newspapers decided to _______ a series of articles on it.

The supervisor had to _______ through the safety guidelines several times before she was convinced that all the staff had understood.


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There are many jobs that my sister could do but she seems unwilling to __________ herself to anything.

The varnish will not have a smooth finish if you ________ it too liberally.

I was attempting to complete the whole form until I realised that half the questions didn’t _______ to me.


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The children looked up to see their father entering the room _________ gifts from foreign countries.

Glancing in his rear-view mirror, the learner driver was horrified to see a large articulated lorry _________ down on him.

__________ in mind everything you’ve told me, I think we should postpone our trip until later in the year.


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The toddler looked up pitifully at his mother, aware that he had not recieved a fair _______ when the cake had been handed out.

The manager informed his staff that despite the economic downturn, there was every reason to believe that the forthcoming ________ would go ahead as planned.

It’s a sad fact that in every newspaper there’s a good _______ of material that you can flick through mindlessly.


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The children were surprised to hear the tree branch _______ as they sat down on it.

Barry realised that he needed to ________ out of his despodent mood if he was going to have any chance of getting a job.

‘I think you’d better go back to bed if all you can do is ______ at me first thing in the morning!’ Amy’s mother said.


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Clarissa’s bad temper ________ something of a shadow over the whole meeting.

One of the director’s main responsibilities is to ________ the show before rehearsals begin.

The opposing sides in the disoute agreed to _______ aside their differences and work for the common good.


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Although students on the course should be familiar with the basic theories of economics, ther are not expected to have any great _______ of understanding.

In the company of such well-known figures as the town’s mayor and a presenter from the local radio station, Paula felt out of her ______, and so remained quiet.

When planting asparagus, it is necessary to dig a trench of sufficient ________ to ensure that the roots will be entirely covered.


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I was on the ______ of my seat during the grand prix because it was such a close race.

If you drink a glass of water before each meal, you’ll find that it takes the _____ off your appetite.

Joan appeared to be rather on _______ during the evening and the other guests wondered if she was worried about something.


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In their desparate struggle to get a conviction, the police succeeded in _________ the blame for the murder on an innocent bystander.

If the actress persists in marrying a wealthy man more than twice her age, she will be _______ herself open to the obvious criticism.

At the end of the event, the organisers are _______ on a meal to thank all those who have helped-


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The assistant ______ me to believe that the equipment would operate in any country, but that just wasn’t the case.

After the presentation, a panel of experts ________a half-hour discussion, during which time the audience was able to ask a number of questions.

A series of police raids in the early hours of the last friday ________ to several arrests being made.


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Jenny realised that she had become so engrossed in what she was doing that she had lost all ________ of time passing.

There is no ________ in trying to persuade someone to give up smoking if they don’t really want to.

Just sitting in this old building gives me a real ________ of history and culture.


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After six moths’ hard work at a town centre restaurant, Kevin eventually succeeded in __________ together enough money to go on a trip around the world.

With so many labour-saving devices on the market Kate finds it irritating that her mother continues _________ the skin from potatoes with a blunt knife.

The social worker asked Mrs Timmins how she was managing financially and the old woman had to admit that she was barely _________ by.


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Quite a number of families in the area have decided to ________ from electric to gas central heating.

If you should detect a leak, _______ off the mains water supply and call a plumber.

Tanya is billingual in Welsh and English and can _________ effortlessly from one language to the other.


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The policeman was subjected to a ________ of abuse when he asked what the young men were doing on the roof of the building.

Sensibly, Mick decided to postpone his purchase of a CD player until the recently advertised models came on _______.

When Jenny returned to school after the holidays, she was surprised to find that she had been placed in a higher ________ for maths.


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Although they’ve tried dozens of local restaurants, Jenny and her husband still _________ that Richard’s Place is the best.

After retirement, many old age pensioners find it difficult to __________ their previous standard of living.

Families in Britain are not as close as they used to be and very few people _________ regular contact with relatives outside their immediate family group.


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Because of a lack of adequate regulation, the system whereby students supposedly have equal access to the college computer network is ________ open to abuse.

The company’s estimates of how quickly demand for their products would rise have tended to be rather ________ of the mark.

Although she hadn’t slept very well, Hayley was feeling ________ awake and ready for the day ahead.


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For four years _______ the team won the European Cup.

The fil contained a ________ joke about the main character ‘s digestive disorder.

We’d better hurry because we’re _______ a bit late.


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My watch is _____ several minutes a day.

The car in second place is ______ on the leader.

I think that the chances of our _______ access to such sensitive information are slim.


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The performance will start _____ on time.

The race was declared a _________ heat.

I was awoken in the ______ of night by a strange noise from outside.


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The winning goal was scored in the ______ seconds of the game.

I’ve been _______ to meet you for ages.

Throughout the world, many minority languages are in danger of _________ out completely.


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I’m sure such practices were common in the ________ and distant past.

The judge took a ________ view of her excuses.

I’m afraid I have only a ______ recollection of the events.


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Early evening is normally considered _______ viewing time by television bosses.

As a singer, she is at the ______ of her career.

As this is _______ season, I’m afraid flights are difficult to find.


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I think it’s important to ________ this meeting for future reference.

Please let me know the ________ she arrives.

The doctor asked to be kept up to the _______ on any major developments.


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A heated debate has ________ out in the media about corruption in high places.

She comes from a _______ home but has never beeen worried about only seeing one parent at a time.

I had a night of very _______ sleep and am consequently feeling a bit slow this morning.


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I think the whole _______ of doing this is perfectly clear.

She said she could ________ to a number of reasons for doing it her way.

Could I just ________ out that I find your actions completely unreasonable.


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The new system is a real _______ of fresh air.

He found himself fighting for ______ in the thin atmosphere.

Take a deep _______ and start again.


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He is the only leader with a strong ______ of where the country should be heading.

Her ______ became blurred when she was accidentally struck on the head.

My line of ________ was blocked by the person standing in front of me.


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If you ask me, she must be _______ raving mad.

His death was a ________ reminder of our own mortality.

We are faced with a ________ choice: cut expenses or go to the wall.


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We all arrived safe and ______ despite the difficult journey.

The basic structure of the house is _________ but it needs totally redecorating.

He’s a sticker for discipline, by the ________ of it.


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I just managed to get there in the ________ of time.

I saw George trying to _____ your pen earlier.

His razor was horribly blunt and he managed to _______ himself in several places.


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When questioned, the minister said that he would _______ by what he said earlier.

Everybody should learn to ________ up for themselves.

If we ________ to our plans, we should make a lot of money.


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It’s time we ______ aside our differences and learned to work together.

Building their extension ________ them back by several thousand pounds.

He’s _______ his heart on getting a new music system.


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It’s time you learned to _______ the fact that we’re losing money.

You can’t keep running away from difficult decisions: it’s time to _______ the music.

I really can’t ________ the idea of doing the whole thing again.


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I don’t think children should be _________ under such pressure at such an early age.

Can you _____ in a good word for me with the boss?

If you _______ your mind to it, you can achieve virtually anything.


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You’re _______ to get a good grade with the amount of work you’ve put in.

With one ______ he sprang through the window and made his escape.

The pile of papers were ________ with red ribbon.


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He has good qualifications, but is lacking in _________.

The __________ will hold you in good stead later.

I have no __________ of working with children.


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Lessons can’t be all ________ and games.

Knowing the results takes the ______ out of watching the match highlights.

It’s no _______ not knowing what’s going on.


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