AP Government Diagnostic Test

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Protections against intrusions on civil liberties, based on the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom and the Virginia Declaration of Rights

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Protections against intrusions on civil liberties, based on the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom and the Virginia Declaration of Rights

Bill of Rights

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Female suffrage

19th amendment

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British tax on printed goods in the colonies, which was levied to pay for British troop presence in North America after the French and Indian War.

Stamp Act

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A written plan of government


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Progressive state law reform in which the state legislature puts a measure on the ballot


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Provided for the direct election of senators to reduce corruption.

17th amendment

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Justified the right of American Colonists to break from England and outlined the principles of the Social Contract.

Declaration of Independence

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The first plan of government for the U.S., it proved to be too weak to handle the needs of the nation.

Articles of Confederation

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Eliminated literacy tests and resulted in a huge increase in African American voting.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

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Outlawed racial discrimination in public accommodations.

Civil Rights act of 1964

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Written by James Madison, this type of government would give states power in the government based on population.

Virginia Plan

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Enlightenment concept, refined by John Locke, providing that all power of government ultimately resides with the people.

Social Contract

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Voting rights were guaranteed regardless of race (to former slaves)

15th Amendment

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This effectively separated church and state and became a basic part of the 1st amendment.

Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

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Written by George Mason, this outlined basic rights of people in Virginia and served as a model for the Bill of Rights

Virginia Declaration of Rights

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Abolished slavery in the United States.

13th amendment

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18th amendment

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Progressive state law reform in which voters put a measure on the ballot.


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States were prohibited from denying equal rights under the law to any American

14th amendment

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A progressive state law reform in which voters may remove an officeholder who is not doing his job.


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Provided for the hunting down and capture of escaped slaves, even in the North.

Fugitive Slave Act

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Anaconda Plan; Union defeats the Confederacy; federal system v. states rights; a "new birth of freedom;" began at Bull Run and ended at Appomattox; the turning point was at Gettysburg.

Civil War

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Battle for independence; began at Lexington; ended at Yorktown; turning point at Saratoga; Patriots; Neutrals; Tories; Treaty of Alliance with France

American Revolution

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Cuban missile crisis; Vietnam: Korea: policy of containment; Marshall Plan; Berlin Airlift; Bay of Pigs; McCarthyism: Red Scare; Truman Doctrine; NSC 68; Massive Resistance; Vietnamization; NATO; Warsaw Pact

Cold War

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Make the world safe for democracy; Archduke Franz Ferdinand; trench warfare; U-Boats; first tanks; first machine guns; gas; Central Powers; Allies: American Expeditionary Force; Wilson's 14 Points

World War 1

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A military action where the U.S. and many other allies joined together to liberate Kuwait after it was taken over by Iraq.

Persian Gulf War

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This was the failed attempt by Cuban exiles to overthrow Fidel Castro, the communist leader of Cuba.

Bay of Pigs

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U.S. becomes involved after Pearl Harbor: begins in 1939; ends in 1945, turning points--Pacific Midway. Europe: Stalingrad, North Africa: El Alamein: Tuskegee Airmen: Navajo codes: rationing: E bands, island-hopping campaign. internment camps. Rosie the Riveter; Holocaust: censorship, businesses retooling.

World War 2

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The U.S, and the Soviet Union nearly went to direct war as the U.S. felt threatened by Soviet arms in Cuba

Cuban Missile Crisis

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The second engagement against Iraq, this time with the goal of ousting the government and replacing the dictatorship with a democracy, as well as to rid the country of weapons of mass destruction

Iraq War

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Great Britain gains almost all of Canada as a result. was between British (supported by her American colonists) and the French (supported by Frances Native American allies); British victory results in Parliament's passing of the Proclamation of 1763

French and Indian War

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The name for the attack on Iraq during the Persian Gulf War, it was the first time the U.S. used female soldiers in combat.

Operation Desert Storm

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North crosses the 38th parallel in 1950 and invades the South to start the war: lasts 3 years; the U.S. accomplishes its Cold War objective of containment, Douglas Macarthur: U.N. Police Action

Korean War

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U.S. sent combat troops to fight in 1965 pursuant to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: turning point was the Tet Offensive: "peace with honor:* North and South unified as one nation under Communist rule in 1975.

Vietnam War

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The military engagement for the U.S. to actively hunt and destroy international terrorist groups hiding and training in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan War

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This president is associated with the New Deal, four elected terms, most of World War II, most of the Great Depression, "Court-packing," and saying that "we have nothing to fear but fear itself."


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This president is associated with Vietnamization, the Watergate scandal, détente, "peace with honor", SALT I and ABM, the Cold War, and resignation from the presidency.

Richard Nixon

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This president is associated with the War of 1812, the Virginia Resolutions, co-authorship of The Federalist Papers, and the Virginia Plan, and is considered to be the Father of the Constitution.

James Madison

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This president is associated with the Treaty of Versailles, World War I, trying to make the world "safe for democracy," and the League of Nations.

Woodrow Wilson

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This president is associated with the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark, Sacajawea, the Embargo of 1807, strict constructionist policies (except for Louisiana Purchase), and dramatically down-sizing of government, and was the winner of the presidential election of 1800 (the first transition of power from one party to another).

Thomas Jefferson

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This president is associated with setting precedents for other presidents (including two terms), the Proclamation of Neutrality, Jay's Treaty, warning against political parties and foreign entanglements, the creation of a cabinet, and being the former commander in chief of Continental Army.

George Washington

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This president is associated with the Spanish-American War, imperialism, the annexation of Hawaii, and the Open Door policy.

William McKinley

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This president is associated with opposition to popular sovereignty, losing to Stephen Douglas in the Illinois Senate race in 1858, debates, the Gettysburg Address, the Civil War, and the Emancipation Proclamation, and was the first member of the Republican Party to be elected president and the victim of the first presidential assassination.


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This president is associated with the "Big Stick" policy, imperialism, Rough Riders, the Panama Canal, progressivism, and trust-busting efforts.

Teddy Roosevelt

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This president is associated with Dollar Diplomacy, imperialism, and progressivism.


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This president is associated with the Cold War, "Massive Retaliation," most of the 1950s, finishing the Korean War, and was the first president to send advisors into Vietnam.

Eisenhower (Ike)

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This president is associated with the Cold War, the beginning of the U.S. policy of containment, the Berlin Airlift, the Korean War, and providing aid to Greece and Turkey.


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This president is associated with the first major escalation of the war in Vietnam, sending the first American fighting troops to Vietnam, the "Great Society," the Cold War, major Civil Rights legislation, and most of the 1960s.

Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ)

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This president is associated with saying "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall," the Cold War, "Star Wars," trickle down and supply-side economics, huge budget deficits, and contributing greatly to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Ronald Reagan

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This president is associated with NAFTA, resumption of full diplomatic relations with Vietnam, lifting of economic sanctions against South Africa, and U.S. participation in the NATO action in the former Yugoslavia.

Bill Clinton

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Ended state segregation of public schools

Brown v. Board (of Education)

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Upheld the Supremacy Clause, and broadly interpreted the elastic clause

McCulloch v. Maryland

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Established the principle that "separate but equal" does not violate the 14th Amendment equal protection clause

Plessy v. Ferguson

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Held that an enslaved person has no rights, and that Congress may not limit the spread of slavery into the territories

Dred Scott (v. Sanford)

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Established the power of "judicial review" for the courts

Marbury v. Madison

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Upheld the exclusive power of the federal government to regulate interstate commerce

Gibbons v. Ogden

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Upheld "affirmative action" as long as quotas were not the sole basis for an admission or hiring decision

(University of California Regents v.) Bakke

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This set of programs worked to help Americans during the Great Depression, under FDR it expanded the power of government.

New Deal

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A collective security agreement to prevent the spread of communism in Europe.

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

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State and local laws in the southern states to enforce racial segregation.

Jim Crow

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was the movement of white Americans from the cities to the suburbs, and was one of the responses to the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education

White Flight

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is a term that means to accuse someone based on false or flimsy evidence. It is named for a Wisconsin Senator who falsely accused many people of being communists during the Red Scare.


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is a term that means the systematic murder of persons based on their ethnicity, race, etc.


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The active building of more weapons to become more powerful

Arms Race

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means the right to vote


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was the name of President Richard Nixon's plan to replace American fighting troops in Vietnam with more and better trained South Vietnamese soldiers.


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is the practice of a winning candidate rewarding his supporters with jobs in office-Andrew Jackson was known for this.

Spoils system

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was the large-scale movement of African Americans from the South to Northern cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to find jobs and economic opportunities, and to escape Jim Crow laws.

Great Migration

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U.S. policy to stop the spread of communism


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was the name of the group in Congress during Reconstruction that opposed President Andrew Johnson, stood up for civil liberties and voting rights for African Americans, and wanted to punish the South for the Civil War,

Radical Republicans

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are terms that refer to the practice of hiring people in other countries to do work for a domestic company, a practice that many businesses engage in today.


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Eliminated trade restrictions between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.


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Law that allows the U.S. Government to aggressively locate suspected terrorists within the United States

Patriot Act

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I became the communist dictator in Cuba during the Cold War.

Fidel Castro

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I was the lead NAACP attorney on a school integration case in Virginia in the 1950s.

Oliver Hill

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I was the fascist dictator of Germany during World War II.

Adolf Hitler

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I was the communist dictator of the Soviet Union during World War II, and in the early Cold War years.

Joseph Stalin

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I was a Senator who said I had a list of communists and made many accusations based on false or flimsy evidence during the Red Scare in the 1950s.

Joseph McCarthy

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I was a suffragette and, with Susan B. Anthony, was a participant in the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

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I was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during most of the 1950s and 1960s and led the Court to greater protections of civil liberties.

Earl Warren

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I was the second woman appointed to the Supreme Court and a judicial activist.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG)

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I wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which is part of the Virginia Constitution that protects civil liberties, that was used by James Madison as a model when he wrote the Bill of Rights.

George Mason

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Along with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay, I authored The Federalist Papers. I was the "Father of the Constitution," wrote the Bill of Rights, and was president during the War of 1812.

James Madison

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I said, "Give me liberty, or give me death."

Patrick Henry

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I wrote the Declaration of Independence; was an Anti-Federalist during the debate over ratification of the Constitution and was president when the U.S. made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.

Thomas Jefferson

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I was a Federalist, our first Secretary of the Treasury, a loose constructionist, and developed an important economic plan during Washington's administration.

Alexander Hamilton

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I wrote Common Sense in 1776, which was in common language and inspired many Americans to revolt against British rule.

Thomas Paine

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I was an American enlightenment thinker; a member of the committee who wrote the Declaration of Independence and a delegate to the Constitutional Convention.

Benjamin Franklin

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I was the lead NAACP attorney in the case of Brown v. Board of Education.

Thurgood Marshall

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I was president of the Constitutional Convention.

George Washington

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I was a Virginian and an important early chief justice of the Supreme Court, helping to enlarge the power of the national government and the courts in our federal system.

John Marshall

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I said, "with malice toward none, with charity for all." and instructed General Grant that "I want no one punished" for the Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln

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I became the first female justice on the Supreme Court.

Sandra Day O'Connor

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