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derive from something/be derived from something
To come or develop from something
e.g Palm oil is an edible oil derived from the fruit of the African oil palm tree
property (n)
Tài sản
e.g Be careful not to damage other people’s property
Land and buildings
e.g The price of property has risen enormously
A building or buildings and the surrounding land
e.g There are a lot of emty properties in the area
A quality or characteristic that something has
e.g The substance has properties similar to plastic
propertied (adj)
Owning property, especially land
e.g A tax aimed at the propertied classes
devote to (phrasal verb)
To give an amount of time, attention, etc. to something
e.g I could only devoted two hours a day to work.
The land area devoted to growing oil palm trees grew from 6 to 17 million hectares.
She devoted herself to her career.
devoted (adj)
Having great love for somebody/something and supporting them in everything
e.g A devoted son
They are devoted to their children
devotedly (adv)
In a way that shows great love for somebody/something
devotee (n)
a person who admires and is very enthusiastic about somebody/something
e.g A devotee of science fiction
A very religious person who belongs to a particular group
e.g Devotees of Krishma
devotion (n)
Great love, care and support for something/somebody
e.g His devotion to his wife and family is touching
The action of spending a lot of time or energy on something
SYN dedication
e.g Her devotion to the job left her with very little free time
Religious worship
mere (adj)
Used when you want to emphasize how small, unimportant, etc. somebody/something is
e.g It took her a mere 20 minutes to win
A mere 2% of their budget has spent on publicity
Used when you are saying that the fact that a particular thing is present in a situation is enough to have an influence on that situation
e.g His mere presence (= just the fact that he was there) made her feel afraid
The mere fact that they were prepared to talk was encouraging
The merest hint of smoke is enough to make her feel sick
mere (n)
a small lake
merely (adv)
Used meaning 'only’ or ‘simply’ to emphasize a fact or something that you are saying
e.g He said nothing, merely smiled and watched her
cite (n)
To mention something as a reason or an example, or in order to support what you are saying
e.g She cited examples of companies the city has helped relocate or expand
He cited his heavy workload as the reason for his breakdown
To speak or write the exact words from a book, an author, etc.
SYN quote
e.g He cites no primary sources for his claims
She is the author most often cited in his work
To order somebody to appear in court; to name officially in legal case
e.g She was cited in the divorce proceedings
To mention somebody officially or publicly because they deserved special praise
e.g He was cited for bravery
citation (n)
Words or lines taken from a book or a speech
SYN quotation
e.g The report contained several citations taken from her PhD thesis
An official statement about something special that somebody has done, especially about acts of courage in a war
e.g A citation for bravery
An act of citing or being cited
e.g Space does not permit the citation of the examples
dwindle (v)
To become gradually less or smaller
e.g Supplies of coal are dwindling fast
dwindle (away) (to something) Support for the party has dwindled away to nothing
dwindle (from something) (to something) Membership of the club has dwindled from 70 to 20
fauna (n)
All the animals living in an area or in a particular area in a particular period of history
e.g The local flora and fauna
radical (adj)
Relating to the most basic and important parts of something; complete and detailed
SYN far-reaching
e.g The need for radical changes in education
Radical differences between two systems
New, different and likely to have a great effect
e.g Radical changes
Radical proposals
In favour of extreme and complete political or social change
Radical (n)
A person with radical opinions
e.g Political radicals
intuitive (adj)
(Of ideas) Obtained by using your feelings rather than by considering the fact
e.g He had an intuitive sense of what the reader want
(Of people) Able to understand something by using feelings rather than by considering the facts
e.g I don’t think that women are necessarily more intuitive than men
(Of computer software) Easy to understand and to use
intuition (n)
The ability to know something by using your feelings rather than considering the facts
e.g The answer came to me in a flash of intuition
Her feminine intuition told her that he was unhappy
An idea or a strong feeling that something is true although you cannot explain why
trực giác
e.g I had an intuition that something awful was about to happen
intuit (v)
To know what something is true based on your feelings rather than on facts, what somebody tells you
e.g She intuited that something was badly wrong
intuitively (adv)
By using your feelings rather than by considering the facts
e.g She intuitively knew that he was lying
Computer software, etc. that works intuitively is easy to understand and use
nuance (n)
A slight difference in meaning, sound, colour or somebody’s feelings that is not usually very obvious
e.g He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression
nuanced (adj)
With very slight differences in meaning or expression
e.g As her career progressed, her work became more complex and nuanced
utilitarian (adj)
Designed to be useful and practical rather than attractive
e.g Her clothes were utilitarian, unlike the elaborate dresses the other girls were wearing
The old hospital was demolished in 1911 and replaced with a much more utilitarian building
utilitarianism (n)
The belief that the right course of action is the one that will produce the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people
utility (n)
A service provided for the public, for example an electricity, water or gas supply
e.g Legislation will be introduced to regulate the privatized utilities
The quality of being useful
SYN usefulness
e.g This computer is of low utility for the home user
This information is of the highest utility to a historian
A piece of computer software that performs a particular task
utility (adj)
That can be used for several different purposes
e.g An all-round utility player
utility room (n)
A room, especially in a private house, that contains large pieces of equipment such as a washing machine, freezer
utility vehicle (n)
A small truck with low sides designed for carrying light loads
utilization (n)
The act of using something, especially for a practical purpose
e.g The utilization of resources
utilize (v)
To use something, especially for a particular purpose
SYN make use of
e.g Vitamin C helps the body utilize the iron present in your body
a bone of contention (idiom)
Something that two people argue about strongly over a long period of time
immense (adj)
cực to, cực vĩ đại
e.g The benefits are immense
immensely (adv)
Extremely, very much
e.g We enjoyed ourselves immensely
immensity (n)
The large size of something
e.g The immensity of the universe
yield (n)
The total amount of crops, profits, etc. that are produced
e.g A high crop yield
A reduction in milk yield
Yields are quite poor this year
yield (v)
To produce or provide something, for example a profit, result on top
e.g The research has yielded useful information
The tree no longer yield fruit
To stop resisting something/somebody; to agree to do something that you do not want to do
SYN give way
e.g He undesirably yielded to their demmands
To allow somebody to win, have or take control of something that has been yours until now
yield something/somebody (up) (to somebody)
SYN surrender
e.g He refused to yield up his gun
The universe is yielding up its secrets
To move, bend or break because of pressure
e.g Despite our attempts to break it, the lock would not yield
To allow vehicles on a bigger road to go first
e.g Yield to oncoming traffic
yield to
To be replaced by something
e.g Canals yielded to the railways for transporting goods
yielding (adj)
(Of a substance) Soft and easy to bend or move when you press it
e.g She sank onto the yielding cushions of the couch
(Of a person) Willing to do what other people want
transparency (n)
The quality of something, such as a situation or an argument, that makes it easy to understand
e.g A need for greater transparency in legal documents
The quality of something, such as glass, that allows you to see through it
The quality in something, such as an excuse or a lie, that allows somebody to see the truth easily
e.g They were shocked by the transparency of his lies
transparent (adj)
(Of glass, plastic, etc) allowing you to see through it
e.g The insect’s wings are almost transparent
OPP opaque
(Especially of an excuse, a lie) that you can easily see is false; allowing you to see the truth easily
SYN obvious
e.g Am I that transparent? (= Are my intentions that obvious?)
A transparent attempt to buy votes
(Of language, information) easy to understand
e.g A campaign to make official documents more transparent
transparently (adv)
In a way that allows you to see the truth easily; without hiding anything
e.g It is important to debate these issues openly and transparently
insist (v)
Nhấn mạnh, nhất quyết, đòi hỏi (làm việc gì đó), thể hiện một nhu cầu mạnh mẽ, củng cố vững chắc, đặc biệt là khi có người khác không đồng ý với ý kiến của người nói
insist on somebody/something doing something
insist on somebody/something’s doing something
e.g I didn’t really want to go but he insisted
Stay and have lunch. I insist!
She insisted on him wearing a suit
She insisted on his wearing a suit
He insisted on his innocence
insistence (n)
An act of demanding or saying something clearly and refusing to accept any opposition or excuses
at somebody’s insistence
insistence on/upon (doing) something
insistence that
e.g At her insistence, the matter was dropped
An insistence upon the highest standards of grammatical correctness
They repeated insistence that the trial be held in a US court
insistent (adj)
Cương quyết, nhất quyết
e.g He didn’t want to go but they were insistent
insistent on (doing) something They were insistent on having a contract for the work
Continuing for a long period of time in a way that cannot be ignored
e.g The insistent ringing of the telephone
insistently (adv)
Một cách cương quyết, dứt khoát
e.g They insistently refused to accept any cash compensation
Một cách kéo dài rất lâu và không thể bị ngó lơ
e.g He tried to ignore his insistently ringing phone
assess (v)
To make a judgement about the nature or quality of somebody/something
đánh giá
e.g She engaged a safety consultant to assess the risks
We’re trying to assess how well the system work
Định giá, ước tính
e.g They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid
Damage to the building was assessed at 40000 dollars
assessable (adj)
Có thể đánh giá, nhận định
Có thể định giá, ước tín
assessment (n)
Sự đánh giá chất lượng
Quá trình đánh giá chất lượng học sinh in terms of their knowledge, ability or progress
e.g Written exams and other forms of assessment
Mức định giá, khoản ước tính