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True or False, there are multiple factors affecting pain perception.
Gender, genetics, medication, anxiety, Age
Acute Pain
Results from activation of pain receptors at the site of tissue damage
Cause: traumatic injury. surgery, inflammatory
Usually resolves in days to weeks
Serves as a warning signal to prevent further damage
Chronic Pain
Results from abnormal processing of stimuli from nerve damage
Typically lasts over 3 months to years
Cause fatigue, sleepiness, anxiety, stress, depression
Ascending/Afferent pathway
Carry signal from pain receptors to spinal cord and brain
“incoming nerves”
1)Tissue damage → release of mediators
2)Stimulation of nociceptors, generating an action potential
3)Impulse travels along peripheral afferent nerves
4)Travels to dorsal horn of spinal cord→ brain stem→thalmus→limbic system
message is processed as painful
A delta fibers
Afferent fibers
thinly myelinated
Associated with sharp, immediate pain and responsible for the pulling away reflex
C fibers
Afferent fibers
Responsible for slow, dull, longer lasting pain
Efferent/Descending pathway
Carry signal from brain and spinal cord to effector organs and muscles
“outgoing nerves”
Understand Gate Control Theory and the significance of the periaqueductal gray area.
Efferent pathway
Non painful stimuli can close the gate to painful stimuli in the Periaqueductal Gray Area
(ex: rubbing an bumped elbow reduces pain)
Stimulation of PAG activates enkephalin releasing neurons which modulates pain signal like volume control
Understand the SAR of the endogenous opioid peptides.
Endorphins and Enkephalins
Phenol and amine functional groups are most important
Understand the message-address concept of the endogenous opioid peptides.
The N terminus of a peptide contains the message→ First 4 amino acids conserved and essential for binding to all opioid receptors (knows to go to opioid recetpor)
The C terminus is the address, tells us what kind of opioid receptor
Additional amino acids in the sequence determine subtype specificity
opioid receptors are….
inhibitory GPCRs and that stimulation of them hyperpolarizes the neuron and terminates pain signaling.
Know the effect of opioid receptor stimulation on adenylate cyclase, cAMP, potassium flux, calcium flux and phospholipase C.
Inhibit adenylate cyclase which drives down cAMP concentrations
Activate inwardly rectifying K+ channels towards resting potential (increases K+ efflux)
Closes Ca2+ channels
Stimulates phospholipase C
Know that there are three classes of opioid receptors and their names.
Delta Opioid receptor→ enkephalins, B endorphin
Kappa opioid receptor→ Dynorphins, B endorphin
Mu opioid receptor→ Endomorphins, B Endorphin
What therapeutic action are mu-1 receptors associated with?
mediate pain neurotransmission
What side effect are mu-2 receptors associated with?
control respiratory depression
What would be the therapeutic advantage to the development of a selective kappa agonist?
Lack respiratory depression, constipation and physical dependence
Know the difference between tolerance and dependence
Tolerance: increasingly larger doses are required to produce the same degree of biological response
Dependence: Opioid is necessary to maintain physiologic and psychological functioning
withdrawal and addiction.
Withdrawal: tremor, chills/sweats/increased blood pressure and heart rates, abdominal cramping
Addiction: Due to euphoric effects produced by mu opioids, addiction is a significant challenge, complicated by psychosocial and genetic components
Know the challenges associated with the therapeutic use of opioids.
Cross tolerance (if swapping must be same type of opioid)
Combined alcohol consumption
Know the SAR of multicyclic opioid AGONISTS.
R1 group dictates control of agonist or antagonist activity→ methyl group tends to be agonist, 3-5 carbon chains tend to be antagonists
Basic nitogren attached to R1 (tertiary amine)
R2 H or methyl
A ring is essential
R3 is H or OH
IMpact of R4 depends on presence of C7 and C8 double bond
What drug properties are relevant to choosing the appropriate opioid therapeutically?
Half life
heroin & morphine
Heroin is a prodrug that hydrolyzes into 6MAM which hydrolyzes to morphine
Can heroin cross the BBB?
Heroin is a prodrug, its active metabolite is morphine
Heroin is more lipophilic than morphine so it has better BBB access