large population where there is no immigration, emigration, mutations, or natural selections
random mating; all possible genotypes can be breed with each other
measure out set area and divide into m^2
use random number generator to gain co-ordinates to place quadrat
count number of organisms/species in each quadrat
use large sample size and repeat until a running mean is formed
calculate total number of species:
mean number of organism x number of quadrats in area
pioneer species
first species to colonise the area
abiotic conditions are extremely hostile (no water or soil)
pioneer species die and breakdown
basic soil forms
soil retains water; change in abiotic conditions; different species better adapted to surviving
more competition
larger shrubs outcompete other species
greater depth of soil
dominant species survive best
climax community
ecosystem support the largest and most complex community of plants
no more competition eg. trees
stable community/steady state