What areas was England divided into in 793?
Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, and Wessex.
What were the causes of Viking migration?
raids part of warrior culture
Scandinavia overpopulated+infertile land
GB had fertile land, wealth, natural resources;e.g. silver and gold
primogeniture in Scandinavia
longboats allowed Vikings to travel long distances; skilled navigators
Pagans; did not fear attacking monasteries(lots of wealth)
First Viking attack
793 AD
monastery in Lindisfarne, Northumbria
killed monks, stole treasure and enslaved
Alfred of Wessex
united Wessex and defeated Vikings
Which areas did the Vikings control by 870?
Northumbria, East Anglia, west of Mercia
leader of the great heathen army
Battle of Edington
Alfred vs. Guthrum
Vikings lost
Agreement of Battle
Guthrum would become Christian
Vikings would not attack Wessex
Danelaw created
area north and east of England controlled by the Vikings
military impacts
Burhs (fortified towns) built
English navy created
increased naval capacity
social impacts
Many intermarried= Anglo-Saxon and Viking culture merged
Vikings converted to Christianity
Norse Gods introduced
Language change
English identity born as united against Vikings
economic impacts
Improved farming techniques