water produced by livestock operations and human activities including sewage, water from bathing, and washing clothes and dishes
point source
a distinct location from which pollution is directly produced
nonpoint source
a diffuse area that produces pollution
biochemical oxygen demand (bod)
the amount of oxygen a quantity of water uses over a period of time at specific temperatures
dead zone
an area with extremely low oxygen concentration and very little life
a phenomenon in which a body of water becomes rich in nutrients
cultural eutrophication
an increase in fertility in a body of water, the result of anthropogenic inputs of nutrients
indicator species
a species that indicates whether or not disease-causing pathogens are likely to be present
fecal coliform bacteria
a group of generally harmless microorganisms in human intestines that can serve as an indicator species for potentially harmful microorganisms associated with contaminated sewage
septic system
a small and simple sewage treatment system made up of a septic tank and a leach field
septic tank
large container that receives wastewater from a house as part of a septic system
solid waste material from wastewater
layer of fairly clear water found in the middle of a septic tank
leach field
a component of a septic system, made up of underground pipes laid out below the surface of the ground
manure lagoon
human-made pond lined with rubber built to handle large quantities of manure made by livestock
acid deposition
acids deposited on earth from rain or snow or as gases and particles that attach to the surfaces of plants, soil, and water
a group of harmful chemicals used for rocket fuel
polychlorinated biphenyls (pcb)
a group of industrial compounds used to manufacture plastics and insulate electrical transformers, and responsible for many environmental problems
thermal pollution
nonchemical water pollution that occurs when human activities cause a substantial change in the temperature of water
thermal shock
a dramatic change in water temperature that can kill organisms
clean water act
legislation that supports the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation by maintaining and restoring the chemical, physical, and biological properties of surface waters
safe drinking water act
legislation that sets the national standards for safe drinking water
maximum contaminant level (mcl)
the standard for safe drinking water established by the EPA under the safe drinking water act