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Piroplasmida (taxonomic group) are ____cellular protozoans of _____
consider buying the creator a cup of coffee (;
What type of life cycle do piroplasmids have?
How are protozoans of the group piroplasmida transmitted?
Hard ticks - Ixodidae
Where does sexual reproduction of piroplasmids occur?
Within the tick, which is considered the DH
Where does asexual reproduction of piroplasmids occur?
In the mammal, considered the IH
Piroplasms size is relative to...
What is the large babesia of cattle?
Babesia bigemina
What is the small babesia of cattle?
Babesia bovis
What is the large babesia of horses?
Babesia caballi
What is the small piroplasm of horses?
Theileria equi
What is the large babesia of dogs?
Babesia canis
What is the small babesia of dogs?
Babesia gibsoni
What is the small piroplasm of cats?
Cytauxzoon felis
Babesia infect _____ of the vertebrate host
How do babesia move from one RBC to another?
Replication till they destroy the RBC and move to more
What is texas cattle fever?
Babesia bigemina
What tick transmits babesia in cattle?
Fever tick - one host tick
Rhipicephalus annulatus/microplus
What is the tick life cycle of babesia bigemina?
Parasite is located in the salivary gland of the tick —> sexual repro —> passed onto cattle during feeding —> later ingests infected RBC from cow and parasites invade tick tissue (incl ovary)
What is the cattle life cycle of babesia bigemina?
Cow is bit by tick —> babesia invades RBC —> asexual repro —> lysis of RBC —> spread to other RBC
What is the general term for the stage of babesia in the RBCs?
What is transovarial transmission?
Tick larvae born infected, and transmit to host through feeding.
Effective for one host ticks
What is transstadial transmission?
Tick larva/nymph feed on infected host, fall and molt, and then transmit to another host.
Good for 3 host ticks
What are the clinical signs of babesia and other piroplasms?
Hemolytic Anemia
How do you dx babesia and other piroplasms?
History and CS
Molec. tests
When to collect samples for identifying babesia/other piroplasms?
During fever peaks
What is being done for babesia prevention and control
Vector control/eradication
Surveillance of border areas
How is babesia caballi transmitted?
Dermacentor nitens
How is Theileria equi transmitted?
Amblyomma cajennense
Theileria equi has a cycle similar to babesia but what is different?
It goes through a stage in lymphocytes before going to RBCs
Which piroplasmosis are reportable?
Bovine and equine
State level: TAHC
Federal: USDA
How is canine babesiosis transmitted?
Rhipicephalus sanguineus (brown dog tick) or through blood transfusion/vertical/blood transfer through fighting
Cytauxzoon felis natural host is...
Cats infected with cytauxzoon felis is ...
often fatal
What is the primary vector of cytauxzoon felis?
Amblyomma americanum (lone star tick)
What is the life cycle of cytauxzoon felis?
Asexual repro in tissue/erythrocytes
What are the CS of cytauxzoon felis?
Fever, lethargy, anorexia, dehydration, icterus, dyspnea
Hepatozoon americanum is an ____cellular protozoan of dogs
Dogs are the _______ hosts of Hepatozoon americanum
How is a dog infected by heptazoon americanum?
Through ingestion of the tick
Unique! to other previously discussed blood protozoans (which are usually bite)
What is the pathogenesis of hepatozoon americanum?
Infects leukocytes
Undergoes circulation to muscles, causes onion skin cysts in muscles/bone —> causes pain (chronic wasting disease)
What is the DH of hepatozoon americanum?
Amblyomma maculatum (gulf coast tick)
Contained in the hemocoel of the tick
How to DX hepatozoon americanum?
Blood smear
Molec/immuno dx tests
How to prevent most/all of these diseases (blood borne tick diseases) in CA?
Tick control!
Collars/preventions/sprays/check for ticks
What are the invertebrate host of kinetoplasmida (genus)?
What are the vertebrate host of kinetoplasmida (genus)?
What is the life cycle of kinetoplasmida (genus)?
Indirect, Transmitted by insects, and ONLY asexual repro
What are the two types of kinetoplasmids we need to know?
Trypanosoma spp
Leishmania spp
Trypanosoma cruzi is the agent of what disease?
Chagas disease
What is trypanosoma cruzi tx by?
Kissing bugs
What is the genus of trypanosoma cruzi?
What are the two main forms of T.cruzi?
Trypomastigote - extracellular
Amastigote - intracellular
What is the pathogenesis of T.cruzi?
Kissing bug has a blood meal, poops, and then we scratch and infect the poop into the bite wound
How else can t.cruzi be transmitted?
Transplacentally, blood transfusion, organ transplant, ingestion of contaminated food (humans)
What are the CS of T.cruzi in dogs?
Acute myocarditis
Chronic dilatative cardiomyopathy
Conduction dist.
Endemic in TX
How to DX T.cruzi
Blood smears
IFA in serum
T.cruzi control/prevention
Vector control
No drug approved yet
What are the hosts of Leishmania mexicana?
Humans and cats
What are the symptoms of leishmania mexicana infections in cats?
Lesions that do not heal on the ears, muzzle, or around the eyes.
How is Leishmania DX?
Detected of amastigotes in macrophages using aspirate/cytology/biopsy
Can also do confirmation with PCR
What is the vector of Leishmania?
Sand flies