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Who was the earliest thinker of sociological imagination?
The Chinese philosopher confucius
Who is Ibu Khaldun?
he was the first to carry out the systematic study of sociological subjects
What does modern science combine?
Rationalism (truth of reason and ideas) and Empiricism (observation)
List the three ways in which sociology emerged.
as part of a new worldview of science
as a part of the Enlightenment project and its focus on historical change, social injustice, and the possibilities of social reform.
as a response to social problems that arose in the 19th century with the Industrial Revolution.
Where did sociology spread first and then second?
1st- Europe in the 19th century in response to changes such as industrialization, urbanization, and population increases.
2nd- North America in the late 19th and 20th centuries due to the same conditions that where in europe.
Which sociologist was a pioneer or urban sociology and whose research focused on human ecology?
Robert E. Park
Which sociologist is known for adding physics like statistical precision to the field by making predictions?
Ernest burgess
What was the work of Jane Adams?
He was a social reformer who worked to improve the well-being of those living in poverty in the inner city.
Name three sociologists from McGill University?
Carl Addington Dawson, Horace Miner, Everett C. Hughes
Which sociologist believed in community research and focused on the ethnic division of labor?
Everett C. Hughes
Who was the first professional, institutionalized sociologist in Canada whose work reflected the social gospel movement and hands on social work?
Carl Addington Dawson
What did Horace Miner do?
field work research focusing on direct observation of and interaction with people.
Work of Harrold Innis?
argued that the availability of staples shaped the economy and social development of Canada.
Work of Samuel Delbert Clark?
work focused on Canadian social development as a process of disorganization and reorganization
What is a vertical mosaic?
a term coined by John Porter to describe Canadian society where different parts of the mosaic were present but not equal to racially marginalized groups.
Who was the first woman to obtain a Ph.D in sociology and pioneer the study of working women?
Annie Marion MacLean
Who was the first woman hired as a sociologist by a Canadian university and whose work focused on two concerns: Women and India?
Aileen Ross
Helen C. Abell
Called the founder of rural sociology
Professional Sociology
the audience is the academic world of sociology departments
Aim= applying specific information to a problem or intellectual question.
Critical Sociology
same as professional sociology but the aim here is to bring about meaningful social change.
Policy Sociology
Gathering sociological data to be used in the development of laws, rules, and long- and short-term plans.
Main areas= education, health and social welfare
Public sociology
Discuss sociological concepts with a broad audience
Interests cover much of society
Avoid the pitfalls of undue professionalism.