They are formed when two waves with the same amplitude and frequency superpose on top of each other while travelling in the opposite direction.
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What is the total amplitude of a standing wave?
The sum of the individual waves amplitudes.
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What is constructive interference?
When the waves superpose to create a larger oscillation.
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What is destructive interference?
When the wave superpose to create a smaller oscillation
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What is total destructive interference?
When the amplitudes cancel each other out and the net amplitude is zero.
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What are the differences between progressive waves (P) and standing waves (S)
P: All points have the same amplitude. S: Amplitude depends on the amount of superposition. P:Energy is transferred along the wave. S: Energy is stored. P:Does not have nodes or antinodes. S: Has both of those. P: Wave speed is the speed that the wave moves throughout a medium. S: Wave speed is the speed that the waves oscillate.
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What are nodes?
Points where total destructive interference takes place. There is no displacement or movement.
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What are antinodes?
Points where total constructive interference takes place and there is maximum displacement and movement.
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What is fixed end wave?
A standing wave that forms when they are two fixed ends. The fixed end always ends on a node.
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what is the equation for the wavelength of a fixed end wave?
n is the number of harmonics. L is the length of the string.
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Give an example of a instrument that has a fixed end wave.
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What are the harmonics of the guitar string?
The number of frequencies it can naturally vibrate at.
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What is the equation for the frequency of a standing wave.
T is tension. µ is the mass per unit length. V is the wave speed.
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What is a fixed end and an open end wave?
A wave that has a fixed end and an open end. Open ends always end on a node. The number of harmonics is odd.
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What is the equation for the wavelength of a fixed end and an open end wave?
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Give an example of an instrument that has a fixed end and open end.
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What is an open end wave?
A wave with two open ends. Each ends an antinode. The end of the waves count as half a harmonic.
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What is the equation for the wavelength of an open ended wave?
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Give an example of an instrument that has 2 open w