Agricultural Adjustment Act
taxed food processors to pay farmers
Atlantic Charter Conference
FDR meets with Brit Prime minister to discuss, post war, disarmament and self-determination
Banking Act of 1933
separated types of banks into commercial and investment banks
Cash and Carry
FDR, allies can buy weapons as long as they pick them up
Court Packing Scheme
FDR wanted to have 15 justices, denied
Dust Bowl
drought + erosion
Emergency Banking Relief Bill
restored confidence in bank, governement takes control of mismanaged banks
federal budget defecit
cost of government programs, goes up during FDR
fireside chats
public broadcasts used by FDR to inform public via radio of new deal policies
1st New Deal
FDR bills, towards relief, recovery and reform, control industry, and help banking
Good Neighbor Policy
repeals Platt Amendment promises Latin America that US will not directly interfere
Great Depression
stock market crashes → jobs lost →poverty
sites where US dropped atomic bombs
Internment of Japanese Americans
110,000 forced into internment camps, fear of espionage
Korematsu v United States
Supreme Court rules civil liberties may be violated in times of war
Lead-Lease Act
allowed the selling of weapons to England, made US less neutral
New Deal Coalition
FDRs supporters made of union members, city dwellers, urban poor, and blacks
Manhattan Project
Oppenheimer and development of atomic bomb
Nye Commission
Gerald Nye exposes arms dealers bribing US into war and selling to fascists
Postdam Conference
final conference post WWII discussed post war Germany and the atomic bomb
gov limits food
Sick Chicken Case
US sues poultry company for selling sick chickens, allowed regulation of prices and safety
Social Security Administration
provided retirement benefits to workers
Tehran Conference
first meeting of Big Three: FDR, Churchill, and Stalin
Second New Deal
welfare state, Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, Works Progress Administration, Social Security Act
Unite States v Butler
rules Agricultural Adjustment Act unconstitutional, power belonged to the states
Wagner Act
protects right to unionize
War Labor Dispute Act
allows US to seize war plants, Smith-Conally Anti-Strike Act
The Arabic
British ship with Americans sunk, winston remains neutral
Article X
League of Nations covenant rejected by Congress because it made declaring war harder → refusal to ratify the treaty
Aschan School
realist painters in new york
Ballinger-Pinchot affair
smudges Taft’s reputation as progressive as he sides with Ballinger who wanted to open federal land for corporations
Ballot Initiative
allows citizens to propose laws
Clayton Antitrust Act
establishes Federal Trade Commission, protects unions, investigates corporations
Commission of Public INformation
Voluntary censorship, used anti-german propaganda
18th amendment
prohibits sale of alcohol
Espionage Act of 1917
Schneck v US prohibits the use of mail to encourage dodging the draft
Federal Reserve Act of 1917
Wilson believes Banks serve stock market, →Federal Banks created in response to the Panic of 1907
Fourteen Points
speech by Wilson, League of Nations, end colonialism, but Europe wants to punish Germany → Treaty of Versailles
Great Migration
blacks out of debt → move to northern cities
Labor Acts of 1915-1916
(La Follette Seaman Act)safety/wages for sailors,(Adamson Act) 8 hour workday+ overtime pay,(Keating Owen CHild Labor Act) child labor shipments illegal → Supreme Court rules as unconstitutional since it interferes with state power
ship with Americans blown up by Germans pushes US towards war
Major Strikes after WW1
Bostonian Police Unionize → fire, AFL fail organize steel inudstyr, United Mine Workers gain minor wage increases
journalists who expose corruption, exL Ida Barbell
Muller v Oregon
limit women 10 hour workday
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
black intellectuals for anti discrimination and anti lynching
New Freedom
Wilson’s new ideas to restore competition and regulate corporations
19th Amendment
women’s suffrage
no alcohol → nobody enforces it → mafia
use of tariffs to prevent the sale of foreign goods
Palmer Raids
red scare → gov raids houses and deports
1906 invented, Wilson 1st president to use radio
WWI Entry
Zimmerman telegram: Mexico should attack US signed Germany, Germany had also used submarines to attack ships
Red Scare
bomb mail + Bolshevik Revolution → anti communist
did not like Article X, Henry Cabot Lodge, Republicans
Robert LaFollette
progressive wanted railroad regulation and ran in Progressive Party,
Roosevelt Corolory
new monroe doctrine, established control over Latin America
Suco + Vanzetti
Italian immigrants unfairly tried for murder → executed, reflected immigrant views in America
Schneck v United States
upheld Espionage Act, Shneck used mail to promote draft resistance
17th Amendment
2 senators are elected by population
Theodore Roosevelt
Progressive, Imperialist, wanted parks, facilitated Russo-Jap talks
Treaty of Versailles
blame Germany → WWII
US during WWI
Wilson uses Hoover to be in charge of food
Upton Sinclair
novelist/Socialist, wrote the the Jungle outlines evil of capitalism
War Industry Board
coordinated agricultural production in US
Watchful Waiting and Mexican Intervention
US will not enter into a treaty with someone who takes power by force until intentions are made public
welfare capitalism
business takes care of needs
William Howard Taft
president, dollar diplomacy, pushed for national income tax(16th amendment)
Wilson + Henry Cabot Lodge
US does not join league of nations due to Article X
Wilson’s Declaration of Neutrality
1st reaction to WWI by Wilson
William Jennings Bryan
Dem, “Cross of Gold Speech, weaken Northern banking, opposes Darwinism
Woodrow Wilson
Dem, progressive ideas, business regulation, 14 points
Women/Minorities in WWII
women were clerks, blacks fought in segregated unit
1932 Presidential Election
Hoover v FDR, Hoover unpopular due to Great Depression loses
Assembly Line Production
sped up production, repetitive and dangerous, automobiles/Henry Ford
steel, electric gas industries → paved roads and jobs
Bonus Expeditionary Force
veterans who wanted benefits → camp at DC → Hoover burns camps
Calvin Coolidge
pro business president
belief in the literal teaching of the Bible in opposition to Darwinism
Dawes Plan
debt restructuring of Germany, → America gives loans → Great Depression
Emergency Quota Act
limited immigration to better the economy
Harlem Renaissance
black intellectuals and artists create jazz and new literature
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
highest tariff in attempt to strengthen economy but did opposite
Henry Ford
model T, mass production/assembly line, welfare capitalism
Herbert Hoover
Rep, pro business, lackluster policies
Hoover-Stimson Doctrine
told Japan to keep the US in China after its movement into Manchuria
Industrial Changes in 1920s
electricity, new management strategies for research
no involvement/conflict outside borders
the jazz singer
first talkie film, with words and dialogue
KKK in 1920’s
opposed to blacks, Catholics, and Jews, around 5 million members
Lost Generation
novelists such as F Scott Fitzegerald and Ernest Hemingway who moved to Europe
Marcus Garvey
Jamaican seperatist who pushed for a return to Africa
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Hoover Loans money to railroads and financial institutions
living standard goes up
indoor plumbing, hot water, central heating
Shift in popular culture
movies, commericialism, sports
Black Tuesday/Stock Market Crash
banks closed and caused the crash
teapot dome scandal
cabinet memeber of warren G Harding arrested for fraud and oil reserves
Warrent G Harding
Rep, prod business, antilynching, civil rights
Washington Naval Conference
by Harding to reduce arms, led to naval reductions