What is an “abolitionist?”
an individual who worked to end the institution of slaver.
What is popular sovereignty?
the philosophy that the people have the right to determine for themselves the nature of their own government.
To “secede” is to--
leave the United States.
Who said/or wrote the below statement?
“That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord (1863), all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free…”
Abraham Lincoln, in The Emancipation Proclamation.
The map of “Scott’s Great Snake” was the --
Union blockade of the South
Which of the following was NOT true of Jefferson Davis?
All of the above statements are true
He was President of the Confederacy; He was a plantation owner; He served as a senator from Mississippi
President of the Confederacy.
Jefferson Davis
Famous for his leadership at the Battle of Bull Run.
Stonewall Jackson
Leader of the Union army.
Ulysses S. Grant
Led the Army of Northern Virginia.
Robert E. Lee
Clara Barton was most closely associated with--
Healthcare for soldiers during the Civil War
Which of the following individuals believed that secession was not permitted by the US Constitution?
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln once joked that the following person started the Civil War because of his/her writing.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Which of the following events happened FIRST?
The secession of South Carolina from the Union.
Which of the following is TRUE about tariffs in the 19th century?
Southerners opposed tariffs because they believed tariffs would scare off foreign buyers of their goods and make the imported goods they needed more expensive.
Which of the following is TRUE about the differences between the North and the South prior to the Civil War?
All of the above statements are true
The North was more urban and industrialized; the people of the South needed more infrastructure, such as roads, canals, and railways; southerners were strong supports of states’ rights.
Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the North during the Civil War?
Most of the battles were fought in Northern Territory.
Bloodiest single day in American history.
Three-day battle that was a turning point in the war.
General Ulysses S. Grant invades Tennessee.
A shocking defeat for the Union/North.
Bull Run
Which of the following is NOT True of the Emancipation Proclamation?
All of the above statements are true
It had little immediate effect on the lives of enslaved peoples; With it, President Lincoln “freed” all the slaves in the rebelling Southern states; It gave the Union a moral purpose for fighting for victory; It made foreign countries less likely to send aid to the South
The Battle of Gettysburg was --
Won by the North
In which speech did President Lincoln state that the Civil War was necessary to preserve the Union and that America was one nation, not a collection of individuals states?
The Gettysburg Address
What was the importance of the Appomattox Courthouse?
It is where General Lee surrendered to General Grant, ending the Civil War.
What was the result of the below resolution from the US Congress?
“Be it enacted by the senate and House of Representatives of the US of America in Congress assembled, That all persons held to service or labor within the District of Columbia by reason of African descent are hereby discharged and freed of and from all claim to such service or labor; and from and after the passage of this act neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except for crime, where of the party shall be duly convicted, shall hereafter exist in said District…”
Enslaved people of African heritage were freed in the District of Columbia.
The below excerpt describes a future for the Freed Black people of the South that is MOST similar to--
Reservations created for indigenous peoples in the West.
Using your knowledge from the unit, identity which city below was MOST LIKELY to have a newspaper that published the below article in response to President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.
Richmond, Virginia
In the below excerpt, President Lincoln was talking about--
“Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered.”
The fact that the Civil War was a fight between neighbors, brothers, sisters, and fellow Americans.