New England, Middle, Southern
What are the three groups of colonies?
Roman Catholics & Protestants
What two religious groups settled Maryland?
Which colonial city was the leading center of government and culture in the southern colonies?
Which colony was heavily populated during the "Great Migration"?
tobacco, rice, indigo
What are the three cash crops of the Carolina colonies?
William Penn
Who was given a colony as a payment of debt?
What type of colony was directed by a king?
Joint-stock companies
What helped raise money to support a NEW colony?
New England colonies
Which colonies were all original colonies?
Cecilius Calvert
Which Lord Baltimore established a colony for Roman Catholics?
Which colony was settled by people from Massachusetts Bay who wanted more land?
What was the first settlement of Georgia?
What religious group did the Pilgrims belong to?
Act of Toleration
What act did Maryland pass that guaranteed religious freedom?
John Winthrop
What governor wanted Massachusetts to be a "City upon a Hill"?
Roger Williams
Who disagreed with the Puritan leaders of Massachusetts Bay Colony?
James Oglethorpe
Founder of Georgia
land for debtors
What was Georgia known as?
What year did the Pilgrims reach America?
Roger Williams
What man founded Providence?
Society of Friends
What name did the Quakers go by?
New Netherland
What did New York previously go by?
name for those who received larger grants of land in the Dutch Colony
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
first written constitution drawn up in America
Charter colonies
founded by a charter containing the rules governing where the colony would be located and how it would be administered
Proprietary colonies
a type of colony given to individuals or groups by the king
New England
colonies that were established for religious freedom
Separatists from Scrooby, England
Mayflower Compact
first document to provide for self-government in the New World
first Indian to greet the English
colony that was first settled by Swedes
William Bradford
first governor of Plymouth colony
Rhode Island
First colony to guarantee religious freedom
Thomas Hooker
Who founded Connecticut?
New Hampshire
Which colony was founded due to overcrowding in Massachusetts?
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
What were the middle colonies?
Henry Hudson
explored modern day New York, allowing the Dutch to claim the region
Peter Minuit
governor of the colony responsible for buying Manhattan from the Indians
recipients of large land grants for bringing fifty settlers to the New World
Peter Stuyvesant
tyrannical governor of New Netherland
Middle Colonies
Which colonies were influenced by other nations?
New England colonies
Which colonies were primarily settled by the English?
virginia's leading crop
North and South Carolina
Where did Charles II rewardhis loyal followers with a New World territory?
warmer climate, single-crop economies, slave labor
three characteristics of Southern colonies
What was William Penn's religion?
economic freedom political freedom religious freedom adventure
Reasons why English settlers came to America
Dutch & Swedes
the middle colonies had original settlements y what two groups
Massachusetts Bay
Which colony required everyone to attend church
Duke of York (James)
Who did the King of England give the Dutch colony of New Netherland to?