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what is the skills usa motto?
Preparing for Leadership in the World of Work
what is the skills usa creed lines 1-3?
I believe in the dignity of work
I believe in America way of life
I believe in education
what is the skills usa creed lines 4-6?
I believe in fair play
I believe in satisfaction is achieved by good work
I believe in high moral and spiritual standards
What are purposes of skills usa? through 1-5?
To unite in a common bond, all students enrolled in trade, industrial, technical and health education.
To develop leadership abilities through participation in educational, vocational, civic, recreational and social activities.
To foster a deep respect for the Dignity of Work.
To assist students in establishing realistic career goals.
To help students attain a purposeful life.
What are purposes of skills usa? through 6-11
To create enthusiasm for learning.
To promote high standards in trade ethics, workmanship, scholarships, and safety.
To develop the ability of students to plan together, organize and carry out worthy activities and projects through use of the democratic process.
To foster a wholesome understanding of the functions of labor and management organizations and a recognition of their mutual interdependence.
To create among students, faculty members, patrons of the school and persons in business and labor, a sincere interest in and esteem for trade, industrial, technical, and health education.
To develop patriotism through a knowledge of our nation's heritage and the practice of DEMOCRACY.
what is the skills pledge?
To prepare myself by diligent study and ardent practice to become a worker whose services will be recognized as honorable by my employer and fellow workers.
To base my expectations of reward upon the solid foundation of service.
To honor and respect my vocation in such a way as to bring repute to myself.
And further, to spare no effort in upholding the ideals of SkillsUSA.
what does the shield represent?
denotes our belief in democracy, liberty, and the American way of life.
what is the gear?
symbolic of the industrial society, denotes the interdependence and cooperation of the individual working with labor and management for the betterment of mankind.
What does the torch represent?
the light of knowledge, which dispels the darkness of ignorance. In the light of the torch, progress will be made toward the vocational goals of the individual.
What does the orbital circle represent?
represent the challenge of modern technology and the training needed to accept and master the challenge of new technical frontiers and the need for continuous education.
What do the hands represent?
portray a search for knowledge and our desire to acquire a skill in the process of attaining knowledge and skill, we will develop a respect for the dignity of work and become productive and responsible citizens.
what are the official colors of skills usa?
Red, white, blue, and gold
what do the colors red and white represent for skills usa colors?
The individual states and chapters
What does the blue colors for official colors of skills represent?
represents the common union of the states and of the chapters
what does the color gold represent for offical skills usa colors?
represents the individual, the most important element of the organization.
why does skills usa have offical attire?
To add a sense of unity and identification, and bring enthusiasm to meeting, ceremonies, presentations, and activities
What is “Class A” offical attire?
Official SkillsUSA red blazer or official SkillsUSA red jacket • Button-up, collared, white dress shirt (accompanied by a plain, solid black tie or SkillsUSA black tie), white shirt (collarless or small-collared) or white turtleneck, with any collar not to extend into the lapel area of the blazer, sweater, windbreaker or jacket • Black dress slacks or black dress skirt (knee-length at minimum) • Black dress shoes
what is the skills usa framework?
helps students achieve the SkillsUSA mission of Preparing for Leadership in the World of Work. The SkillsUSA also provides a common language for students to be able to articulate how they are prepared for the work force because of their participation in SkillsUSA. components include Personal, Workplace and Technical Skills Grounded in Academics.
what personal person skills include?
Include integrity, work ethic, professionalism, responsibility, adaptability/flexibility, and self motivation
What workplace skills include?
Skills indude Communication, Decsion Making; Teamwork; Muticutural Senstivity and Awareness; Planing, Organizing and Management; Leadership
what are technical skills grounded in academics include?
includes computer and technology literacy, job-specific skills, safety and health, service orientation, and professional development
what is organizational structure of local chapter, state association, and national organization?
What are the 6 national program of work in skills.
Leadership Development
Community Engagement
Partner & Alumni Engagement
Financial Management
Workplace Experiences
Advocacy and Marketing
What are skills national structure?
the top one is national skills usa tim Lawrence and senior executive officer the second top one is boards of directors, the middle one is joint national executive council, the second to last one on the bottom is state association, and the bottom one is local chapters
who is the executive director of skills usa inc?
chelle travis
what is the brand promise?
SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc. makes every member and partner feel like a Champion. Through exceptional service, our members, partners, and stakeholders feel Significant, Valued, and Included. Involvement in SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc. is built upon a commitment to diversity, focused on professionalism, achievement, and hope for the future.
what is the vision of skills?
The SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc. ____ is to produce the most highly skilled workforce in the world, providing every member the opportunity for career success. SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc. is committed to empowering success for any student, any skill, any career
what is the mission of skills usa?
Skill USA Massachusetts, Inc. is America's proud champion of the skilled trades. Empowering students to become skilled professional career-ready leaders, and responsible community members, SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc. develops personal, workplace, and tech Skills through education, service, and career experiences for its members.
what are the values of skills usa?
SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc. mission is built upon — and its success depends on — the commitment of our members and partners to the following ____: Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Community & Service
who is the state executive director of skills usa massachusetts's inc?
Karen Ward
What are the components of the Massachusetts constitution?
the preamble, the declaration of rights, the description of the framework of the government, and the articles of amendment. drafted by John Adams, in 1780 and is the world's oldest functioning written _______. It served as a model for the United States ______, which was written in 1787.
What is the pledge of allegiance to the us flag?
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
what is the duties of the president?
Presides over meetings and represents your chapter.
what is the duties of vice president?
Takes over the duties of the President in the event that the President unable to attend - oversees all committees.
what are the duties of a secretary?
Keeps all records of meetings and provides agendas for meetings.
What was the duties of parliamentarian?
Has full knowledge of Parliamentary Procedure and keeps order in meetings.
What is the duties of the reporter?
Responsible for chapter publicity and promotion of activities.
what are the duties of a historian?
Keeps track of all activities of the chapter and keeps a history and photos of the SkillsUSA chapter.
What is the duties of region vice president?
To be the liaison to the Skill USA membership and to oversee local Chapter activities.
what is career essential programs?
curriculum ensures that every member has the foundational skills, attitudes and values to distinguish themselves from other applicants in the skilled labor marketplace. suite helps students become career-ready graduates who are prepared to face the 21 st-century demands of employers.
What are the career essential experiences courses?
Adult Learner
what are the career essential certifications courses?
SkillsUSA Framework Certification
CTE Knowledge Certification
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion In SkillsUSA Leaders
Communicating with Authenticity and Integrity in Informal Situations
what is the basic rights of individual members of an assembly?
Refer to attached Parliamentary Procedure Overview
What are the classifications of ranking motions in order of precedence of classification of non-ranking motions?
What are the processes of making a main motion?
stand and be recognized by the chairperson
stand the motion by stating, “I move that…”
what is the quorum?
The minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid.
Who is the high school national officer president. That also lives in Massachusetts?
Kallie Allen
Who is high school national officer that is the Vice president. That also lives in Oklahoma?
Emma Gunn
who high school national officer that is the secretary. That also lives in Michigan?
Waytt Boggs
Who high school national officer that is the treasurer. That also lives in Nebraska?
Brock Davis
Who high school national officer that is the Parliamentarian. Who also lives in new mexico?
Juan Orona
who is the high school national officer region 2 vice president? That also lives in south carolina?
Avery Smith
Who is the high school national officer region 3 vice president?
Violet Lowe
who is the high school national officer region 4 vice president?That also lives in texas?
Jana Kawasmi
who is the high school national officer region 5 vice president? That also lives in Arizona?
Kate hughes
who is the college/postsecondary national officer president? Who also lives in Louisiana?
Pamela Williams
who is the college/postsecondary national officer Vice president? Who also lives in Idaho?
Bailey Jensen
who is the college/postsecondary national officer Secretary? Who also lives in California?
Cooper Kias
who is the college/postsecondary national officer Treasurer? Who also lives in Missouri?
Ally Cadue
who is the college/postsecondary national officer Parliamentarian? Who also lives in Tennessee?
Scott Mull
Who is the state office national high school president? That goes to Blackstone valley RTHS in Upton?
Kallie Allen
Who is the state office national State president? who also goes to great lowell technical HS in tyngsboro?
Thomas Marshall
Who is the state officer State vice president? Who also lives in Essex North Shore Ag. & Technical School in Danvers?
Akram Mchiti
Who is the state officer Secretary? that also goes to whittier RTHS in haverhill
Natalie Delano
Who is the state officer Treasurer? That also lives in Jp keefe technical HS in framingham?
Victoria Graumann
Who is the state officer parliamentarian? That also goes in Taunton Hs in Taunton
Logan Rebello
Who is the state officer Historian? Who also goes to greater new bedford RTHS in new bedford?
Jada Sanchez
Who is the state officer Eastern Region Vice president? That also goes to cape cod Technical HS in Harwich?
Damian Cook
Who is the state officer Western Region Vice president? that also goes to minuteman technical HS in lexington?
Leah Schmeyer-Vanzile
What is the national theme for 2024-2025?
Ignite your potential