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Psychological Triad
Thought, Emotion, and Behavior
Personality Psychology vs. Clinical Psychology
Overlap occurs in extreme patterns of Personality
Goal of Personality Psychology
Understanding the whole person through the triad and other psychological mechanisms
Basic approaches
Trait, Biological, Psychoanalytic, Phenomenological, Learning/ Cognitive
Trait Approach
Individual differences in personality traits
Biological Approach
Genetic/ physiological/ evolutionary aspects
Psychoanalytic Approach
Unconscious mind and mental conflict
Phenomenological Approach
conscious experience of the world
uses either Humanistic psychology and cross-cultural
Humanistic Psychology
Conscious awareness produces uniquely human attributes
Classic behaviorism
Social Learning
Cognitive Personality
Cognitive Personality
Focuses on cog. processes like perception, memory, thought
Funder's First Law
great strengths are usually great weaknesses and vice versa
Types of Personality Data
S- data (self reports)
I-data (informants Reports)
L-data (Life outcomes)
B-data (behavioral observations)
Funder's Second Law
There are no perfect indicators of personality, only ambiguous clues
Funder's Third Law
something beats nothing, 2 times out of 3 (evidence is important no matter how irrelevant it's perceived)
Personality Test
Projective (rorschach ink, TAT)
Objective (MMPI, CPI)
consistency of measurement
The ability of a test to measure what it is intended to measure
determine whether the test can predict behavior/diagnosis/category membership in new sample
Types of research designs
Case/ Experimental/ Correlational studies
Enhances Reliability
Proofreading/ Constant + scripted procedure
Measure important items
Aggregation ~ averaging (Most useful)
Spearman-Brown Reliability Formula
Add more equivalent items to test to increase reliability
Construct Validity
the extent to which variables measure what they are supposed to measure
Case Method
studying specific event/ person to find out as much as possible
Case Method Advantages/ disadvantages
describes the whole phenomenon
illuminates + prevents future disasters
need to deal with events + individuals not common
generalizability unknown
Experimental Advantages/ Disadvantages
Establishes causal relationships/ uncertainty about what's really manipulated/ not always possible/ often require deception
Correlational Studies Advantages/ Disadvantages
The range is realistic
-demonstrates a relationship/
only option sometimes/
does n't= causality/
Third variable problem
Type I error
false positive
Type II
false negative
open science
Emerging remedy for incomplete reporting
Publication Bias
studies with strong results are more likely to be published
Effect Size
the magnitude of a relationship between two or more variables
person-situation debate
debate on whether personality traits or situational factors play a greater role in shaping behavior
Realistic Accuracy Model (RAM)
Personality judgment accuracy through 4 stages: relevance, availability, detection, utilization
Right environment that allows person to be themselves
spend time with person, in different situations
Pay attention to other person, listen rather than plan next speech
focused here on getting judges to "think better", use "good logic", avoid bias
Moderator variables on Personality Accuracy
Judge/ Target ( person being judge)/ Trait being judged / Info. on which judgment is based
Humans create or construct their own reality
Critical Realism
Gather info. to determine validity of judgment
Big 5 Traits (OCEAN)
openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
Openness to experience
creativity, curiosity, intellectual exploration
Organization, responsibility, discipline
compassion, cooperation, trust
Sociability assertiveness, energy
Emotional instability, anxiety, moodiness
4 ways to study personality
Single-trait/ many-trait/ essential-trait/ Typological approach
Examines behaviors associated w/ a particular trait
Looks for traits associated with a particular behavior
Essential-trait approach
Identifies which traits are most important
(Most prominent Big Five)
Typological approach
focuses on the patterns of traits that characterize whole persons/ tries to sort these patterns
Self-monitoring (single-trait)
The ability to regulate behavior to accommodate social situations
High self-monitors
adaptable, flexible, popular, able to fit in wherever/ wish-washy, 2-faced, lacking integrity + slick
Low self-monitors
Self-directed, have integrity, consistent/ insensitive, distrustful, touchy, inflexible, irritable, stubborn
Narcissism (Single-Trait)
Excessive self-love and need for admiration ( can become disorder)
make good first impressions but disliked later
California Q-set (Many-trait)
Sort personality into 9 categories
ranging from highly uncharacteristic of the person to highly characteristic
rank-order consistency
tendency for individuals to maintain personality traits over time
Maturity principle
the idea that traits associated with effective functioning increase with age
Part of brain associated with fear/emotion
amygdala processes these
Role of dopamine in personality
Linked to motivations/reward-seeking behavior/ extraversion/ impulsivity
Serotonin Influence on personality
regulates mood/ emotional stability: low levels associated with high neuroticism
Behavioral Genetics
the study of the effects of heredity on personality/behavior
the study of environmental influences on gene expression, potentially altering personality traits over time
Social Clock Theory
you must do things at certain times in your life (marriage, children)
Life history Strategies (Fast)
Early reproduction, lower parental investment, adapted for unstable environments
Life history Strategies (Slow)
Delayed reproduction, higher parental investment, adapted for stable environments
Frontal Cortex and Personality
involved in decision-making/impulse control/ planning/ personality expression
Cortisol and Personality
Released in response to stress; chronically high levels are linked to anxiety/emotional instability
Testosterone and Personality
Linked to dominance, competitiveness, and aggression
Flynn Effect
The rise in average IQ scores that has occurred over the decades in many nations influence rise of problem-solving and adaptability.
Criticisms of the evolutionary approach to personality
Relies on speculation/ difficult to test scientifically/ may justify harmful behaviors as "natural."
personality in infants and mostly determined by genetics
Heterotypic continuity
expression of fundamental tendencies change with age
Person-environment transactions
People respond to/
seek out/
create environments compatible
may magnify personality traits
Active Person-environment transactions
seek out compatible environments/ avoid incompatible ones
Reactive Person-environment transactions
respond differently to the same situation
Evocative Person-environment transactions
change the situation
Cohort effects
Effects due to a person's time of birth, era, or generation but not to actual age.
La Dolce Vita effect
Older people are more interested injust relaxing and enjoying life
Narrative identity
story that you tell about your life. We develop how we see ourselves and our sense of who we are over time
Narrative identity Actor
develop social skills, traits, and roles that one needs to take a place in society
Narrative identity Agent
a person guided by goals and values; plan for the future to align with desired outcomes
Narrative identity Author
to be able to tell your life story
Narrative identity Themes
Agency/ Redemption
are critical for communication acrossthe synapses between neurons
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
Make negative emotions less severe; useful in reducing neuroticism
Big five stability
Includes conscientiousness/ agreeableness/ associated with serotonin + Brain stem
The Big Five: Plasticity
Extraversion/ Openness/ associated w dopamine/ Behavioral Activation System
Understanding what others are thinking
Prefrontal leucotomy
damages small areas of white matter behind each frontal lobe with intention of decreasing pathological levels of agitation/emotional arousal
Prefrontal lobotomy
Removes whole sectors of the frontal lobes
Aggression Positive (Evolution)
help person to protect territory/ property/ mates
Aggression Negative (Evolution)
leads to fighting/ murder/ industrial-scale murder (war)
Sociometer Theory
a theory linking level of self-esteem with level of belongingness
Genetic Confounding
arises when trying to understand the effects on development that parenting styles/ childhood environments have
humanity can improved through selective breeding
Heritability coefficient
Reflects degree to which variance of trait in pop. attributed to variance in genes
Molecular genetics (gay gene?)
Determine whether differences in traits are correlated with differences in a particular gene