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Cultural Landscape
A geographic area shaped by human culture, reflecting the values, traditions, and social structures of a community.
Characteristics, qualities, and beliefs that make a person or group distinct, encompassing aspects like ethnicity, nationality, and religion.
Sequent Occupance
Concept in geography describing the layers of human habitation and usage of an area over time, influenced by successive groups.
Shared cultural, linguistic, or ancestral heritage of a group, shaping identities based on perceived differences.
Ethnic Neighborhoods
Areas within a city or region where a specific ethnic group predominantly resides, characterized by the group's culture and practices.
Traditional Architecture
Building styles characteristic of a culture or region, reflecting its history and using local materials and techniques.
Post-modern Architecture
A late 20th-century style marked by eclectic historical references and varied materials, emphasizing individuality.
A practice where a country establishes control over a foreign territory, often involving settlement and exploitation of resources.
Policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force, establishing dominance over other regions.
Lingua Franca
A language adopted as a common language between speakers of different native languages, often used for trade.
The process by which elements from different cultures blend to form new cultural identities.
The exchange of goods and services between individuals or entities, facilitating cultural and economic interactions.
Movement of people from one place to another, often leading to cultural exchange and demographic changes.
Cultural Convergence
The tendency for different cultures to become more similar due to globalization and interaction.
The process of adopting beliefs and practices from another culture while retaining elements of the original culture.
A process where individuals fully adopt another culture's beliefs and customs, often losing their original identity.
The blending of different religious, cultural, or philosophical beliefs into a unified system.
A societal approach that values diverse cultural backgrounds and promotes their coexistence.
Collectivist Cultures
Cultures emphasizing group harmony and the collective good over individual achievements.
Cultural Appropriation
Taking elements from one culture by a more dominant culture, often without understanding or permission.
Sense of Place
Emotional and psychological attachment individuals have to specific locations, shaped by experiences and cultural values.
A collaborative process of designing public spaces that enhance community well-being and foster connections.
Variations of a language specific to a region or social group, characterized by distinct vocabulary and pronunciation.
Individuals or groups who follow a particular faith, ideology, or set of beliefs.
Branches within a religion characterized by shared beliefs and practices but with differing interpretations.
A subgroup within a larger religious or social group, often with distinct beliefs or practices.
Centripetal Forces
Forces that bring people together and promote unity within a community.
Centrifugal Forces
Forces that drive people apart and create divisions within a community.
Language Family
A group of languages related through descent from a common ancestral language.
Isolate Language
A language that cannot be classified into any existing language family.
Language Branch
A subgroup within a language family that shares a more recent common ancestor.
Language Groups
Subdivisions within a language branch that share specific linguistic features.
Universalizing religions
Religions seeking to spread their beliefs to all people, promoting inclusivity, like Christianity and Islam.
A monotheistic religion centered on the life of Jesus Christ, emphasizing salvation through faith.
A monotheistic religion founded on the teachings of Muhammad, emphasizing submission to Allah.
A non-theistic religion based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, focusing on enlightenment.
A monotheistic religion founded by Guru Nanak, emphasizing equality and devotion to God.
One of the oldest religions, characterized by worship of multiple deities and beliefs in karma and reincarnation.
One of the oldest monotheistic religions, centered on the covenant between God and the Jewish people.