ap world unit 1 vocabulary

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Song Empire

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Song Empire

  • known for:

    1. economic prosperity

    2. cultural achievements

    3. advancements in technology

  • divided into two periods: Northern & Southern

  • saw:

    1. the rise of urban centers

    2. the use of paper money

    3. significant developments in art, literature, & philosophy.

  • faced challenges from nomadic invasions & ultimately fell to the Mongols.

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  • revived Confucianism of the Song period

  • integrated Confucian ethics with Buddhist & Taoist elements.

  • emphasized:

    1. moral self-cultivation

    2. the importance of family and social harmony

    3. the role of education in personal & societal development

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Zhu Xi

  • prominent Chinese philosopher of the Song Dynasty

  • known for:

    1. his synthesis of Confucian thought

    2. the development of Neo-Confucianism

  • emphasized:

    1. importance of moral self-cultivation

    2. the study of classical texts, influencing education & philosophy in East Asia.

  • his commentaries on the Four Books became central to the civil service examination system.

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  • Korean dynasty ruling from 918 to 1392

  • known for cultural & artistic achievements, including:

    1. the creation of celadon pottery

    2. the establishment of Confucianism as a state ideology.

  • recognized for:

    1. significant contributions to Korean literature

    2. development of the Korean writing system, Hangul

  • eventually fell to the Mongol invasions & internal strife

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  • a mound-like/hemispherical structure that holds sacred relics

  • is used for meditation and worship in Buddhism.

  • symbolizes the enlightened mind

  • is often adorned with intricate carvings & symbols representing the Buddha's teachings.

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Champa rice

  • originally from the Champa Kingdom

  • significantly increased agricultural productivity in China

  • fast-maturing, drought-resistant rice variety

    1. allowed for multiple harvests in a year

    2. contributing to population growth & economic stability during the Song Dynasty.

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Grand Canal

  • significant waterway in China

  • connects the Yellow River & the Yangtze River.

  • constructed to facilitate trade & transportation

  • playing a crucial role in the cultural & economic development of the regions it spans.

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  • traditional form of storytelling that conveys moral lesson

  • often featured animals as characters

  • known for:

    1. its concise narratives

    2. is commonly used to teach values & ethics

    3. often ending with a clear moral

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  • invented in the 9th century in China

  • played a crucial role in warfare

  • led to the development of cannons & firearms.

  • changed military tactics

  • contributed to the rise of powerful empires.

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Dar al-Islam

  • means “the world of Islam”

  • refers to regions where Islamic law & governance prevail

    • encompassing countries where Muslims can practice their faith freely.

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  • West African country known for its rich history & cultural heritage.

  • home to the ancient city of Timbuktu, once a center of trade & scholarship.

  • features the Niger River

    • vital for agriculture & transport.

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Bilad al-sudan

  • historical region in West Africa known for:

    1. its diverse cultures

    2. trade routes

    3. significant empires

  • often translated as "Land of the Blacks”

  • encompasses parts of modern-day countries like:

    1. Mali

    2. Niger

    3. Sudan

  • center for trade in gold, salt, & slaves

  • home to powerful empires such as:

    1. Ghana

    2. Mali

    3. Songhai

  • played a crucial role in the spread of Islam & cultural exchange across Africa.

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Mansa Kankan Musa

  • ruler known for:

    1. his extravagant pilgrimage to Mecca

    2. wealth that transformed Mali

    3. promotion of trade

  • His pilgrimage in 1324 showcased his wealth

  • impacting economies along his route.

  • established educational institutions

  • expanded the empire

    • making Mali a center of Islamic culture & learning.

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  • Historical city known for its ancient universities & trade routes.

  • located in Mali

  • a center for learning & culture

  • played a significant role in the trans-Saharan trade

    • especially in gold & salt.

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  • mystical Islamic belief system

  • emphasizes personal experience of God through:

    1. direct communion

    2. spiritual practices

    3. inner purification

  • often involves:

    1. rituals

    2. poetry

    3. music

    • to foster a deep emotional connection with the divine.

  • Followers seek to transcend the material world & attain spiritual closeness to God

    • often through the guidance of a spiritual teacher/ master.

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  • official language of Pakistan

  • widely spoken in India

  • known for its poetic literature & script derived from Persian

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Delhi Sultanate

  • historical period in India from the 13th to the 16th centuries.

  • marked by the rule of several Muslim dynasties, including:

    1. Mamluks

    2. Khiljis

    3. Tughlaqs

    4. Lodis

  • played a significant role in the spread of Islam in the Indian subcontinent

  • saw advancements in:

    1. architecture

    2. culture

    3. trade

  • capital was established in Delhi

    • became a major political & cultural center.

  • period ended with the rise of the Mughal Empire.

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  • State in western India known for its diverse culture and rich history.

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  • ancient maritime empire that flourished from the 7th to the 13th century in Southeast Asia.

  • centered on the island of Sumatra

  • played a crucial role in trade, connecting China and India.

  • known for its Buddhist influence & significant cultural advancements

  • decline was attributed to the rise of rival powers & changing trade routes.

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  • Buddhist temple complex known for its intricate carvings and stupas.

  • built in the 8th and 9th centuries

  • features a 3-tiered structure symbolizing the universe.

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  • Ancient Native American culture known for impressive cliff dwellings and pottery.

  • Flourished in the Southwestern United States from approximately 100 AD to 1300 AD.

  • Known for advanced agricultural techniques, including:

    1. irrigation

    2. significant trade networks

  • decline is attributed to factors like drought & resource depletion.

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  • Mesoamerican civilization that flourished in central Mexico from 1300 to 1521.

  • strong state due to:

    1. its military power

    2. its religion

    3. its tribute system

  • tribute states system:

    • the people they conquered were required to:

      1. provide labor for the Aztecs

      2. provide regular contributions of goods like food, animals, building materials, etc

  • enslaved people played a huge role in their religion

    • many became candidates for their human sacrifices

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  • largest empire in pre-Columbian America.

  • develop elaborate bureaucracy

  • rigid hierarchy of officials spread throughout the empire to make sure the conquered were behaving

  • adopted the mi’ca system

  • incas were highly centralized in how they ruled

    • aztecs werent

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  • a term denoting the provincial unit/ regional state, of pre-Hispanic Nahua society.

  • each altepetl had:

    1. a ruler

    2. land base

    3. marketplace

    4. temple dedicated to a patron deity

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  • units of commoner housing

  • split into kin-based/other land holding groups within Nahua city-states or altepetls.

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  • capital city of Aztec empire

  • was a large Mexican altepetl

  • a city of great wealth obtained through the spoils of tribute from conquered regions

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  • 9th Aztec emperor of Mexico

  • famous for his confrontation with the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés

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Mita labor system

  • required all people under their rule to provide labor on state projects such as:

    1. large state farms

    2. mining

    3. military service

    4. state construction projects

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  • recording devices fashioned from strings

  • historically used by a number of cultures in the central Andes Mountains of South America.

  • usually consisted of cotton or camelid fiber strings

  • contained categorized information based on three dimensions of:

    1. color

    2. order

    3. number

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Swahili Coast

  • coastal area of East Africa, bordered by the Indian Ocean

  • inhabited by the Swahili people

  • site of cultural & commercial exchanges between East Africa & the outside world

    • particularly the Middle East, Asia, & Europe

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Great Zimbabwe

  • capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, a Shona (Bantu) trading empire

  • a thriving trading empire from the 11th to the 15th centuries.

  • economy based on:

    1. cattle husbandry

    2. crop cultivation

    3. the trade of gold on the coast of the Indian Ocean

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Three-field system

  • a rotational system for agriculture

    • 2 fields grew food crops & 1 was left empty/fallow

  • gradually replaced the 2 field system in medieval Europe

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Black Death

  • an outbreak of bubonic plague

  • spread throughout Asia, North Africa, & Europe in the mid-14th century

  • caused mass population decline

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Hanseatic League

  • an economic & defensive alliance of the free towns in Northern Germany

  • founded around 1241, but most powerful in the 14th century

  • traded extensively in the Baltic

    • including the coasts of Prussia

  • merchants ranged eastward to Russia to westward to London

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  • an association/group of men (ex. merchants, artisans, professors)

  • worked in a particular trade together to promote their economic & political interests

    • regulated business practices & set prices of the goods they obtained)

  • women were also allowed to join, but it was rare

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Great Western Schism

  • a division in the Latin (Western) Christian Church

  • between 1378 & 1415

    • at the time, rival claimants to the papacy existed in Rome & Avignon

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Hundred Years’ War

  • series of campaigns over control of the French throne

  • involved English & French royal families & French noble families

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New Monarchies

  • term for the monarchies of France, England, and Spain from 1450 to 1600

  • centralized states with fixed “national” boundaries

  • stronger representative intitutions

  • increasing centralization of royal/monarchial power

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Reconquest of Iberia

  • beginning of the 11th century

  • various military campaigns by many Iberian Christians states to recapture territory taken by Muslims

  • last Muslim ruler defeated in 1492

  • Spain & Portugal emerged as united kingdoms

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  • a period of intense artistic & intellectual activity

  • said to be a “rebirth” of Greco-Roman culture

  • usually divided into an Italian Renaissance & a Northern Renaissance

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  • degree-granting institutions of higher learning

  • universities that appeared in Latin Europe from 1200 onward became the model of all modern universities

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  • during the 13th century

  • a philosophical & theological system associated with Thomas Aquinas

  • devised to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy & Roman Catholic theology

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  • European scholars, writers, & teachers associated with the study of humanities

    • ex. grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, languages, & moral philosophy

  • influential in the 15th century and later

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Printing press

  • a mechanical device for transferring text/graphics from a woodblock/type to paper using ink

  • presses using movable type

  • first appeared in Europe in about 1450

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Holy Roman Empire

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