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all aspects of what we do and how we understand the world around us
includes belied, ideas, objects, artifacts, norms, values, worldviews, and meanings
the enduring patterns of social relations and social institutions through which society is organized
analytical distance
we can distinguish between them and we are unpacking what we observe but that in experience they are intertwined
what are the 3 ways in which shared culture varies
physical space
social space
cultural appropriation
when a culture takes or uses the symbols, values, artifacts, or rituals of another culture without permission or invitation and uses it for its own advantage, entertainment or enrichment
socially constructed
that they are created by us, and are not naturally occurring
the ability to make our own choices, and to be agents in our lives and to have free will
our capacity to interpret, evaluate, and choose, and then act accordingly
economic capital
money and investments
social capital
connection to other people, friendships, networks, and who you know and have access too
symbolic capital
that’s that have status attached to them
cultural capital
education- the tools that help you understand cultural frame of reference and navigate them smoothly
the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and motivation to participate in social life
material culture
physical items that a society uses or makes
non material culture
non physical products of society
cultural tranmission
passing of culture from one generation to the next
cultural universals
elements that are common to all human cultures worldwide
dominant culture
praticed by the majority and controls many of the social institutions
subset of the dominant culture that has distinct values, beliefs, and norms
counter culture
groups whose values and Normas are in opposition to the dominant culture
Sapir-whorf hypothesis
speakers of a different language think differently beacause of differences in languages
symbols we make using our bodies
ideal culture
values and beliefs to which a society aspires
real culture
societies actual value and behaviours
Seymour lipset
thought that cultural traditions were shaped by historical circumstances
relatively precise rules for permitted or prohibited behaviours
informal norms
those norms that dictate appropriate behaviours without the need of written rules
he examines customs in order to determine how tacit and unconscious nature of societal rules and norms
breaching experiment
researcher purposely breaks a social norm or behaves in a socially awkward manner in order to access responses
reward fro following or punishment for violating a norm
informal norms that when violated fo not evoke severe moral condemnation
norms whose violation provokes condemnation and are a community more important values
formal norms that are enforced through social institutions
norms based on belief that such behaviour is either to sacred or too amused for ordinary individuals to undertake
occurs when an individual uses their culture to judge another culture
fear or hastily toward those from other countries or cultures
cultural relativism
making a deliberate effort to appreciate a groups way of life without prejudice
cultural shock
occurs when an inidividual encounters a culture foreign to their own and has an emotional response to the differences between the cultures
global village
refers to the shrinking of the world through immediate electronic communications
cultural imperialism
global situation in which powerful culture industries dominate local, national, and regional cultures
occurs when something is deliberately changed or made to produce something new
occurs when humanity better understand or observes something that already exists
occurs when an item or a method of doing things is transmitted to one culture to another
cultural lag
when social and cultural changes occur at a slower pace then technological changes
negative term used to depreciate members fo certain groups, usually minorities
process by which these groups reclaim/re-appropriate a slur
set of ideas that legitimates existing inequalities of wealth and power
agressive assimilation
Canadian government policy whose goal was to integrate indigenous peoples into candian culture