Predicting Metal Reactions

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What is the general rule?

Metal reactivity increases to the bottom left of the periodic table, with Francium (Fr) being the most reactive.

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Metal reactivity:

  • Metals with the first low ionisation energy are more reactive, meaning that metals in Group 1 metals are the most reactive.

  • Transition metals have larger nuclear attraction and are generally less reactive.

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Metal + Water → Metal oxide/Metal hydroxide + Hydrogen Gas

  • K, Na, CL → reacts with cold water

  • Mg → reacts with hot water

  • Al, Zn, Fe → reacts with steam when red hot

  • Pb, Sn, Cu,Hg, Ag, Au → no reaction

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Water & metal reactivity

  • Water of higher temperatures provide more energy to ionise metals allowing for reaction, with lower element groups being more reactive.

  • Water temperature for reaction helps predict metal reactivity

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Metal + dilute acid → salt + hydrogen gas

  • K, Na, Ca → bubbles rapidly and hydrogen gas formed may spontaneously combust

  • Mg → bubbles rapidly & releases hydrogen

  • Al, Zn, Fe → Bubbles very slowly to moderately, reacts faster in warm acid

  • Pb, Sn, Cu, Hg, Ag, Au → no reaction

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Metal + oxide → metal oxide

  • K, Na, Ca → burn rapidly to form oxides or peroxides, combusts spontaneously in air

  • Mg → Burn readily of powders or as fine fibres to form oxides

  • Al, Zn, Fe, Pb, Sn, Cu, Hg → becomes coated with oxide layers which prevent further oxidisation

  • Ag, Au → no reaction

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Metal and metal ions

  • Less reactive metal solutions ionise more reactive metals

  • Less reactive metal ions deposit out of solution

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