2017 General Election

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What position was May in when she announced a general election?

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What position was May in when she announced a general election?

  • Very far ahead in the polls

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Why was the general election significant ?

  • may didnt achieve the result she wanted/expected

  • confirmed assumptions about voting behaviour in the UK.

  • Class and Partisan Dealignment continued.

  • Campaign was highly significant

  • TV debates highly influential- party leadership significant.

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What are key assumptions in the result?

  • hostility towards Corbyn in press made no difference

  • issues mattered more than perceived competence of the party leadership

  • Young people not necessarily apathetic towards politics

  • Conservative and Labour share of the vote was the biggest since 1970→ assumption in the end of multi-party politics.

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Why was the Conservative Campaign so weak?

  • Failed to exploit the weaknesses of Corbyn who should have been seen as “unelectable” by the electorate

  • Failed to produce a conservative manifesto that inspired excitement- manifesto produced by key advisors (eg Fiona Hill)

  • “Dementia Tax”- Stalled the Campaign

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Why was the Labour Campaign so successful?

  • Pledge to abolish tuition fees

  • Increase spending on police

  • Not increase taxes for the 95% of the population- Earning less than £80,000

  • After 7 years of Corbyns anti-austerity measures this was well received.

  • Promised to “balance the budget”

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Why did the Conservatives campaign focusing on May as a powerful leader who could offer “strong and stable” leadership also backfire?

  • Gave a series of emotionless speeches

  • Media criticism “Maybot”

  • May only went to invitation only rallies

  • Didn’t attend televised leadership debate.

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How did Labour more successfully present Corbyn as a strong and capable leader?

  • Went directly to the people- appeared at music festivals

  • Engaged with younger voters

  • “For the many, not the few”

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Why did May expect to be re-elected regardless?

She contrasted her government of competence with the “coalition of chaos” led by Jeremy Corbyn.

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What was the core issue in the 2017 general election?


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Who did their stance on Brexit/immigration appeal to for both parties?

Conservatives- Majority swing among more economically vunerable DE voters who felt the conservatives would be more likely to impose stricter sanctions on immigration.

Labour- Pro European AB voters and younger voters favoured labour - more likely to negotiate for a “soft” Brexit.

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What was a key voting trend in 2017 G.E?

Remainers- Labour

Leave EU- Conservative

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What was he conservative vote share in North Warwickshire who decisively voted to leave the EU?

56.9% voted for conservatives in 2017 general election.

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What is a “salient” issue?

A prominant/Important issue

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What was the Salient issue in Scotland in 2017 general election?

SNP’s commitment to a second independence referendum.

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What was the conservative vote share in Stirling and Moray who both decisively voted to stay with the UK in 2014 independence referendum?

  • Stirling (60% voted remain) - 37.1% conservative- SNP lost seat

  • Moray (57.6% voted remain)- 47.5% voted conservative- SNP lost seat.

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Why was class dealignment especially significant during 2017 general election?

Labour increased vote share in AB voters due to pro-European stance.

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What percentage of AB voters voted for labour in 2017 general election?

37% (in comparison to 28% in 2015)

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What percentage of 18-24 year olds voted remain?


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What percentage of 18-24 year olds voted for labour in 2017?


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What were the positive swings of labour/conservative in 2017?

Labour +9.6%

Conservative +5.5%

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