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the process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil
water that flows over the land surface and doesn’t infiltrate, eventually making its way to streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans
the process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere through their leaves
Drainage Basin (watershed)
an area of land where all water that falls on it drains to a common point, such as a river, lake, or ocean. It’s defined by the topography
the high-elevation ridge that separates one drainage basin from another. Water on either side of a divide flows to different flows to different drainage basins
Headward Erosion
erosion that occurs at the upstream end of a stream or river channel, causing it to lengthen over time
Radial Pattern
a drainage pattern where streams flow outward from a central high point, such as a volcano or dome
Rectangular Pattern
a drainage pattern characterized by a network of streams with right angle, often developing in areas with jointed or fractured rock
Trellis Pattern
a drainage pattern where streams flow through valleys between ridges, with smaller tributaries joining at right angles, resembling a trellis or ladder
the volume of water flowing past a given point in a stream or river per unit of time
Longitudinal Profile
a graph showing the change in elevation of a stream channel from its headwaters to its mouth. It generally shows a concave-upward shape
bowl-shaped depressions eroded into the bedrock of a stream channel by the abrasive action of sediment carried by the water
Dissolved Load
the material carried by a stream in solution, such as salts and minerals
Suspended Load
fine sediment particles (clay, silt, fine sand) that are carried within the water column of a stream
Bed Load
larger sediment particles (gravel, pebbles, cobbles) that are transported along the bottom of a stream by rolling, sliding, or bouncing (salutation).
Setting Velocity
the speed at which sediment particle falls through a fluid. Larger and denser particles have higher settling velocities
the process by which particles are transported by a stream by bouncing along the bed
the maximum amount of sediment a stream can carry
the largest size of sediment particle a stream can transport
the process by which a stream separates sediment particles based on their size, shape, and density. Faster-moving water tends to carry finer sediments further
sediment deposited by a stream or river
a bend or curve in a river channel
Cut Bank
the outer bank of a meander, where erosion occurs due to faster water flow
Point Bar
a deposit of sediment on the inside of a meander bend, where water velocity is slower
Oxbow Lake
a crescent-shaped lake formed when a meander cutoff occurs
Braided Canal
a stream channel that is divided into multiple, interconnected channels separated by bars and islands, This often occurs in areas with high sediment loads and variable discharge
Stream Valley
the area surrounding a stream channel, including the valley floor and the valley walls
a flat area adjacent to a river channel that is subject to flooding
Incised Meander
a meander that has been cut down into the bedrock die to uplift or lowering of base level
Stream Terrace
a flat, elevated surface alongside a stream valley, representing a former floodplain level. They are evidence of past changes in base level or stream activity
Natural Levee
an elevated ridge of sediment deposited along the banks of a river during floods
Back Swamp
a low-lying area behind natural levees, often poorly drained
Yazoo Tributary
a tributary that flows parallel to the main river along the edge of the floodplain before eventually joining it
Alluvial Fan
a fan-shaped deposit of sediment formed where a stream flows out of a steep mountain canyon onto a flatter plain
Zone of Saturation
the subsurface zone where all pore spaces are filled with water
Water Table
the upper surface of the zone of saturation
Unsaturated Zone
the subsurface zone above the water table where pore spaces contain both air and water
the percentage of material’s volume that is made up of pore spaces
the ability of a material to transmit fluids, It depends on the size and interconnectedness of the pore spaces
a layer of impermeable material that restricts the flow of groundwater
a layer of permeable rock or sediment that can store and transmit groundwater
a hole dug or drilled into the ground to access groundwater
the lowering of the water table around a pumping well
Artesian System
a groundwater system where water is confined under pressure, allowing it to rise to the surface naturally through a well
Confined Aquifer
an aquifer that is bounded above and below by aquitards
a natural discharge of groundwater to the surface
Perched Water Table
a localized water table that sits above the main water table due to an impermeable layer
Hot Spring
a spring that discharges water that is significantly warmer than the surrounding groundwater
a hot spring that periodically erupts steam and hot water
a large underground chamber, often formed by the dissolution of limestone by groundwater
a speleothem (cave formation) that hangs from the ceiling of a cavern
a speleothem that grows upward from the floor of a cavern
Karst Topography
a landscape characterized by caves, sinkholes, and underground drainage, formed by the dissolution of soluble rocks like limestone
a depression in the ground surface caused by the collapse of a cave roof or by the dissolution of underlying limestone