Tissue Source/s of LDH
Heart, liver, muscle, kidney
Clinical Significance of LDH
↑ myocardial infarction, liver disease, renal disease, certain forms of anemia, malignant disease, progressive muscle dystrophy
Clinical significance of amylase
Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis
Clinical significance of lipase
Evaluate conditions associated with pancreas
LDH equation
Amylase equation
Lipase equation
Reagent stability for LDH
Reconstituted: 14 days (ref temp) 8 hours (room temp)
Reagent Composition LDH
• L-lactate (75mM)
• NAD (5.5 mM)
• Buffer (80 mM)
• pH 9.0
• Non-reactive stabilizers and fillers
Specimen Stability LDH
Serum: 2-3 days at room temp
Interfering Substances
LDH: Reagent Volume
LDH: Pre-incubation (time and temp)
37°C for 3 minutes
LDH: Sample Volume
Wavelength LDH
Multiplier of LDH
LDH: Time interval (reading)
2 minutes A1: read after 1 minute
LDH: expected values
50-166 IU/L (30°C)
80-285 IU/L (37°C)
60-132 IU/L (30°C)
103-227 IU/L (37°C)
formula for LDH
△Abs/min × 6592
Limitations (LDH)
Samples with values above 800 IU/L should be diluted 1:1 with saline, re-assayed and the results multiplied by two (2).
Temperature Correction
1. If the assay is performed at 37°C but is to be reported at 30°C; multiply the results by 0.6.
2. If the assay is performed at 30°C but is to be reported at 37°C; multiply the results by 1.7
LDH: procedure linearity
800 IU/L
millimolar absorptivity of NADH
Formula to acquire multiplier in LDH
First quantitative method for Amylase assay
Iodemetric method
Who introduced iodometric method?
Disadvantages of old methods in amylase assays
long incubation times
possible endogenous glucose interference
Who introduced the current method/assay used to quantify amylase?
Substrate(s) in the method that Wallenfels introduced.
p-Nitrophenylglycosides or p-Nitrophenyl-D-Maltoheptaoside (PNPG7)
Lipase hydrolyzes _____?
glycerol esters of long-chain fatty acids
Advantage in the current method of amylase assay
short lag time
greater stability
Final products of the reaction in amylase equation
What is measured in the LDH assay?
rate of formation of NADH
What color is produced when PNPG1 is hydrolyzed by glucosidase to glucose and p-Nitrophenol?
What are the three enzymes that are involved in the amylase assay?
Wavelength (Amylase)
Reagent stability (amylase)
10 days (room temp)
30 days (ref temp)
until expiry (ref temp)
Reagent Composition (Amylase)
• p-Nitrophenyl D-Malthoheptaoside 0.9 mM
• Glucosidase (yeast) (25, IU/L)
• Glucoamylase (Rhizopus Sp.) 10,000 IU/L
• Sodium chloride (50mM)
• Calcium chloride (5mM)
• Buffer (50mM)
• pH 6.9
specimen for amylase assay
serum and urine
Specimen Stability (amylase)
Serum & Urine:
1 week (room temp)
several months (ref temp)
Plasma: heparin tube
Urine: 24 hr period
Interfering Substances
Macroamylasemia ↑ pancreatic amylase in serum
Lipemia and hemolysis ↑ amylase
Insulin and some bacteria ↑ amylase
Reagent Volume (amylase)
Pre-incubation (amylase)
37°C for 3 minutes
amylase: specimen volume
Multiplier (amylase)
Millimolar absorptivity of p-Nitrophenol
Time interval (reading)
Every 30 seconds for 2 minutes A1: read after 15 seconds
Note: 5 readings in total
Expected Values Amylase
Serum: up to 96 IU/L Urine: 18 to 330 IU/L
formula for amylase assay
△Abs/min × 4824
amylase procedure limitations
Samples that exceeded the linearity limit (1,500 IU/L) should be diluted with an equal volume of saline and rerun. Multiply the result by two
To convert to nkat/L, the IU/L value should be multiplied to?
Formula for corrected ΔAbs. /5min
Corrected ΔAbs. /5min = ΔAbs test- ΔAbs blank
why should hemolysis be avoided in LDH assay?
Erythrocytes release large amount of LDH (falsely elevated result)
he modified the method introduced by Voget
in the method proposed by Voget, what is measured in the assay?
rate of change in turbidity over a specific unit of time
Serum lipase hydrolyzes ____?
olive oil emulsion
TRUE OR FALSE. The increase in turbidity at 400nm is proportional to lipase activity in the specimen.
FALSE. (must be decrease in turbidity)
Reagent composition (lipase)
• Substrate: olive oil in alcohol
• Buffer: tris buffer (69mM), sodium deoxycholate (10mM), pH 9.0
Reagent stability (lipase)
Reconstituted: 7 days (refrigerated)
Unreconstituted: until expiry (room temp)
In preparing the reagent for lipase assay, what volume of distilled water must be added?
25 ml
Specimen stability (lipase)
1 week (room temp)
3 weeks (ref temp)
several months (frozen)
Interfering substance (lipase)
Hemolyzed specimen
Reagent volume (lipase)
3 ml
37°C for 5 minutes
Sample volume (lipase)
Wavelength (lipase)
Multiplier (lipase)
concentration of olive oil (micromoles/liter) in the working solution
Time interval (reading)
5 minutes after initial absorbance reading A1: read after adding sample and mixing (initial)
Expected values (lipase)
Adults: 10-150 U/L (age more than 60 years old 18-180 IU/L)
Procedure limitation (lipase)
Samples with values above 280 IU/L should be diluted 1:1 with distilled water, re-assayed and final results multiplied by two.
To convert IU/L to Cherry-Crandall units, divide IU/L by
One International Unit (IU) is defined as
the amount of enzyme that catalyzes the transformation of one micromole of substrate per minute under decreed conditions.