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A stem cell turning into a specialised cell
Stem cell
A type of stem cell which can turn into any other specialised cells
Adult stem cells
Can only produce certain types of cells- found in bone marrow
Embryonic stem cells
Can produce all types of cells- controversial
Where plant stem cells are found
Root hair cells
Absorb water by osmosis and minerals by active transport
Long hairs
Big surface area for absorption
Mitochondria to provide energy for active transport
Phloem cells
Transport products of photosynthesis to all parts of the plant
Long tube joined end to end
Made up of columns of living cells
Sieve plates allow the movement of substances from cell to cell
Xylem cells
Transport water
Long tubes joined end to end
Hollow so water can flow
Lignin to strengthen
Sperm cells
Take male DNA to the egg
Tail to help it swim
Lots of mitochondria for energy
Nerve cells
Carry electrical signals around the body
Long axon to cover long distances
Dendrite branches to connect to other cells
Muscle cells
Muscle cells contract
Long so have space to contract
Lots of mitochondria for energy